ECD 165 CC Educational Rights for Children Identified Through the Law Essay

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Business Finance

ECD 165

Chesapeake College



As you can see, the emphasis on educational programs in public schools may be greatly and immediately affected by public policy and national legislation. What educational rights for children, both with and without disabilities, do you believe should be protected by or identified through law?

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Educational Rights for Children to Be Identified Through the Law
Power doesn’t lie in acquiring knowledge, but in the application of knowledge accrued.
That said, it is fundamental for every child to have access to quality education regardless of
social diversities among other differential factors. Despite the great progress by governments and
other stakeholders in streamlining the education sector, there are potential loopholes that may
arise as a result of public policy and national legislation, and these need to be addressed.
One of the educational rights to be covered by the law is ensuring non-discrimination
regardless of societal diversities towards ensuring that all children have an equal opportunity to
education. The government and other major stakeholders can push for policies and active
monitoring, protecting each child from any instances of discrimination, an occurrence that would
jeopardize their education. Stringent repercussions should also be passed against individuals who
will be found guilty of discriminating against students based on disability, sex, race,...

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