Cuyamaca College Situations Where I Had to Use Defensive Mechanism Essay

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Cuyamaca College


Hello professor,

1. I will post the question of the discussion for you with all the requirements needed for it, so please read them carefully and follow them all and do it.

2. Please follow the directions that my teacher wants us to do when we do the discussion I will post them all for you after I post the question of the discussion for you.

3. I will post a video of my teacher talking about the discussion please watch it before you do the discussion.

3. I need you to write all with your own words and I don't need any plagiarism pleaseee.

4. Please contact me if you need anything or if you want me to send you more information about the discussion.


Discussion: I'm Not Being Defensive, You Are!


Each student should post once on this discussion in response to the prompt. To get full credit, make sure you answer all of the questions in the prompt. Each student should also reply to two different students. Make sure your replies are at least three sentences long. They should not just say "Good post" or "I agree" but should include a reason why the post is good or reasons why you agree. Try to reply to other posts that haven’t gotten very many replies. Make sure your posts thoroughly address the posted prompt. Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM and your two replies are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM.


Before posting on this Discussion Board, listen to the lecture video from this week's module called, "Defensiveness." Choose the defense mechanism that you use most often. Your initial post for this week should answer the following questions. Each of us use these defense mechanisms regularly. Think of a time over the past week when you were defensive. Which of the defense mechanisms did you use? Give an example of how you used it, including who the other person (or persons) in the situation were. What did that person say to you and how did you respond? Did you notice at the time that you were being defensive? What could/should you have said instead? Remember to answer all questions in your post.

Grading for Discussions

A portion of your grade is based on participation on Canvas discussions. Much of the course material that you will be tested on is delivered through written lectures. To better understand that material you must regularly read and contribute to Canvas discussions. This process will help you master the course material and prepare for quizzes and exams. In addition to posting your own comments, you must reply to at least two other students’ posts for each discussion. Discussions are worth 20 points: 10 for your initial post and 5 for your first two replies. In order to receive full points, you must follow the instructions above.

Civility in Discussions

Although you are encouraged to share your point of view freely, when posting to any discussion, you must remain civil. We all know how easy it is to say something online that you wouldn’t say in person. Please think twice and don’t post anything hurtful to anyone. Since we will be discussing communication, people may share things that are personal and there is a good chance that you are going to read comments that you don’t agree with. Any sort of hostility, insults and name calling do little to communicate ideas and have strongly negative effects on our efforts to learn. Let’s start with kindness and compassion and treating each other with respect.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Defensive discussion
Student Name




Last week my sister needed to go out with her friends. Before my mother left for work,

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