MATH 141 Cal Poly Wk 7 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Question

User Generated



Math 141

California Polytechnic State University San Luis



All the directions are listed in the photos below.

The quiz will take 45 mins.

There will be one upload question and the rest will either be fill in the blank or multiple choice.

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Prep for Quiz 7 Please give me some time to grade your work. (Don't email right away about your grade). Please give me at least work 2 days to look at the computer scores. I will look the computer grades, and I may give you some partial credit if your answer was not quite of the same format (as provided by the computer). I have 140 students this quarter, and I have all of them taking quizzes on Friday. (Thanks for understanding). This quiz will cover the material reviewed/ learned in sections 3.9-4.2 of the textbook, video materials and homework. In order to succeed, you should be able to 1) Find the antiderivative in most general form of a function; 2) Find the value of a definite integral using the limit definition (using the theorem 4) Please pay attention on the proper notations in your work. 10% of the credit will be designated to the proper notations. Simplify all your answers. This quiz will be available to take on Friday 11/13 10 am through Saturday 11/14 10pm. If you will have an emergency, please email me before the deadline. It will take 45 minutes to complete. It will have an upload question similar to questions #21-26 p.317 (see the textbook). It will be enough time to complete the work (30 min) plus 15 min to upload. The work via email will not be acceptable. In this quiz, you will be able to observe all the questions at once, and solve them in any order. Use your time wisely! Good Luck! It is your opportunity to show your knowledge! QUIZ 7 Due Nov 15 at 10pm Points 40 Questions 3 Available Nov 13 at 6pm - Nov 15 at 10pm 2 days Time Limit 45 Minutes Instructions This quiz will take 45 minutes including an upload question. All the answers should be simplified, The proper notations should be used to complete the work and receive a full or a partial credit. Take the Quiz
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