West Coast Healthcare Policy Finance & Regulatory Environments Discussions

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West Coast University


Discussion 1:

Read and Review Essential V: Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are healthcare policies — including financial and regulatory — that directly and indirectly influence the nature and function of the healthcare system important considerations in professional nursing practice?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential V during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Throughout the week, discuss the different ways that you and your peers met this essential. Compare the different learning experiences you had, and share how they might influence your future practice.

Discussion 2:

Read and Review Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals critical to delivering high-quality and safe patient care?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential VI during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Throughout the week, discuss the different ways that you and your peers met this essential. Compare the different learning experiences you had, and share how they might influence your future practice.

Discussion 3:

Read and Review Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are health promotion and disease prevention at the individual and population level important components of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential VII during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Throughout the week, discuss the different ways that you and your peers met this essential. Compare the different learning experiences you had, and share how they might influence your future practice.

Discussion 4:

Read and Review Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are professionalism and the inherent values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice fundamental to nursing?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential VIII during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Throughout the week, discuss the different ways that you and your peers met this essential. Compare the different learning experiences you had, and share how they might influence your future practice.

Discussion 5:Read and Review Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice
  1. Post and write one paragraph discussing how the baccalaureate-graduate nurse is prepared to practice with patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations across the life span and across the continuum of healthcare environments. Include ways the baccalaureate graduate understands and respects the variations of care and the increased complexity in caring for patients.
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential IX during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Throughout the week, discuss the different ways that you and your peers met this essential. Compare the different learning experiences you had, and share how they might influence your future practice.

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Explanation & Answer

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Policies, Financing and Regulations in Healthcare Environment
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation


Policies, Financing, and Regulations in the Healthcare Environment
Professional nursing practice requires consideration of the policies and regulations in
finance and the healthcare environment. Health policies guide the way healthcare professionals
deliver services locally, nationally, and globally to equal access and affordability to promote
social justice in healthcare administration. Besides, regulations provide a clear jurisdiction for
professional nurses to avoid conflicts while also participating in policy amendment procedures
that improve healthcare delivery. Understanding the policies governing healthcare finance,
including compensation, organization, and funding of patient healthcare, helps professional
nurses in their daily operations to ensure quality service. There is a need for nurses to advocate
for patients and their profession through participation in the development and implementation of
policies that enhance healthcare delivery for individuals, families, and communities (Staebler et
al., 2017). Nurses with a better understanding of policies, financial, and regulatory environment
in healthcare integrate ethics and professionalism in nursing care for the entire population.
The BSN program provides nursing graduates with the delivery of quality healthcare
concerning policies, funding and regulations governing the daily operations health facilities. For
instance, students study the concepts of policy development and the process used in legislation
and regulation of healthcare delivery. Nursing students also encounter Essential V through
analyzing models of social and public policies, including identification, analysis and evaluation
of gaps in the current systems. Besides, the curriculum covers the politics of advocacy for the
nursing profession and patient health and also addresses the ethics and legal perspectives
surrounding the nursing practice. During the BSN program, learners acquire knowledge on
policies and regulation related to healthcare funding to help them understand the terms of their
compensation. The program also equips students with an appreciation of healthcare economics in


addition to understanding changes in health aspects of a population to inform the formulation of
policies that improve patient outcomes. The nursing practice act studied during the BSN program
helps nurses to operate within the legal limits of healthcare delivery while offering the best
patient care.



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