Concordia University St Paul Network Security impact and Data Security Discussion

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Computer Science

Concordia University St Paul


How does Network Security impact Data Security? Consider the ethical implications of intrusion detection? What might you consider and what ethical values might you identify?

Would you do things differently on your work or home network in the future because of these ethical considerations? This is not just an opinion question, back it with valid research.

Research and answer these questions in your own words.

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Network security helps in making the data more secure while using computers. Data
security is the process of protecting files from hackers and leakage. The use of mobile security
reduces the attacker's chances to attack the system during the implementation of intrusion
detection( Brandwine & Hill, 2014). It is essential to consider the confidentiality and consent
from the owner of the system. Confidentiality should ensure that the information obtained by the
system is kept private. The intrusion program should function only if the owner of the system has
agreed to intrusion detection. Honesty and integrity are essential when using computer networks
that are sensitive and require honesty and integrity. These help its service providers to have good
social conduct and have the trust of its customers. It also helps in helping network users in
securing their data without increasing the vulnerability of the organization.
I would install scanning systems to ensure that the organization is more secure from
viruses. These are essential because information or files introduced may contain mal...

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