Ocean County College The Garbage Project Analyze

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Ocean County College


See the attachment below for detailed explanation of the assignment and requirements. think like archaeologists. It is your task as an archaeologist to analyze the archaeological data…Interpretation: Be specific about how the material culture supports your conclusions, even though we all acknowledge that our interpretations are tentative.

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Archaeological EXCAVATION AND DATA ANALYSIS GARBAGE PROJECT is WORTH 12 POINTS. I want to make you think like archaeologists. We’ve been talking about all aspects of archaeology. Today I want to give you an opportunity to process this information by working through an activity (worth 12 points), a mock archaeological excavation. You have excavated an archaeological site (the artifact list provided is the list you will use for this project. It is a list of all the artifacts you recovered in your excavation). After completing the excavation, you now have to analyze the data…and interpret the information by inferring the human behavior (that is making a connection between the artifacts/material culture recovered during your excavation that people left behind, with the human behavior that created them). OVERVIEW The majority of archaeological remains are garbage. Garbage dumps are characteristic of all human settlements. Items such as discarded stone tools, remnants of meals, broken ceramic vessels, often make up this human refuse. Such items are what archaeologists call artifacts. A discarded soda can is just as much of an artifact as is a prehistoric stone tool. Both Historic & Prehistoric site “middens- refuse heaps” are simply collections of refuse that contained food remains & domestic trash. Archaeologists use this “Material Culture” as a link to study the past. Archaeological analysis (interpretation) of these garbage remains is the focus of this project. In order to complete this assignment SUCCESSFULLY, you must imagine that you are a future archaeologist. Your purpose is to gain a better understanding of a past civilization by studying the artifacts & waste they left behind. You will analyze a contemporary material assemblage (a single household’s garbage). In other words, you must interpret modern “archaeological” data (somebody’s trash). A list of recovered data from your archaeological excavation (The Excavation at Morgantown) provides the context for this analysis. Your task is to develop a hypothesis concerning the culture you are studying. What assumptions can you make about the society based on the artifacts recovered. What conclusions can be drawn concerning lifestyles, eating habits, clothing, & technology. You will do so by completing the questions below as directed. On your paper, You will title your GARBAGE PROJECT: The Excavation at Morgantown A) Begin with a paragraph introducing yourself as a future archaeologist. Include your name, who you are working for (you could say for example that you are working for the archaeology division of WVU or you could make up your own company name…be creative). You will need to say in the introduction what you hope to accomplish. I’ve painted a scenario below to provide you with some ideas for how to think about this assignment as you do your write up. B) The main body of the paper should consist of your data analysis (fancy term for your answers) to the 6 questions found at the bottom of this document. You should provide a 1 paragraph answer to each question, being sure to support what you say by mentioning the specific artifacts from the excavation that you used to answer each question. (A paragraph = 3 to 5 sentences). For instance if you say that you believe the site dates to a certain year, be sure to state/list a specific artifact example that you recovered that supports your conclusion. If you say there are 3 men and a baby living in the house, again, provide some artifact examples that you used to conclude this fact. REMEMBER THE GARBAGE LIST is your list of artifacts that you will draw from to support your answers. USE ONLY THE LIST PROVIDED. USE OF ANY OTHER GARBAGE LIST OTHER THAN THE LIST PROVIDED BY THE INSTRUCTOR WILL RESULT IN 0 CREDIT BEING GIVEN. C) Conclude with a paragraph summarizing your findings. In other words wrap it up by stating in the last paragraph a summary of what you did and what you concluded about your excavation. NOTE: Include the questions in your write up. List the question with each answer directly below in accordance with the instructions above. THE GARBAGE PROJECT SCENARIO…During an archaeological survey of the now-abandoned mid-Atlantic region of North America, you identify a rare early twenty-first century domestic site that was known during the period as an “apartment complex”. At this site, your site, you discover 1 undisturbed receptacle of material culture. The receptacles are typical of the period–the high density plasticine-based potpourri-scented 13 gallon “kitchen bag.” Fortunately these receptacles preserved their contents quite well. All wrappers and glass or plastic containers, even if their contents were consumed, were preserved. In this excavation, the bag remains in the space they were originally collected, so we can actually attribute the assemblage to a particular household. These bags were recovered from a multiple strata within the food preparation & general habitation zones, what this culture referred to as a “kitchen”, “bedroom” & “bathroom”. Consequently, we can safely infer that the deposit almost certainly was formed by a single household; however, we have no other information on the inhabitants and are compelled to rely upon your expertise in the analysis of this society. It is your task as an archaeologist to analyze the archaeological data…Interpretation: Be specific about how the material culture supports your conclusions, even though we all acknowledge that our interpretations are tentative. “THE EXCAVATION AT MORGANTOWN”…DATA ANALYSIS: 1. How old is the site? Provide an approximate month/year) 2. Household’s composition, number of members, ages, sex, activities? 3. What types of activities are evidenced by the artifact assemblage? 4. Political/Social/Religious beliefs? 5. How much disposable income does this sample suggest, and how would you characterize their class standing? What sorts of businesses do they frequent? 6. Much of your data comes from food consumption. How would you characterize their diet and lifestyle?
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The garbage project
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