MGT 600 Southern New Hampshire University JetBlue Airways Corporation Case Study

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Business Finance

MGT 600

Southern New Hampshire University



Take a moment to reflect on the best practices and challenges that you have identified, researched, analyzed, and applied throughout the past modules. Have you grown your strategic initiative know-how?

The purpose of this short paper is to provide you with a synthesis case study that evaluates organizational and industry environments to effectively create, implement, monitor, and adjust strategic initiatives. Review the case in its entirety and answer the following questions in a short paper:

  • What made the IROP change effort successful?
  • How would you have organized the change effort differently?

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MGT 600 Short Paper Rubric Guidelines: All short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least two resources using APA citations. Page length requirements: 2–3 pages. Critical Elements Main Elements Inquiry and Analysis Integration and Application Critical Thinking Research Articulation of Response Exemplary (100%) Includes all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of multiple concepts All of the course concepts are correctly applied Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples Incorporates at least two scholarly/technical resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research Submission is properly cited, free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Proficient (90%) Includes most of the main elements and requirements and cites many examples to illustrate each element Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of some concepts Most of the course concepts are correctly applied Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence Needs Improvement (70%) Includes some of the main elements and requirements Not Evident (0%) Does not include any of the main elements and requirements Value 25 Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of minimal concepts Some of the course concepts are correctly applied Draws logical conclusions, but does not defend with evidence Does not provide in-depth analysis 20 Does not correctly apply any of the course concepts Does not draw logical conclusions 10 Incorporates at least two resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Incorporates at least one resource that reflects depth and breadth of research Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research 15 Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Total 10 20 100%
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JetBlue Airways Corporation Case Study
Institutional Affiliations




JetBlue Airways Corporation Case Study
JetBlue Airways Corporation is an American low-cost airline that is headquartered in
New York City. The corporation was first incorporated in Delaware in August 1998. Then it
was later founded in 1999 by David Neeleman with the brand of NewAir. JetBlue Airways
inaugurated its operations in February 2000 from the John F. Kennedy International Airport,
where it had been allocated around 75 initial take-off and landing slots (Popescu, 2011).
JetBlue airways utilized the Southwest's approach of offering low-cost air travel, with an
outstanding selection of facilities such as a TV set on each seat to provide in-flight
entertainment and the Sirius XM satellite radio. The airline sector was one of the few airlines
in the United States that generated some profit during the 2001 downturn, and it has

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