University of San Francisco Completely Mixed Flow Reactor Exercise

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University of San Francisco


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We need to design a completely mixed flow reactor (CMFR) with solids recycle to degrade

trichloroethylene (TCE) cometabolically using aerobic phenol-utilizing bacteria. (Phenol, C6H5OH, is one of several substrates whose biotransformation is initiated by an oxygenase.) To do this, you will feed phenol, along with oxygen and required nutrients, to grow a population of bacteria able to cometabolize TCE. The problem is to first determine the mass of bacteria required in the reactor to effect the TCE destruction desired, and then determine how much phenol and nutrients must be fed to the reactor to maintain that population. Waste characteristics and design and kinetic parameters are tabulated at right.

a. Determine the reactor volume required to effect 95% TCE removal. (Hint: Start with a steady-state TCE mass balance.)

b. Determine the quantity (kg/d) of phenol that must be supplied to maintain the desired microbial population. Note that TCE could impact the rates of phenol uptake and biomass growth due to competitive inhibition.

c. Determine the quantities (kg/d) of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) and phosphorus required. (Hint: Nutrient requirements can be determined based on the mass of biomass removed daily from the CMFR, which can in turn be determined based on the solids residence time. The empirical composition for microbial biomass may be used.)

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, d 1 You are to design a completely mixed flow reactor (CMFR) with solids recycle to degrade Waste trichloroethylene (TCE) cometabolically using aerobic phenol-utilizing Characteristics bacteria. (Phenol, CoH5OH, is one of several substrates whose Design Parameters Qº 5 m/d Ox 8d biotransformation is initiated by an oxygenase.) To do this, you will feed STCe 100 ug/L Xa 1500 mg VSS/L X. phenol, along with oxygen and required nutrients, to grow a population of O mg/L bacteria able to cometabolize TCE. The problem is to first determine the mass Kinetic Parameter TCE Phenol of bacteria required in the reactor to effect the TCE destruction desired, and 0.015 1 then determine how much phenol and nutrients must be fed to the reactor to K, mg/L 0.5 1 maintain that population. Waste characteristics and design and kinetic Y, - 0.8 parameters are tabulated at right. b,d1 0.1 a. Determine the reactor volume required to effect 95% TCE removal. Note: TCE is not a growth substrate so no values for Y, b are reported. (Hint: Start with a steady-state TCE mass balance.) b. Determine the quantity (kg/d) of phenol that must be supplied to maintain the desired microbial population. Note that TCE could impact the rates of phenol uptake and biomass growth due to competitive inhibition. c. Determine the quantities (kg/d) of ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) and phosphorus required. (Hint: Nutrient requirements can be determined based on the mass of biomass removed daily from the CMER, hich can in turn be determined based on the solids residence time. The empirical composition for microbial biomass may be used.)
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