DB replies only 100 words a piece
Part 1
The Research Prospectus was introduced very early on in the doctoral journey which was useful in establishing an understanding of the components. I have become familiar with many of the areas and feel confident in my introduction, problem statement, and study purpose. The research question I pose needs to be refined and more specific. Through creation of a strong literature review, I believe this is something I will have the ability to refine as I garner more information on the topic and recognize the current research available while identifying if my question assists in bridging a gap in the research. As a result of not having a clearly defined research question other components of the prospectus are not complete and will not be completed until the research question is clear. Despite not having a clearly defined research question, I have developed a hypothesis based on the current literature I have reviewed and believe that I am close to having a more clearly defined research question.
In previous courses, the trio and research methods were drafted. The draft of the trio and research methods in prior courses allowed for me to begin to put together my thoughts on my research which as I have previously mentioned is evaluating the effects of health literacy on health outcomes. There were no areas of the Research Prospectus that were new or unfamiliar. I have previously assisted doctoral students in editing their thesis, so I am familiar with the necessary components. I am less focused on the familiarization of the components of the research prospectus and more focused on the literature review and development of my research question. I have started the literature review process in order to gain a concrete understanding of health literacy and health outcomes, including having an awareness of past research and which methodologies were used (James & Slater, 2014). The Doctoral Resource Center houses a variety of resources, the most beneficial resource for further understanding the areas of the prospectus have been the Sage Research Methods. I have utilized the Sage Research Methods as a primary point of reference to understand research methods, clear hypothesis and problem statements. The research question at this point is my focus and as James & Slater suggest, this starts with writing questions from multiple perspectives and understanding that certain types of questions will drive the methodological considerations of the study that support them (2014).
James, E. & Slater, T. (2014). Do you have some idea how you will study your topic? bridging topic and methods. In James, E., & Slater, T. Writing your doctoral dissertation or thesis faster (pp. 35-54). 55 City Road, London: SAGE Publications, Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781506374727
Part 2
This researcher’s first exposure to the Dissertation Template and Prospectus came in the first course, RES860, Doctoral Research I and at the initial doctoral symposium. Since then, other courses introduced different parts of the template. As a function of those courses this researcher studied each of the required sections and developed an initial trio (Problem Statement, Purpose, and Research Question) although at this point has decided to change the question. This researcher is confident in the trio, abstract, introduction, and the literature review plan.
As a part of both RES860 and RES812, this researcher prepared initial drafts of every part of the Prospectus. However, as each part was completed, this researcher learned that there was so much more to the process. One of the steps was to take and obtain the CITI certification in regard to the use of human subjects (CITI Program. N.D.).
From a greater perspective, the entire Prospectus is new as a graduate student. Prior to entering the doctoral program, this researcher was completely unfamiliar with this type of document. The section that is the newest and most concerning is the Research Method section. This researcher’s proposed question will lead to a qualitative approach, but even after taking the qualitative research methods class, still has much to learn and understand about the different methods in order to select the best one.
The research and dissertation, or the fear of them, is what kept this researcher from starting a doctoral program several years ago. Learning about the Doctoral Resource Center and everything it offered was a huge relief. The process flow chart and associated links to additional information in the Pathway Milestones (University, 2020a) appear to be the greatest tools that will be of the most use. The other tool is the Evaluation Rubric found at the end of the Prospectus template (University, 2020b).
This researcher is most concerned with the research method section of the Prospectus. This researcher will continue to study different research methods, consult with fellow students, examine other similar dissertations, and consult with faculty as needed to clarify any unknowns and gain further understanding into that section of the Prospectus.
CITI Program. (n.d.). Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative at the University of Miami. (2020). Retrieved from
University, C. T. (2020a). Doctoral Resource Center (b). Dissertation Research & Resources. Retrieved from
University, C. T. (2020b). Doctoral Resource Center (c). Develop Prospectus. Retrieved from
Part 3
Research Interest:
How do managers handle disgruntle employees in a military organization?
Research Question:
What are the strategies that managers need to implement to handle disgruntled employees in a military organization?
Research Problem:
The problem addressed in the proposed study is the strategies Managers need to handle disgruntled employees in a military organization (Hasan, 2018). Through careful triangulation, several themes arose. This includes but is not limited to work-life balance agendas effectiveness, the significance of a supportive work environment, employee efficiency, staff job gratification obligation and motivation, the employee well-being work existence, structural ethos modification, and low utilization of the job-sharing program. Work-life balance agendas can aid in recovering philosophies and staff change (Sheppard, 2016).
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this is to find different and better ways to handle disgruntled employees in military organizations. Employees are the beating heart of a business. Company owners who employ a devoted staff understand that they couldn't function deprived of them. Even if computers are promptly substituting much of the workforce, you need employees.
Disgruntle, "The Commercial Magazine For People Who Work For A Living, (gives the yearly award on the person or group that best exemplifies or motivates dissatisfied personnel everywhere (Disgruntled names IBM workers disgruntled employees of the year, 1999). Knowing your employees play a vital role in inspiring employees to deliver their level best. Distinguishing employees' aids managers to comprehend their wants and outlooks from the group. Except and pending, they feel indispensable for the organization, and they'll certainly not take things earnestly.
Short Statement
The Doctor of Management -Healthcare Management and Leadership program is designed to stipulate students like myself the chance to improve their capabilities to create optimistic influences in organizations. This degree helps scholars acquire the abilities needed to steer healthcare organizations. My concentration ties in with my research topic because I worked for military healthcare organizations and still do. I dealt with rude and mean managers. Also, employees that were my counterparts created so many issues within the organization. I've been on both sides of the fence. When it comes to having difficult employees in your organization and seeing managers having a hard time handling these employees when at times, they can make it difficult because they are frustrated and don't know how to handle these employees. As a manager, that can be difficult as well when ethics play a part. The purpose of this is to find different and better ways to handle disgruntled employees.
Disgruntled names IBM workers disgruntled employees of the year. (1999, December 30). PR Newswire Retrieved from
Hasan, Z. M. K. (2018). Exploring leadership styles of a government agency for organizational sustainability: A case study (Order No. 10839369). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection. (2087780277). Retrieved from
Sheppard, G. (2016). Work-life balance programs to improve employee performance (Order No. 10010911). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection. (1765463932). Retrieved from
Part 4
General Research Interest:
This researcher is interested in studying the impacts on businesses and employees of changing to remote work as a function of the COVID-19 virus restrictions.
Research Topic:
The COVID crisis brought many unexpected and unplanned changes to the business world. This researcher’s interest is in what the impacts on businesses and organizations have been by having to shift a large number of employees who worked at a business location to now working remotely from home. Some of the areas of research may include work productivity and efficiency, changes in revenue or costs, and business and employee satisfaction. This research would consider both positives and negatives of each category.
Research Problem:
The problem is due to significant changes in the workforce and limitations and restrictions placed on businesses and employees as a function of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic caused changes impacting the workforce requiring many employers to have employees work remotely or not at all. Early data in the United States reports half of US workers being remote and over 35% who used to commute but now work from home as a response to the CORONA-19 virus. (Smith et al., 2020). The information technology field is well suited to remote work (Prasad et al., 2020). Historically, employers have not supported work from home or other remote locations. When forced in response to the pandemic, employers had to implement remote work if only to remain in business as local and state governments mandated facility closures. Most organizations were not prepared to support remote workers from a cybersecurity and information technology perspective (Ahmad, 2020). Additionally, over 1.5 billion learners of all ages globally faced educational institution closures and a shift to remote learning (Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020). This caused working parents to need to work remotely and be home for their children.
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this study is to identify the impacts on businesses and information technology employees as a result of the shift from onsite work to remote work.
Central Research Question:
What have the impacts on businesses and employees been as a function of information technology employees having to shift to working remotely within the information technology field and will the shift to remote employees become the new status quo?
This research proposal clearly aligns well with the DM – Organizational Development and Change program as it investigates the impact of unexpected and forced change on organizations and employees and could identify successes and failures in this change to help organizations going forward. This degree program helps scholar-practitioners to develop the knowledge, skills, and capabilities to advise and lead organizations through the design or re-structure of the organization and how to plan, communicate, and implement change within organizations. Remote work has been growing in popularity over the past few years. Now that remote work has been forced on many organizations, this research would be of use in organizations determining whether to continue a remote work paradigm, return to on-site, or possibly a hybrid solution.
Ahmad, T. (2020). Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic and Work from Home: Challenges of Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity. Available at SSRN 3568830.
Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R. C. (2020). Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), i-vi.
Prasad, D. K., Rao, M., Vaidya, D. R., & Muralidhar, B. (2020). Organizational Climate, Opportunities, Challenges and Psychological Wellbeing of the Remote Working Employees during COVID-19 Pandemic: A General Linear Model Approach with Reference to Information Technology Industry in Hyderabad. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 11(4).
Smith, A. C., Thomas, E., Snoswell, C. L., Haydon, H., Mehrotra, A., Clemensen, J., & Caffery, L. J. (2020). Telehealth for global emergencies: Implications for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 1357633X20916567.
Part 5
What is the purpose of a literature review for a research study?
This type of view is a term expended to explain a decided form of information, which the researcher desire to set out by developing atop that base in their project (Byrne, 2017). This determination will also help classify gaps in knowledge and unresolved issues that your research can address. The literature reconsideration stipulates a precis of the critical findings and debates on the topics.
Before beginning your literature search, why is it necessary that you have a well-reasoned sense of what types of sources you are seeking (e.g., topical areas, key concepts, theoretical literature, empirical studies)?
A student can consume lots of information, but if you don't consume an idea of the sources that you will use or need, it won't be easy to move forward and put the pieces together of the puzzle for your research. This is required to establish a factual basis for improving knowledge. It facilitates theory growth, closes areas wherever an excess of research exists, and reveals sites where the investigation is demanded. In the end, this will help you with what sources.
How do you know if a source is scholarly?
A scholar source is also known as peer-reviewed sources. These kinds of sources are composed of scholars. These can range from books, dissertations, and journals (SagePub, 2020). The readers can sometimes be printed, or they can be electronic.
In what way do you distinguish if a source is peer-reviewed?
You can look at the journal data to find out if that article is an electronic journal. I must go into different search engines, and I see where I can put a checkmark for peer-reviewed articles. This is a fantastic tool to have and use.
Based on your discipline and concentration, what academic databases available to you in the CTU Library are likely to lead you to relevant peer-reviewed literature?
I'm in the DM program in Healthcare Management and Leadership. The doctoral library has assisted me a lot and still do. I like how the Doctoral Resource Center has almost everything you need when it comes to templates, diagrams, and other documents to assist anyone on their Doctoral journey.
Byrne, D. (2017). Why do I need to do a literature review? Project Planner. 10.4135/9781526408518.
SagePub. (2020). Sage Research Methods. Retrieved from Reviewing the Literature:
Part 6
The literature review serves as the foundational step in the research process as it provides supporting academic, scholarly, and professional materials to showcase the need for a given research topic (Webster & Watson, 2002). In addition to showing the need for the proposed research, the literature review provides a baseline to the reader about what research has already been done and what potential areas of future research exist in the field. The literature review is built upon information from already published studies, articles by subject matter experts or practitioners, and other researchers. The completion of a literature review demonstrates the researcher’s understanding of the material relevant to the proposed study, the recommendations of current experts on the next steps of research, and potential pitfalls in the upcoming research topic.
The literature review process can prove challenging and time consuming to even the most seasoned researcher. Without a narrowly defined research question, the writer runs the risk of increasing the scope of their queries, diving down new rabbit holes, thus adding more time to the research process (Montuori, 2005). The expansion of query terms can result in unneeded analysis being performed on material that isn’t part of the theoretical, contextual, or problem-related bodies of knowledge associated with the research topic (Obee, 2020b). Ensuring the research trio – problem statement, purpose statement, and research question – remain aligned and narrow will help prevent literature review scope creep (Obee, 2020a).
When it comes to selecting material for inclusion in a literature review, the source of the chosen information must be taken into consideration. Sources of information may include scholarly or professional journals, peer-reviewed research studies, or articles from experts or well-established practitioners in the field. Identifying scholarly information can be confirmed by asking a couple of basic questions (Cooper, n.d.; University of Illinois, 2020):
- Is the author an expert in their field?
- Is the article published by an academic institution or university?
- Does the article follow standard academic paper formatting (IEEE, APA, Chicago) with associated citations and referencing?
- Was peer-review conducted on the article prior to publication?
- Is the intended audience the general public or is it other experts in the field?
Peer review is another important attribute of a reputable research source. By submitting an article for peer review, the author is having their work examined by other experts in the field. The review panel will decide whether to approve the article, approve with minor or major changes, or reject the article for publication (Tumin & Tobias, 2019). Identifying whether or not a source is peer-reviewed can be done by checking the website for the journal, or inside the publication itself, to see if a peer review policy was made available. Another method for locating peer-reviewed literature is to limit searches to articles that have undergone the peer-review process (Angelo State University, 2020; Tumin & Tobias, 2019).
I have found that the doctoral resource center provides a bulk of the sources I will require for my dissertation and research processes (Obee, 2020c). Up to this point, the three databases I rely on the most are IEEE Explore, Emerald, and Sage (Obee, 2020d). Each provides a method to limit searches to peer-reviewed sources.
--- References ---
Part 7
In your degree field and concentration area, what are some examples of "practice" and "professional practice" that will be addressed through your research study?
Professional practice is the conduct and work of someone from a specific profession. Professions are occupations that require a lengthy period of schooling and training. My degree field is DM in Healthcare Management and Leadership. My research will be in the healthcare sector and leadership area.
The healthcare sector is continuously reforming to bring well-organized delivery of safe, effective, and high-quality care. The research will help bring operational leadership, which is wanted and required to lead and drive changes at all heights of the health system to actualize healthcare organizations' constant improvements. Leadership in the healthcare sector is spread through the management and clinical workforces, creating special tests. The chance to advance in organizational change, management academics by inspecting the accomplishments of transformational leadership through the employees' view in advanced education as it is connected to leadership outcomes (Jackson, 2016).
What do you understand to be some of the unique characteristics of your practitioner doctorate?
I am having more knowledge now than I did when I first started my doctoral journey. Healthcare Management and Leadership are evolving and changing more and more each day. You have different outlooks on how healthcare organizations should be and the people who work inside them. Other characteristics that are unique consist of the practitioner are being creative, trustworthiness, selfless, and be attentive, to name a few. A practitioner should be knowledgeable, mature, responsible, as well as being wise.
How would you describe someone who embodies the characteristics of the scholar-practitioner?
A scholar-practitioner couriers an ideal of specialized superiority grounded in theory and study, notified by experiential information, and inspired by personal standards, political commitments, and moral conduct (McClintock, 2014).
A scholar-practitioner has the characteristics of a hardworking individual. Scholar-practitioners are also dedicated to the happiness of patrons and coworkers. A scholar-practitioner is learning ways to be more effective and efficient.
What thoughts do you have at this time about your journey from doctoral learner to scholar-practitioner? How will you need to be successful in your future dissertation research?
I feel my journey has been scary and still is. I have been overwhelmed with not knowing everything and still trying to figure a lot of things out. I know some students in their third year we're doing an annotated bibliography around this time and needed 50 sources or close to 150. I would have loved to get the dissertation professor at the beginning. It is a lot and more and more comes at you. I want to soak up all this like a sponge and learn more and more each day.
Jackson, T. D. (2016). The relationship between transformational leadership style and employees' perception of leadership success in higher education (Order No. 10259228). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection. (1896532064). Retrieved from
Part 8
Degree concentration and examples of practice and professional practice to address research
As a scholar-practitioner, the civil society's perception is to be their subject matter expert (SME) on the research topic. A unique way of becoming an SME of a particular subject area is conducting extensive and thorough research in mobile financial services cyber fraud. There must be the assurance of not leaving a stone unturned about the research study. Achieving a higher degree of expertise will entail conducting extensive research to leverage the acquired experiential knowledge in alignment with the practitioner-scholar paradigm model. Higher academic and operational models are based mainly on a practical application of scholarly expertise (CTU, 2019). In-depth details of the research subject matter will be crucial to explore to cover all essential components of the puzzles to deliver viable solutions critical to the problems (McClintock, 2003). The choice of topic, which is Exploring challenges of cybersecurity facing mobile technologies in financial services, spans all the tenets of professional cybersecurity expertise in the field. As a scholar-practitioner, this professionalism is backed by an extensive academic background in computer science and information technology (IT).
Understanding the unique characteristics of practitioner doctorate
The uniqueness of the practitioner doctorate's characteristics reflects the ability to use theoretical and scholarly knowledge to solve practical problems in a real-world situation. It is the act of bridging the academia and practitioner gap in the aspects of professionalism. Ultimately, the practitioner doctorate should possess solid doctoral research work supported with extensive experience in the field. The selected topic reflects these unique characteristics as researching fraudulent and hackers attacks in mobile technologies will require tremendous expertise in the domain.
Describing the characteristics of the scholar-practitioner
A Scholar-Practitioner is considered as a scholarly elite having the ability to apply simultaneously both research theory and experiential knowledge to drive commitment, personal values, and ethical conduct for the good of civil society. As McClintock (2003) defined, a scholar-practitioner may characterize as one endowed with the ability to reflect on and assesses the impact of his/her work. In conclusion, Benham (1996) noted that scholarly-practitionership characterizes a problem-solving attitude to scholarly practice. The scholar-practitioner must possess a critical vision attitude about things while indulging in unceasing learning to seek and identify productive solutions to unaddressed problems. In refining further, McClintock (2003) deems scholarly practice as the habit of pressing forward continuously while collaborating with and educating others about their knowledge in the respective field of studies. Actively engaging in sharing ideas with the public of practice is one of the critical characteristics of Scholar-Practitioners. The formation of Scholarly-Practitioners represents the only way to combine theory and practice (Donnelly, 2016). The famous social psychologist Kurt Lewin once asserted that "there is nothing so practical as a good theory." Scholarly theories may be unchallenged when they are not thoroughly tested or achieved perfection by daily practices' realities. The scholar-practitioner intends to bridge the gap between two powerful worlds concepts, theory, and practice, which may better accomplish terrific things than if they let proceed in diverging directions around the gap. "The work of a scholar-practitioner must reflect a framework of values, behaviors of mind, with the ability to integrate and balance “doing” with “knowing” (Kupo, 2014).
The thoughts about the journey from doctoral learner to scholar-practitioner
As a scholar-practitioner and being perceived as the SME of research and conducting rigorous and extensive research can reaffirm those characteristics. Attaining a higher level of expertise may require extensive research to leverage the experience and academic knowledge to be considered a practitioner-scholar. Notably, it is an advanced scholarly and operational model focusing essentially on a practical application of theoretical knowledge. An in-depth exploration of the subject matter must uncover all aspects to deliver solutions to critical problems. The doctoral journey is to research topics surrounding Cybersecurity challenges facing emerging mobile money technologies. As a scholar-practitioner, extensive professional computer science and information technology (IT) and educational background would be a good foundation for the doctoral journey. Noting that ability to work away through several difficult challenges successfully is a potential skill that enhances the problem-solving and critical thinking capabilities as leverage to this doctoral research journey.
The needs to be successful in the future dissertation research
While currently working as a systems integration engineer in a full-time capacity, the busy schedule, pursuing a doctoral degree in Computer Science can be challenging. However, the resources available at the Doctoral Resources Center, coupled with live chat sessions, make the tasks quite manageable. As Zara(2018) notes, to gain the required know-how of the subject, extensive research is paramount to a scholar-practitioner to gather knowledge in the field of studies. As cyberspace is expanding so the cybersecurity protection research must proportionally intensify. Planning and honoring a consistent schedule will lead to successful dissertation research.
Part 9
Reflections on Your Study and the Research Prospectus
What did you learn as a result of working your way through the Research Prospectus in this course?
I learned so much! I didn’t realize how much went into a Research Prospectus, but it makes sense why it is all important. Finalizing my problem statement along with my trio narrowed my focus which made my dissertation less daunting. I started to really feel like a researcher while filling it out and that was exciting.
How did this process help you in reflecting upon your proposed study?
This process helped me narrow down my dissertation topic and because of this, I realized I needed to change it. I am so grateful that I found this out early on instead of during my last year! It was stressful to update my problem statement and trio, but I feel so much better about my dissertation now that it is done.
Which areas of the Research Prospectus process were most difficult for you? Which were the least difficult for you?
I had an easier time with my first topic. Once I decided to change it, the time crunch added to the difficulty. I wanted to get the updates finished by the time the next Individual Project was due. The Problem Statement was the most difficult as I needed to properly identify my gap. Once that was done, the trio fell into place.
What areas of the dissertation research process do you feel you must still delve into more deeply as you continue your journey from the Research Prospectus stage to the full-blown Research Proposal stage of the dissertation component of your doctorate?
I think my Introduction may need some work and my Chapter 2 (Literature Review) will definitely need more work. This work mainly covers gathering all of my sources. My plan is to gather at least a certain amount every month ensure I have at least 150 when the time comes.
Evaluate your preparedness for the second year of the program and reaching the end of the second year with your research topic and study process crystal clear.
The major hurdle I have at the moment is not having enough sources for my Literature Review. Once I get that taken care of, any other hurdles I have will be small in comparison.
Part 10
What did you learn as a result of working your way through the Research Prospectus in this course?
The Research Prospectus is this course provided the opportunity to refine my thoughts about the entire dissertation. It also offered an insight into the significant milestone needed to accomplish in the journey toward the dissertation research study. It appears that a perfect Research Prospectus represents concrete proof that demonstrates the achievement of a viable/ideal research problem that aligns the choice of research method, problem and purpose statements, and research question. This course helped the development of the core bases and essence of the research and dissertation journey.
How did this process help you in reflecting upon your proposed study?
Going through the step by step of the particular topics under the Research Prospectus every week provided a better opportunity to view the individual sections in much more in-depth. This class suggests an approach for developing the introduction and abstract as the final step after writing the research purpose, problem, question, literature review, and methodology, that eased the entire writing process. Although TRIO's formulation began in the RES860 course previously taken, the process of developing Research Prospectus allows the chance to reiterate and take a closer look and provide a rigorous assessment of the research material.
Which areas of the Research Prospectus process were most difficult for you? Which were the least difficult for you?
The problem statement and the research question appeared as the most challenging portions of the Research Prospectus process. These difficulties were attributed to searching and attaining a unique problem that would be different from all antecedent research studies. On the other hand, the introduction and abstract portions appeared to be the least difficult, as they were derived based on the already developed or written sections. These least difficult parts entail only the summary of the entire research prospectus document.
The areas of the dissertation research process that must need in-depth work as the research continuous from Research Prospectus to full-blown Research Proposal stage of the dissertation
Even though the problem statement and research question appear concise, it may still require some serious refining. The research prospectus represents the backbone of the core research study; it provides the dissertation's foundation, which may develop into a full-blown Research Proposal. Except for the abstract, all other parts of the research proposal will require in-depth development as the research advances to the dissertation journey. The essential portion would be the continuous research on a literature review to obtain a more detailed background understanding of the research problem.
Evaluate your preparedness for the second year of the program and reaching the end of the second year with your research topic and study process crystal clear.
The learning so far acquired in Research Proposal appearing as Research prospectus provides a solid foundation for the second-year program's pursuit. The course touching each section of the entire research dissertation exemplifies a perfect recipe for the doctoral journey. With the research prospectus, the study process has become crystal clear to move forward in the dissertation writing to accomplish the excellent ending of the second year of the doctoral journey.

Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.
Discussion Replies
[Institutional Affiliation(s)]
Date submitted
Discussion Replies
Part 1
The Research Prospectus was introduced very early on in the doctoral journey which was useful
in establishing an understanding of the components. I have become familiar with many of the
areas and feel confident in my introduction, problem statement, and study purpose. The research
question I pose needs to be refined and more specific. Through creation of a strong literature
review, I believe this is something I will have the ability to refine as I garner more information
on the topic and recognize the current research available while identifying if my question assists
in bridging a gap in the research. As a result of not having a clearly defined research question
other components of the prospectus are not complete and will not be completed until the research
question is clear. Despite not having a clearly defined research question, I have developed a
hypothesis based on the current literature I have reviewed and believe that I am close to having a
more clearly defined research question.
In previous courses, the trio and research methods were drafted. The draft of the trio and research
methods in prior courses allowed for me to begin to put together my thoughts on my research
which as I have previously mentioned is evaluating the effects of health literacy on health
outcomes. There were no areas of the Research Prospectus that were new or unfamiliar. I have
previously assisted doctoral students in editing their thesis, so I am familiar with the necessary
components. I am less focused on the familiarization of the components of the research
prospectus and more focused on the literature review and development of my research question. I
have started the literature review process in order to gain a concrete understanding of health
literacy and health outcomes, including having an awareness of past research and which
methodologies were used (James & Slater, 2014). The Doctoral Resource Center houses a variety
of resources, the most beneficial resource for further understanding the areas of the prospectus
have been the Sage Research Methods. I have utilized the Sage Research Methods as a primary
point of reference to understand research methods, clear hypothesis and problem statements. The
research question at this point is my focus and as James & Slater suggest, this starts with writing
questions from multiple perspectives and understanding that certain types of questions will drive
the methodological considerations of the study that support them (2014).
James, E. & Slater, T. (2014). Do you have some idea how you will study your topic? bridging
topic and methods. In James, E., & Slater, T. Writing your doctoral dissertation or thesis
faster (pp. 35-54). 55 City Road, London: SAGE Publications, Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781506374727
As you have stated in your post about the challenges you faced when coming up with a research
question, I faced a similar challenge too. I had an idea about the topic I wanted my research to
focus on, the only challenge I faced was defining my research question. In addition, as you have
stated in your post, that literature review will help you in redefining your research question and
being more specific, I have to admit I love that idea and I’m willing to try it out myself.
Literature review will help in identifying the current area of focus in the specified topic and help
in narrowing down your options. Hence, I think it’s a great idea and your post has been very
Part 2
This researcher’s first exposure to the Dissertation Template and Prospectus came in the first
course, RES860, Doctoral Research I and at the initial doctoral symposium. Since then, other
courses introduced different parts of the template. As a function of those courses this researcher
studied each of the required sections and developed an initial trio (Problem Statement, Purpose,
and Research Question) although at this point has decided to change the question. This
researcher is confident in the trio, abstract, introduction, and the literature review plan.
As a part of both RES860 and RES812, this researcher prepared initial drafts of every part of the
Prospectus. However, as each part was completed, this researcher learned that there was so much
more to the process. One of the steps was to take and obtain the CITI certification in regard to
the use of human subjects (CITI Program. N.D.).
From a greater perspective, the entire Prospectus is new as a graduate student. Prior to entering
the doctoral program, this researcher was completely unfamiliar with this type of document. The
section that is the newest and most concerning is the Research Method section. This researcher’s
proposed question will lead to a qualitative approach, but even after taking the qualitative
research methods class, still has much to learn and understand about the different methods in
order to select the best one.
The research and dissertation, or the fear of them, is what kept this researcher from starting a
doctoral program several years ago. Learning about the Doctoral Resource Center and everything
it offered was a huge relief. The process flow chart and associated links to additional information
in the Pathway Milestones (University, 2020a) appear to be the greatest tools that will be of the
most use. The other tool is the Evaluation Rubric found at the end of the Prospectus template
(University, 2020b).
This researcher is most concerned with the research method section of the Prospectus. This
researcher will continue to study different research methods, consult with fellow students,
examine other similar dissertations, and consult with faculty as needed to clarify any unknowns
and gain further understanding into that section of the Prospectus.
CITI Program. (n.d.). Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative at the University of Miami.
(2020). Retrieved from
University, C. T. (2020a). Doctoral Resource Center (b). Dissertation Research &
Resources. Retrieved
University, C. T. (2020b). Doctoral Resource Center (c). Develop Prospectus. Retrieved
I have to admit your post has been very informative. I had no idea about the CITI program, if one
intends to use human subjects for their research. Additionally, your post just gave me an idea of
how to better utilize the doctoral research center. Furthermore, you state that, the process of
research and dissertation or fear of them might have influenced your decision to enroll in the
doctoral program. I have to admit that I faced a similar fear, but my love for research and
wanting to solve some of the problems facing society made me reconsider my decision. In
regards to the issue you are facing with the best research method to use, I have a tip to help in
that area. Quantitative analysis is best used when you want to test a theory or confirm a
hypothesis while qualitative analysis is useful if you want to explore and understand a subject or
an area.
Part 3
How do managers handle disgruntle employees in a military organization?
What are the strategies that managers need to implement to handle disgruntled employees in a
military organization?
The problem addressed in the proposed study is the strategies Managers need to handle
disgruntled employees in a military organization (Hasan, 2018). Through careful triangulation,
several themes arose. This includes but is not limited to work-life balance agendas effectiveness,
the significance of a supportive work environment, employee efficiency, staff job gratification
obligation and motivation, the employee well-being work existence, structural ethos
modification, and low utilization of the job-sharing program. Work-life balance agendas can aid
in recovering philosophies and staff change (Sheppard, 2016).
The purpose of this is to find different and better ways to handle disgruntled em...