STAT 201 SEU Statistics Deterministic and Probabilistic Models Discussion

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STAT 201

Saudi electronic university



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5:13 ..Il 24 1-1: Class Member Introductions Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about the members of your learning community. Action Items 1. Think of two items that are interesting or unique about yourself. 2. Complete a course introduction noting one or two unique items and background information about yourself. For example, your area of work, professional interests and aspirations, academic goals, why you are taking this course, and your hobbies. Post your introduction to the discussion topic "Class Member Introductions." 3. Respond to two other class member postings, noting questions and mutual interests. Submission Instructions Post your introduction and responses before the first face- to-face class meeting. introduce myself Started by You 1 reply .. Introduce myself Started by shorooq alghamdi 2 replies Start Thread
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Explanation & Answer

Here I upload the final answer : word count : 611 references in APA style. If you want to make any changes let me know... ! I think you will be able to submit on Saturday...

Deterministic and probabilistic models
The way we think and understand the variations of situations in the world changes the decisions
we make. Statistics builds the process of finding out about patterns or the models in the real world
using data. This process is called quantitative analysis where raw data are used and manipulated
to produce meaningful information in order to make decisions in the real world.In the quantitative
analysis approach, first define the statistical problems in order to develop the models of real world
situations based on observations of data, assumptions about the context, and on...

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