B2B Collaboration
In this assignment, you will read and respond to the case study titled "Zappos Offers Insights to Other Businesses," located on page 235 in your Boone and Kurtz textbook, Contemporary Marketing. See attached for case study.
In a well-written paper, address the following:
- Describe the buyer-seller relationship between Zappos Insights and its business clients.
- Explain how would you classify the business market demand for Zappos Insights training?
Your paper must meet the following requirements:
- Be 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page.
- Support your answers with the readings and at least three scholarly journal articles (at least one of which is peer-reviewed). The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find these resources!
- Format your paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Your paper must include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
- Your paper must be well written using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be concise. Be logical. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, start with Tools for Effective Writing at the CSU Global Library, accessible from the Library's homepage.
Refer to the Critical Thinking Rubric in the Module 6 Folder for more information on expectations for this assignment.
Identify Target Market and Needs for Promotional Plan
Create a presentation that covers the following:
- Identify the specific individuals in need of your business's
product or service - Discuss decision criteria and the people involved in the decision-making
process - Match the business's objectives with the customer's needs and wants
- Determine the financial implications of the plan
Your presentation must meet the following requirements:
- Be created using Prezi, PowerPoint, Google Slides or a similar program
- Be 5-7 slides in length, not including the title slide and reference slide(s).
- Include at least 5-6 sentences of speaker's notes per slide. For PowerPoint, these sentences can be in the notes section. For other presentation programs, they can be submitted separately.
- Support your answers with the readings and at least three scholarly journal articles (at least one of which is peer-reviewed). The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find these resources!
- Since this is a presentation, slides should not be too lengthy but instead they should appear concise and to the point. However, a detailed description should be included in the comment/notes portion of each slide, or submitted separately. This detailed notes section should be written in complete sentences and needs to discuss each bullet/point on the slide thoroughly, as you would present the information in person.
- Your presentation must be well written using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be concise. Be logical. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, start with Tools for Effective Writing at the CSU Global Library, accessible from the Library's homepage. Bullet points are allowed on the presentation slides, however, the description/note associated with each slide needs to be written in full sentences and must include enough detail to clearly explain each slide.
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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.
Zappos Insights
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Due Date
Zappos Insights
Buyer-seller Relationship between Zappos Insights and its Business Clients
The buyer-seller association occurring within Zappos and its Zappos Insights customers
is possibly difficult as these customers can be retailers, direct opponents, or businesses that may
compete with Zappos ultimately. Zappos considers so powerfully in its way of communication
and contentment—and the individuality of every company's setting because its customer hence
doesn't concern the opposition. Instead, it claims that the division of information will advance
the general business setting. Through its very personality, Zappos Insights enlarges Zappos'
external relations to embrace vendors, distributors, likely competitors, corporations situated
within the same physical region, corporations involved in selling to customers and other
companies, probably not-for-profits, and administration agency as well (Eremina, &Puhakka,
The buyer-seller association of Zappos Insights with their company customers founded
on clear and truthful communication. Conveying contentment is the primary precedence for
Zappos Insights within the company setting. "The key objective of the company to company
relations is to offer benefits where no additional seller may offer – reduced cost, faster supply,
improved excellence, and dependability, modified useful aspects, different approving financing
conditions. Zappos performs business to business advertising in a remarkable way to provide
information at no cost to their purchasers so that other corporations can learn and develop, where
no further sellers offer to their customers. The two outstanding strategies Zappos propose are
their first-rate client service and creating a way that. Zappos offers free necessary training plan to
the company, who are accountable for many other individuals, to expand their offering
contentment. Zappo pressures other businesses to construct a site where workers enjoy
working(Kumar, & Mukherjee, 2018). In case workers like operating within a corporation, then
they can offer improved understandings towards their clients. Zappos signify the saying stating
it's a “rising tide that raises all boats.”
Regarding Zappos, if there is a creation of more substantial customs, everyone within the
business will possess enhanced relations. Corporations need to off...