Paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards 7th edition.
The big thing I want you to focus on is, citing all of your work. Citing your sources helps to support your work. Without citations, it might as well be your opinion. Readers want to know what experts and research says.
1) Proper in-text citations. Please review the APA 7th edition for guidance.
2) Provide more examples in your work. Paint a picture, be more descriptive.
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Organization’s foundations of Leadership
Memo to Stakeholders
To: CEO Walmart Inc.
From: Student
Subject: Organizational Leadership
Date: 13th November 2020
Concerning the above matter, this memo is meant to bring to your attention my analysis
of current organizational leadership at Walmart Inc. I am pleased to inform you that your
organization has embraced a transformational and participative leadership style that has enabled
it to attain a unique competitive edge in the highly competitive retail industry. As emphasized by
the company founder, the mission, vision, and core values have played a critical role in
implementing the best leadership style. I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Walmart
Inc's high ranking on the Fortune 500 Company is one of the historic milestones that will always
be embraced.
Your organizational culture is one of the best not only in the United States of America
but across the entire world. Cultural components such as service to customers, respect for all
individuals, and striving for excellence and action with integrity have streamlined how Walmart
addresses employee issues (Lombardo, 2018). Transformational and participative leadership
styles have devised a unique generic strategy that has propelled Walmart to higher ranks
worldwide. Product development, market penetration, and diversification are some of the generic
methods Walmart has focused on as fined by the corporate leadership style.
Walmart does focus on people. The shared organizational vision improves relationships
with the employees. Indeed, this has instilled pride in incorporating members, displayed a sense
of power and confidence, talked about the employees' essential values and beliefs, and
considered the moral and ethical outcome of the company management's decisions. Participative
leadership manifests itself in how democracy is embraced by seeking decisions of the senior and
junior employees in making informed decisions. This has always created a culture of an
employee being part of the management.
Transformational leadership theory is what takes center stage of the organizational
leadership and culture at Walmart. The company management emphasizes effective coordination
among critical functional areas, suggesting new ways of completing essential assignments such
as sales and marketing and undertaking a comprehensive analysis of the prevailing
organizational situation before making any decision. Notably, the transformational leadership
style has always focused on inspiring employees and treating them as human assets with a
significant impact on the organization.
Participative leadership increases employee morale since employees' contributions are
used in informed decision making Northouse (2013). This has been a cornerstone of change
management at the organization, a rare culture across multinational retailers. An open-door
policy has created a conducive environment for employees leading to increased revenue
generation and profit-making. I am happy that communicative reasoning has enabled senior
management to focus on significant issues while delegating minor tasks to junior employees.
Understanding the aim of leadership is necessary for motivating employees. However,
your organization has been criticized for failing to manage a diversified workforce effectively.
Your total reward system seems to ignore the significant contribution of the employees. I highly
recommend needing to embrace a hybrid leadership style. It would help if you expedited
developing the best employee compensation packages to curb criticisms that have negatively
affected the company's reputation.
Berkovich, I. (2016). School leaders and transformational leadership theory: Time to part ways?
Journal of Educational Administration.
Ferguson, E. (2018). Walmart’s Generic Competitive Strategy and Intensive Growth Strategies.
Business Management.
Hickman, C. R., & Silva, M. A. (2018). Creating excellence: Managing corporate culture,
strategy, and change in the new age. Routledge.
Lombardo, J. (2018). Walmart: Organizational Structure & Organizational Culture. Business
Moussetis, R. (2011). Ansoff revisited: How Ansoff interfaces with both the planning and
learning schools of thought in strategy. Journal of Management History, 17(1), 102-125.
Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1483317533 ISBN-10: 1483317536
Organization’s foundations of Leadership
Organization’s foundations of Leadership
Walmart Inc. is an American based multinational corporation operating a chain of
supermarkets, grocery stores, and discount stores (Lombardo, 2018). The company has its main
headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. Having been founded in 1962, Walmart had defied all
odds to appear among the best 500-Fortune companies. Popular products include but not limited
to: electronics, movies and music, clothing, footwear, home and furniture, health and beauty
products and party supplies. As of the 2020 financial year, its revenue stood at US$523.964
billion. Walmart Inc. had total employee number of more than two million workers in 2018
across the globe. According to the Fortune Global 500 list of 2019, it was the world's largest
company in terms of revenue. The company is the best case study of effective human resource
management. Walmart is anchored on best transformational participative and ethical leadership
style of management.
Walmart has the best corporate mission statement that has enabled it to attain a unique
competitive advantage in the highly competitive retail industry. The corporate mission statement
reads, "To save people money so they can live better". Indeed, this is a clear image of Sam
Walton, who is the founder. The company uses the best product pricing strategies to attract and
retain customers.
Wal-Mart's vision statement was articulated in 2017 during the community setting. Its
corporate vision statement reads, "Be the destination for customers to save money, no matter
how they want to shop". This is a strong emphasis on the company business flexibility in
accommodating customers from all walks of life.
Strategy and Tactics
Walmart has leveraged the best generic strategy tailored specifically towards the
attainment of unique competitive advantage. Cost leadership plays a pivotal role in enabling
Walmart to remain relevant in the industry that is dominated by other multinational companies
(Ferguson, 2018). According to Porter's model of leadership, Walmart has been able to compete
due to low product pricing strategy. The company has emphasized the culture of automation of
internal operations, minimization of spending for human resource management and effective
management of the diversified organizational workforce (Ferguson, 2018). There are low-level
market segmentation and low product differentiation. To reach out to as many people as possible,
Walmart has emphasized on process efficiency, intensive growth strategies and other best
management approach.
Market Penetration Strategy
Market penetration is the primary genetic strategy and tactic embraced by senior
management to...