The United States is one of the most highly developed countries in the world. North America is known for its high consumption patterns of natural resources compared to other countries. Be sure to look at the background information regarding what you can do and changes we can make in our lives to lower our footprint. comment on what are the implications of our large consumption of resources if we do not find ways to decrease the rate at which we use resources. more detail once selected.
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Carbon Footprint
People's way of living cause climate change without them noticing as its effects take shape
silently until things start going wrong. Global warming has become a global concern, and some
states feel its effects more than others. That is depending on how they treat their surroundings,
which could be intentional or unintentional. In that case, a carbon footprint has everything to do
with measuring how much activities carried out by individuals or companies contribute to the
atmosphere's pollution (Youmatter, 2020). People carry out many activities that are not friendly to
the environment, thus affecting its normal function and, in the long run, the entire climatic system.
The United St...