ENV 320 UOPX Democracy Sovereignty & The Challenge of Global Commons Research Paper

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ENV 320

University of Phoenix



Select one of the following environmental topics:

  • Ozone layer depletion
  • Global climate change
  • Transboundary air pollution
  • Ocean overfishing

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Describe your topics--characterize the nature of the problem, its effects on human health or the environment, and some history of the problem.
  • Explain how conventional law or customary law may play a role in solving your environmental problems, and what extent the global commons is a factor.
  • Research at least two peer-reviewed articles on your topics that address solutions.
  • Compare and contrast several solutions and recommend a solution to the problem of your choice. Include a discussion of U.S. policies that should be considered to address the problem.

Cite at least four references, including the two peer-reviewed articles.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Global Climate Change
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Environmental issues, including ozone layer depletion, ocean overfishing, pollution, and
global climate change, pose a significant threat to the world habitats for humans, animals, and
other species on the planet earth. The increasing environmental concerns call for governments,
global citizens, and international leaders to develop solutions to mitigate the effects of the
world's ecological challenges and ensure that it remains sustainably supportive of human and
other species' habitats. Among the world's major environmental concerns is the global climate
change that threatens the human-animal, sea-life, and ecosystems worldwide. This paper focuses
on the nature and effects of global climate change, discuss the impacts of customary laws, and
recommend viable solutions to global climate change.
Global Climate Change
Climate change refers to the significant variations in weather conditions like wetter, drier,
or warmer conditions occurring over several decades. Scientists measure climate change using
palaeoclimatology data from natural sources, which monitors the long-term changes in oceans,
land, atmosphere, and frozen water systems. Most people use the words climate change and
global warming interchangeably. But it is essential to note that global warming, which is the
drastic rise in global temperatures, is one of the causes of climate change. Climate change
manifested in the faster rising of the warm and cold global cycles to dangerous levels responsible
for extinctions. Global warming is the primary cause of climate change, and it has several
adverse effects on human, biological, and physical systems on the planet. Global warming results
from the sun's heat retention into the atmosphere, a greenhouse effect, which naturally maintains
necessary conditions that support life on earth. However, human activities such as the emission



of greenhouse gases and fossil fuels' burning maximize the greenhouse effect leading to rapid
global temperatures.
Global climate change has disastrous effects on the environment the endanger the
survival of the plant, human, animal, and aquatic habitats. Some of the impacts of c...

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