confidentiality, management assignment help

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Punybm Rm

Business Finance


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Read theOnline Patient-Clinician Messaging: Fundamentals of Ethical Practice PDF. What are ethical implications of patient-clinician messaging? What measures/practices can health care organizations put into practice to assist clinicians with the ethical challenges of patient-clinician messaging? Reading theReport: Over 120 UCLA Hospital Staff Saw Celebrity Health Records article, what training could you as a manager put into place to avoid this situation? Present your training idea using any Web 2.0 tools. How can this training on confidentiality be effective for the employees?
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Training I chose: Confidentiality training
Thesis: I will give confidentiality Training to employees. It is very important in any profession
around the world. People responsible are not expected to disclose any kind of personal
information. It takes a professional to attain such standards. Companies should train their
employees on the various means of maintaining confidentially for increasing the quality of their
Importance of the training
A. Maintains workplace confidentiality
B. Enhances work quality

Confidentiality Training
I will give confidentiality Training to employees. It is very important in any profession
around the world. People responsible are not expected to disclose any kind of personal
information. It takes a professional to attain such standards. Companies should tr...

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