SUNY College at Brockport Medicare Plan for Medication Needs Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical

SUNY College at Brockport


Video: Medicare Basics: Parts A, B, C, and D (12 minutes)

Article: Medicare is running out of money

Article: 10 Things to know about Medicaid

Many older adults utilize Medicare Part D for their prescription drugs. The primary way to enroll in Part D is through Medicare’s website:

For this assignment, consider yourself eligible for Part D. The medications that you need are as follows: Losartan (high blood pressure), Flomax (prostate), Lovastatin (cholesterol), Bystolic (heart), & Namzaric (Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms). Choose the lowest dose when prompted.

1. What are the most and least expensive options for your medication needs? Describe the plans and costs.

2. Describe your experience ‘shopping’ for drug plans—what were the challenges and benefits?

3. Can you think of older adults you know who would find this online tool easy? Challenging?

(Please answer every question and every part of the question according to what is asked. Please put each question in short asnwer form (paragraph form if necessary. Read/Watch the attached documents to answer the questions. )

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Running head: PART D-MEDICARE


Part-D Medicare
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation


Part D- Medicare

1. Medicare Plan for Medication Needs
Part D Medicare Plan is the most and least expensive plan for my medication needs. The drugs
that I require of the various diseases are covered in Medicare Part D, which is a plan based on
covering the costs of the prescription drug. As an outpatient, the plan effectively covers my
medication needs. Also, it is a cost-effective plan as “Part D is offered through private
companies either as a stand-alone plan, for those enrolled in Original Medicare or as a set of
benefits included with your Medicare Advantage Plan (Rudowitz et al., 2018).” The plan is costeffective because if the plan has an annual fee, you will usually pay the full amount of your
prescription drug purchases before the deductible is reached. Once you have satisfied the annual
deductible, you will pay a portion of the cost in line with the agreement of your plan. Your share,
which you normally pay to the pharmacy at the time of pick-up, can be a flat amount
(copayment) or a percentage of the total amount (co-insurance).
2. Challenge and Experiences of Shopping
My experience of shopping drug plans presented both challenges and benefits. Therefore, it is
through these benefits and challenges I can describe my experiences of the shopping drug plan.
The drug plans are allowed by Part-D Medicare plan; however, these plans are only provided by
private companies. Therefore, finding the right insurance company that meets my medications
needs presented an en...

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