Gene M. Grossman
Alan B. Krueger
Working Paper No. 3914
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
November 1991
This paper was prepared for the conference on the U.S.- Mexico
Free Trade Agreement. sponsored by SECOFI. We are grateful
the Industrial Relations Section and International Finance
Section of Princeton University, and the National Science
Foundation for partial financial support. We thank Loren Baker.
Kainan Tang, and GuillerInO Frias for research assistance, and
Drusilla Brown, Gardener Evans, and Greg Schoepfle for sharing
their unpublished data. Joanne Gowa. Howard Gruenspecht. and
discussion. This
Jeff Mackie-Mason provided helpful comments and
paper is part of NBER's research program
the authors and not
Studies. Any opinions expressed are those of
those of the National Bureau of Economic
NEER Working Paper #3914
November 1991
A reduction in trade barriers generally will affect the
environment by expanding the scale of economic activity, by altering
the composition of economic activity, and by bringing about a change
in the techniques of production. We present empirical evidence to
assess the relative magnitudes of these three effects as they apply to
further trade liberalization in Mexico.
In Section 1. we use comparable measures of three air pollutants
in a cross-section of urban areas located in 42 countries to study the
relationship between air quality and economic growth. We find for two
pollutants (sulfur dioxide and smoke") that concentrations increase
with per capita GDP at low levels of national income, but decrease
with GD? growth at higher levels of income. Section 2 studies the
determinants of the industry pattern of U.S. imports from Mexico and
of value added by Mexico's maquiladora sector. We investigate whether
the size of pollution abatement costs in the U.S. industry influences
the pattern of international trade and investment. Finally, in
Section 3, we use the results from a computable general equilibrium
model to study the likely compositional effect of a NAFTA on pollution
in Mexico.
Gene H. Grossman
Woodrow Wilson School
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544
and NBER
Alan B. Krueger
Woodrow Wilson School
Princeton University
princeton, NJ 08544
and NEER
Environmental advocacy groups In the United States have voiced their
concerns about a potential North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Some
went so far as to oppose the Congressional. granting of fast-track negotiating
authority to the President to enable American negotiators to enter Into talks
with their Mexican counterparts.
The reservations of the lobbying groups
mirror a growing perception on the part of environmentalists worldwide that an
open world trading system may be inimical to the goal of preserving a clean,
healthy, and sustainable global commons.
The arguments linking trade liberalization with environmental
degradation have not been fully articulated.' With regard to a NAFFA, the
environmentalists have expressed a number of reasons for fearing that freer
trade and direct investment flows between the United States and Mexico may
aggravate pollution problems in Mexico and in the border region.2 At the
least discerning level, some have argued simply that any expansion of markets
and economic activity inevitably leads to more pollution and faster depletion
of scarce natural resources. A more pointed argument recognizes that
pollution already is a severe problem in Mexico and that the country's weak
regulatory infrastructure is strained to the breaking point. Under these
conditions, it is feared that any further industrialization that results from
the liberalization of trade and investment will exacerbate an already grave
Other environmentalists draw their conclusions by extrapolating the
experience of the maquiladora sector in Mexico. The maquiladoras are
See Low and Safedi (1991), who cite several examples of writings that view
open trade as detrimental to environmental protection.
2 See, for example, Gregory (1991), Kelly and Kemp (1991). National Wildlife
Foundation (1990), Leonard and Christensen (1991), and Ortman (1991).
foreign-owned firms
that produce largely for export to the
United States under a Mexican policy that allows duty-free imports of foreign
components for further processing and re-export. Originally, maquiladoras
were required to locate within a 20-kilometer strip along the U.S. -
border in order to qualify for special customs treatment. The sector grew -
rapidly and with little governmental oversight, and now is widely
regarded as being a major contributor to the perilous environmental and social
conditions in the border region. Environmental groups point to this sector as
a prime example of how unregulated expansion in response to trade oppor-
tunities can create risks to worker safety and public health. They argue that
investments in this sector have been encouraged by the lax enforcement of
environment and labor protection laws in t4exico and fear that any further
expansion in trade and investment flows between the United States and Mexico
will be motivated by firms' desires to avoid the high costs of meeting U.S.
A further concern of some environmental groups is that a NAFEA may
undercut regulatory standards in the United States. Spokespersons have made
the political-economic argument that, with freer trade, industry groups in the
United States will demand less stringent pollution controls in order to
preserve their international competitiveness, so that environmental standards
will tend toward a lowest common denominator. The environmentalists worry,
moreover, that existing environmental protection laws in the United States may
be seen as nontariff barriers to trade in the context of a regional trade
While the environmental groups have raised a host of valid questions
they have so far been unable to provide convincing and well supported answers
to these questions. Many of their arguments fail to recognize all of the
implications of trade liberalization for resource allocation and natural
resource use in each of the trade partner countries. Moreover, die empirical
claims that have been made rely mostly on anecdotal evidence and on
extrapolation of the experience in one region or industry to the entirety of
economic activity in Mexico. Indeed, relatively little is known at any level
of generality about the relationship between a country's trade regime and its
rate of environmental degradatton. or even about the relationship between a
country's stage of economic development and its output of pollution.
Theoretical investigation of these topics has been limited, and empirical
studies are virtually non-existent.
It is useful to distinguish three separate mechanisms by which a change
in trade and foreign investment policy can affect the level of pollution and
the rate of depletion of scarce environmental resources) First, there is a
scale effect, capturing the simple intuition espoused by the environmental
advocates. That is, if trade and investment liberalization causes an
expansion of economic activity, and if the nature of that activity remains
unchanged, then the total amount of pollution generated must increase. The
environmental groups point, for example, to the deleterious environmental
consequences of the combustion of fossil fuels and to the air pollution that
is generated by the trucking industry. To the extent that economic growth
gives rise to an increased demand for energy, which then is generated by means
similar to the prevailing methods, there will be an increased output of
harmful pollutants that attends an increase in economic output. Similarly, to
A similar decomposition of the effects of economic growth on the output
of pollution has been proposed by the Task Force on the Environment and the
Internal Market (1990).
the extent that expanded trade gives rise to an increased demand for cross-
border transportation services without there being any change in trucking
practices, increased trade will contribute to a deterioration in air quality.
Second, there is a composition effect that results from any change in
trade policy. When trade is liberalized, countries specialize to a greater
extent in the sectors in which they enjoy competitive advantage. If
competitive advantage derives largely from differences in environmental
regulation, then the composition effect of trade liberalization will be
damaging to the environment. Each country then will tend to specialize more
completely in the activities that its government does not regulate strictly.
and will shift out of production in industries where the local costs of
pollution abatement are relatively great. On the other hand, if the sources
of international comparative advantage are the more traditional ones, namely
cross-country differences in factor abundance and technology, then the
implications of the composition effect for the state of the environment are
ambiguous. Trade liberalization will lead each country to shift resources
into the sectors that make intensive use of its abundant factors, The net
effect of this on the level of pollution in each location will depend upon
whether pollution-intensive activities expand or contract in the country that
on average has the more stringent pollution controls.
Finally, there is a technicue effect. That is, output need not be
produced by exactly the same methods subsequent to a liberalization of trade
and foreign investment as it has been prior to the change in regime. In
particular, the output of pollution per unit of economic product need not
remain the same. There are at least two reasons to believe that pollution per
unit of output might fall, especially in a less developed country. First,
foreign producers nay transfer modern technologies to the local economy when
restrictions on foreign investment are relaxed. More modern technologies
typically are cleaner than older technologies due to the growing global
awareness of the urgency of environmental concerns.
if trade liberalization generates an increase in income levels,
then the body politic may demand a cleaner environment as an expression of
their increased national wealth. Thus, more stringent pollution standards and
stricter enfoccement of existing laws may be a natural political response to
economic growth.
In this paper we explore some of the empirical evidence that bears on
the likely environmental impacts of a NAflA. In Section 1, we shed some light
on the relative magnitudes of the scale and technique effects. We use a
cross-country sample of comparable measures of pollution in various urban
areas to explore the relationship between economic growth and air quality.
After holding constant the identifiable geographic characteristics of
different cities, a common global time trend in the levels of pollution, and
the location and type of the pollution measurement device, we find that
ambient levels of both sulphur dioxide and dark matter suspended in the air
increase with per capita GD? at low levels of national income, but decrease
with per capita GD? at higher levels of income. The turning point comes
somewhere between $4,000 and $5,000, measured in 1985 U.S. dollars. For a
third measure of air quality, namely the mass of suspended particles found in
given volune of air, the relationship between pollution and GD? is
monotonically decreasing.
Sections 2 and 3
address different aspects of the composition effect.
In section 2 we ask whether and to what extent the sectoral patterns of U.S.
foreign investment in Mexico and of Mexican exports to the United States are
affected by the laxity of environmental regulations in Mexico as compared to
the stricter enforcement of controls in the United States. We relate the
sectoral pattern of maquiladora activity, of U.S. imports from Mexico under
the offshore assembly provisions of the US. tariff codes, and of total US.
imports from Mexico to industry factor intensities, U.S. tariff rates, and the
size of pollution abatement costs in the U.S. industry. We find that the
traditional determinants of trade and investment patterns are significant
here, but that the alleged competitive advantages created by lax pollution
controls in Mexico play no substantial role in motivating trade and investment
Finally, in Section 3, we begin with the premise that resource
allocations in the United States, Mexico, and Canada have been guided by
competitive advantages generated by differences in factor endowments. We
borrow from Brown, Deardorff and Stern (1991) their estimates of the change in
resource allocation that might result from a NAFTA, and discuss the
implications of these predicted changes in the structure of production for
of pollution in each country.
1 Economic Growth and Urban Air Pollution
As we noted
in the introduction, economic growth has offsetting
for the anthropogenic generation of air pollution. On the one
hand, some pollutants are &
byproduct of economic activities such as
electricity generation and the operation of motor vehicles. As economic
activity expands, emissions of these pollutants tend to grow.
On the other
hand, firms and households can control their pollution to some degree by their
choice of technology. Cleaner technologies produce less pollution per unit of
output. As a society becomes richer its members may intensify their demands
for a more healthy and sustainable environment, in which case the government
may be called upon to impose more stringent environmental controls,
Little is known about the empirical relationship between national income
and concentrations of various poLlutants. Investigation of this issue has
been hampered by the paucity of data on air pollution that is available on a
comparable basis for a representative sample of countries. However, since
1976 the World Health Organization (WHO) has collaborated with the United
Nations Environment Programme in operating the Global Environmental Monitoring
System (GEMS). The goal of this project has been to monitor closely the
concentrations of several pollutants in a cross-section of urban areas using
standardized methods of measurement. This data set, which to our knowledge
has not previously been analyzed by economists, provides us with an
opportunity to examine how air quality varies with economic growth.4
In the next subsection we describe the GEMS project, the types of
pollution that it monitors, and the data that it has generated.
Section 1.2
gives the details of the statistical analysis that we have performed. Our
findings are presented in Section 1.3 and the implications
for Mexico are
discussed in Section 1,4.
The GEMS data have
been statistically analyzed by some enviroTuhlental
to use
scientists (see World Health Organization (1984]), but they have neglected
any economic variables in their exclusively bivariate analyses.
1.1 The GEMS Data3
The GEMS monitors air quality in urban areas throughout the world.
Daily (or, in some cases, weekly or less frequent) measurements are taken of
concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO) and suspended particulate matter
Data on particulates, which are gases and liquids suspended in the air, are
collected by different methods (described further below) that alternatively
measure the mass of materials in a given volume of air and the concentration
of finer, darker matter, sometimes referred to as "smoke".
Sulfur dioxide is a corrosive gas that has been linked to respiratory
disease and other health problems.' It is emitted naturally by volcanoes,
decaying organic matter, and sea spray. The major anthropogenic sources of
SO are the burning of fossil fuels in electricity generation and domestic
heating, and the smelting of non-ferrous ores (World Resource Institute,
1988). other sources in some countries include automobile exhaust and the
chemicals industry (Kormondy, 1989). Sulfur dioxide emissions can be
controlled by the installation of flue gas desulfurization equipment
(scrubbers) on polluting facilities, and by switching electricity-generating
and home-heating capacity to lower sulfur grades of coal or away from coal
Particulates arise from dust, sea spray, forest fires, and volcanoes.
Most of these naturally produced particles are relatively large. Finer
The GEMS data for 1977.1984 are published by the World Health Organization
in the series Mr quality in Selected Urban Areas. Unpublished data for 19851988 have been kindly provided to us by Gardener Evans of the U.S. EPA.
6 Lave and Seskin (1970) find for example, that variation in SO2 and
population density together explain two-thirds of the variation
bronchitis in a sample of U.S. cities-
in death from
particles are emitted by industry and from domestic fuel combustion (World
Resources Institute, 1988). Larger particles reduce visibility but have a
relatively minor health impact, whereas the finer particles can cause
eye and
lung damage and can aggravate existing respiratory conditions (U.S. EPA,
1982). Particulate emissions from anthropogenic processes can be reduced via
the installation of control equipment and by switching to fuels that, when
burned, emit fewer particles.
The GEMS sample of cities has been changing over time. Sulfur dioxide
was monitored in 47 cities spread over 28 different countries in 1977, 52
cities in 32 countries in 1982, and 27 cities in 14 countries in 1988.
Measurements of suspended particles were taken in 21 cities in 11 countries in
1977, 36 cities in 17 countries in 1982, and 26 cities in 13 countries in
1998, while data for darker matter (smoke) are available for 18 cities in 13
countries for 1977. 13 cities in nine countries for 1982, and seven cities in
four countries for 1988. In all, there are 42 countries represented in our
sample for 502, 19 countries in our sample for dark matter, and 29 countries
our sample for suspended particles. The participating cities are located
in a variety of developing and developed countries and have been chosen to be
representative of the geographic conditions that exist in different
regions of the world (Betmett et at., 1985). In most of the cities included
in the project, air quality measurements are taken at two or three different
sites, which are classified either as center city or suburban, and as
commercial, industrial, or residential. Multiple sites in the same city are
monitored in recognition of the fact that pollutant concentrations can vary
dramatically with local conditions that depend in part upon land use.
Observations at most sites are made on a daily basis and the data set includes
measures of the mean, median, 80th, 95th, and 98th percentile of daily
observations in a given site for a given year.
Sulfur dioxide concentrations have been determined by a number of well
accepted methods (see WHO, 1984). The reliability of these methods has been
checked in independent studies, and an intercomparison exercise was performed
using one particular method as a reference point (Bennett et al., 1985). It
was concluded that the measurements by alternative methods are roughly
comparable, although particular meteorological conditions can affect the
various methods differently. With these results in mind, we have chosen to
our sample of observations of 502
variable to
but to allow for a dummy
reflect the method of measurement at each site.
particles are measured by two main methods.
High volume
gravimetric sampling determines the mass of particulates in a given volume of
air while the smoke-shade method assesses the reflectance of the stain left on
a filter paper that ambient air has been drawn through. The former method
measures the total weight of suspended particles while the latter is
predominantly an indication of dark material in the air. Since the two
methods yield incomparable measures that capture different aspects of
air pollution, we treat the data generated by gravimetric and
smoke-shade methods separately in our analysis.7
Table I provides the mean,
and standard deviation
for the 50th
95th percentiles of daily observations in our sample of cities for each of
A few sites used nephelometric methods to measure suspended particles;
i.e., they measured the light loss due to scattering when a light beam is passed
a sample of particle-laden air. This method gauges the mass of suspended
particles, much as does the high volume gravimetric method. Since the estimates
are comparable in many cases, we pooled the observations from these two types of
instruments, but included a dummy variable to allow for device-specific
the three types of pollution. Figure 1 displays the
The median
corresponding histograms.
daily observations on SO2 range from a minimum of zero to a
maximum of 291 micrograms per cubic meter (pg n13) of air, whereas the 95th
percentile of daily measures range from zero to 1022 pg m3.8 These numbers
can be compared with the World Health Organization recommendation that annual
average SO2 concentrations ought not to exceed 40-60 pg m and that 98th
percentile concentrations ought not to exceed 100-150 pg m3. The median of
daily observations for suspended particles varied from zero to 715 pg nC3
while that for the 95th percentile observation ranged from [5 to 1580
The WHO guidelines for suspended particles list 60-90 pg nC3 as the safe limit
for the annual mean and 150-230 pg
as the safe limit for the 98th
percentile. Finally, the median of daily observations of dark matter (or
smoke) in the sample of sites varied from zero to 312 pg m3, while the 95th
percentile observation varied from two to 582 pg m3. The WHO recommends that
dark matter not exceed 50-60 pg & in annual average and 100-150 pg nC3 in the
98th percentile of daily observations.
1.2 Estimation
Concentrations of pollutants in the air depend upon the amounts that are
emitted by natural and anthropogenic sources and on the ability of the
atmosphere to absorb and disburse the gases or particles. Thus, our analysis
of the relationship between growth and air quality must allow for an influence
of city and site characteristics on the observed concentrations of the various
pollutants in addition to the dependence on national product.
a Actlly, SO concentrations are never literaLly zero, but the machines
are unable to detect very low levels of the gas.
We have sought to explain the median and 95th percentile of daily
observations for SO2 suspended particles (gravimecric and nephelomecric
methods) and dark matter (smoke-shade method). As explanatory variables, we
have included functions of per capita GOP in the country where the site is
located, characteristics of the site and city, and a time trend. We used the
Summers and 1-leston (1991) data for per capita CD?, which attempt to measure
output in relation to a common set of international prices. Initially, we
allowed the coefficient on per capita CD? to vary across income ranges by
including a dummy variable in our regressions for each $2,000 interval of per
capita GDP. These relatively unrestricted regressions suggested that a cubic
function of per capita CD? would fit the data fairly wellS The cubic
equations are the main focus of our subsequent analysis.9
In the equation for concentrations of SO2, we included dummy variables
for the location within the city (central city or suburban) and for the land
use of the area near the testing site (industrial, commercial, or
residential). We also included a dummy variable for the method of measurement
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