World History, Connecting Hemispheres, history homework help

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The Incan Empire has been compared to a modern welfare state. You will conduct research on a modern welfare state of your choice (Sweden is a good example, but you may choose another if you wish).  

Part one:

Your project will be a 400-word academic essay. Discuss the similarities and differences between the modern welfare state (such as Sweden) and the Incan Empire. Choose three points of comparison, similarities or differences, for your body paragraphs. Avoid an essay structure that lists all similarities in one paragraph and all differences in another. 

Part two:

Create a PowerPoint that illustrates these points. Your PowerPoint must have the following components:

  •  Six slides with three bullet points. Each point must have 3-5 complete sentences.
  • In-text citations for all outside sources that you use. You will also use in-text citations for your essay in Part One of this project.
  • Use Photos, graphs, charts, data structures, etc., to further support your main ideas or demonstrate empirical evidence.

This paper must be written in MLA style. For more information on using the MLA citation format, please visit the following website. This is a great website to bookmark for future reference when writing academic papers:

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