Molecules within Compounds, lap report assignment help

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Answer the 7 questions that attached and use the tables to  Do Lab Report 

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LAB REPORT Please fill the blanks tables in the experimental that attached as PDF file and do the report. The Lab report should be 2 pages exactly . TITLE: AUTHER: Name, Address # INTRODUCTION: - GENRAL BACKGROUND - MOTIVATION - PURPOSE – HYPOTHISIS DEVSION # EXPERMENTAL DESIGN AND PROCEDURE - APPARATUS - APPROACH # ANALYSIS - METHOD - RESULT # DISSCSSION AND CONCULSION
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Explanation & Answer

Alright, here you are, I hope this helps!!!! IF you have any questions, feel free to ask!! The help for the post-lab questions is at the end of the report. 

TITLE: Molecules within Compounds
AUTHOR: Name, Address
Each living organism is made of atoms. Atoms bond together, producing
molecules. Simple carbohydrates, starch, protein, nucleic acids, and lipids are all
examples of molecules that can be found in certain compounds. We have experimented to
see in which compounds these molecules could be found. The hypothesis I had formed is
as follows; simple carbohydrates would be present in glucose, starch would be present in
corn starch, protein would be present in gelatin, nucleic acids would be present in both
the DNA solution and the RNA solution, and lipids would be present in corn oil.
In this experiment, 5 tests were conducted, each trying to find a different
molecule by using different reagents to scout the molecules out . Each test consisted of
the control, which was distilled water, and six other samples: glucose solution, corn
starch solution, corn oil, gelatin, DNA solution, and RNA solution . The reagents
contributed to the separation of the tests. Benedict’s reagent, the first test conducted, was
used to discover carbohydrates. The second test, iodine/potassium iodide helped find the
starch within a sample. Biuret’s reagent, used in the third test, resulted with the presence
of protein. Dische diphenylamine reagent found the nucleic acids in the forth test .
Finally, Sudan IV dye detected lipids in the last test.
In the first test, one milliliter of each sample was put into separate test tubes.
Then, 2 milliliters of the Benedict’s reagent were added and each tube was placed in
boiling water for three minutes. The control then turned a shade of blue, as did the rest of
the samples except one. Glucose turned a shade of red/brown, which meant simple
carbohydrates were present in the glucose sample.
In the second test, 1 milliliter of each sample was put in a new test tube. Three
drops of iodine was then added in the substance and swirled together. The control,
followed by all other samples but one, corn starch, turned into a shade of brown. The
corn starch turned black, which represented the presence of starch.
The third test wa...

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