ECD 165 Chesapeake College Child with Touretts in Schooling Research Paper

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Health Medical

ECD 165

Chesapeake College



  1. Introduction (2 to 3 pages)
  • Define the area of exceptionality
  • Give the historical background of how this disability was treated and handled
  • Describe the causes of the exceptionality
  • Give the characteristics of the exceptionality
  1. Identification (1 to 2 pages)
  • Informal methods of evaluation
  • Formal identification
  • Service personnel involved in identification
  • Resources used to service the child and family
  1. Modifications (2 pages)
  • Ways to adapt classroom
  • Physical changes
  • Curriculum changes
  • Additional services required for inclusion in a classroom
  1. Personal reflection on Interdisciplinary Team and Principles of IDEA that is applicable to this specific exceptionality (2 pages)
  1. Reference Page(APA ) (1 page) This research paper must contain a bibliography with a minimum of seven (7) resources (2 books, 2 journals, & 3 valid internet sources) 5 points

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Modifications to Classroom for Child with Tourette Syndrome Melissa Peck Chesapeake College Modifying a classroom to a child with Tourette Syndrome Managing Tourette Syndrome or tics in the classroom causes for information teachers to learn more about Tourette’s and different types. Whether its tics which are involuntary movements and sounds or words that are said out of child’s control. With knowledge might be able to help the child to avoid anything that might trigger tension and to help if the child does have a moment how to deal with it. Knowing the child’s profile could assist in the classroom. First modification as a teacher I would try to rearrange the seating in the class to make sure he or she could have their space. The idea would be to try him or her in the back first so, that if getting up and away from the other children dure the child’s tic or outburst or just to focused on controlling their body without embarrassment. Just giving them a little space can help with the tension. If need to be in group, try to group with children that him or her is comfortable with. Another modification would be to request and assistant for the classroom. This could help by not having to isolate him or her from the classroom which could also help catch any signs or systems if the teacher has back turn for some reason. This could also help with giving more time on assignments or just keeping the student focus on the subject or assignment at that time he or she might need with. The less stress and anxiety are best for children with Tourette Syndrome. Teacher needs to be direct and to the point without going off topic. You could go over the lay out of what to expect to do that day so there are no surprises. Teacher would try to stick with the same schedule as much as possible. Give the child notes leave sometime between subjects for a little flexibility and not make the child feel embarrassed. The hardest part will be figuring out what works for everyone involved and trying to get other children not to judge. The teacher being prime example for the classroom has to very mindful since were all human and not perfect making faces, not saying stop and not letting the out burst take over the class because all the children need to learn so the boundary needs to be found. References Brill, M. T. (2012). Tourette Syndrome. New York: Lerner Publishing Group. Coffman, Amanda. Educational Leadership. Oct2012, Vol. 70 Issue 2, p46-49. 3p. Adapting the Classroom to a Child with Tourette Syndrome Melissa peck Chesapeake college Adapting the Classroom to a Child with Tourette Syndrome Managing Tourette Syndrome (TS) or tics in the classroom calls for increased knowledge and understanding of the disorder (Brill, 2012). To adapt the classroom to a child with TS, it is critical for the teacher to understand that tics are involuntary movements and sounds in the affected child that come unpredictably and disappear. With this knowledge, the teacher will be able to help the child overcome unnecessary attention that comes with tics. It may also be prudent to ignore any symptoms that are avoidable. Some adapting ideas include making the child with TS sit at the front in the classroom (Brill, 2012). This is a critical way of improving the attention of the child. Besides, the teacher will be able to observe any symptoms and thus respond in a timely manner. In addition to allowing the child to sit at the front, the teacher should avail breaks to the child with tics. This helps in relieving the tension that may have built and allow improved learning. Another way to adapt the classroom to a TS child is by seeking ways of reducing stress and anxiety (Brill, 2012). As the teacher knows that anxiety increases tics symptoms, it is critical to note various factors that may increase anxiety and thereby implement appropriate accommodations that help in reducing the symptoms. Besides, special education services may be critical in reducing these symptoms. Avoiding unnecessary objects in the classroom may also help in reducing stress. It may also be significant for the teacher to seek ways of availing accommodations for handwriting issues (Brill, 2012). Children with TS usually have handwriting issues that significantly affect their performance and general wellbeing. It is thus critical for the teacher to seek ways such as using technological devices to overcome handwriting issues. If need be, the teacher may use tools such as a computer or a tablet to overcome the problem. The teacher may also have notes provided for the child with TS. Reference Brill, M. T. (2012). Tourette Syndrome. New York: Lerner Publishing Group.
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The following sections have been covered in the paper
Topic: Research paper on a child with Tourette in schooling
A. Introduction.

Tourette is a neurological type of disorder characterized by tics, involuntary
movements, stereotyped and repetitive vocalizations (Brill, 2018).

In other words, exceptionality can be described as a disorder that affects the
nervous system and involves unwanted/unappealing sounds or repetitive

Historical background of how Tourette was treated and handled.

In the 19th century, Jean-Marc was able to report the first case of TS. He assigned
his in-turn Georges Gilles de la Tourette to study the patient's disorders to define
a particular condition from hysteria and chorea. Tourette, together with Charcot,
who studied the behavior, established that the disease was untreatable and a
progressive condition that is inherited

As a result, their families were to blame for their psychological maladjustments
were the reason for their symptoms. Psychoanalysis was the preferred
intervention for TS until the early 70s when haloperidol's beneficial effects on tics
surfaced out and began to question the psychoanalytic approach to Tourette

Causes of Tourette.

Up to date, the exact cause of the disorder is not yet known. Most doctors explain
an exceptionality caused by genetically inherited factors and other propelling
environmental factors (Bloch, 2017).

Examples of these chemicals include dopamine and serotonin as the common
chemicals found in the brain. Other complications that occur during pregnancy,...

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