UWG Module 6 Planning and Control Techniques of Project Management Discussion

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University of West Georgia



Case Study Analysis Resources

Calleam Consulting Case Study on Denver Int'l Airport Baggage Handling will be used to complete module 6 case study analysis. Refer also to PMBOK Chapters 10, 11, & 12: Risk & Procurement.

One of the best ways to learn is to analyze a case, a particular situation that exemplifies the issues, strengths, and weaknesses that are faced when actually managing a project. This is a proven learning tool shown to reinforce knowledge and understanding of material. The case studies focus on two important aspects of project management, aspects that are used to judge the success of projects.

The second case is Communications, Risk and Procurement. These are important because a project cannot be managed successfully without effective communications, risk management and mitigation, and timely purchasing of necessary supplies.


  • Introduce the case and offer a summary of the issues and the main concerns in the case.
  • Explain how the issues and concerns could impact the success of the project.
  • Drawing from the PMBOK Guide and other course material, and most importantly your knowledge and expertise of project management, critique how the case was handled. What was done right, what went wrong, what could have been done differently, why, and how?
  • Explain what you learned about project management from the case.


  • Must reference theory, concepts, material covered in the course, and Project Material in general.
  • Must be in APSA, APA, MLA, or in approved stated citation/reference format with in-text citations and a bibliography/work cited page.
  • Must be at least 3 pages in length (not including the title page or reference page) , double-spaced, 1 inch margins, with 12 point fonts, Times New Roman.

Please refer to the case study grading rubric for grading criteria.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.



Project Management
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Project Management

Effective project management remains to be the aim of every project management team in
any industry. TeleMeck being a famous Telecommunication industry providing IT professional
services, was headed by experienced managers who ensured its success. The company had an
excellent financial performance during its initial stage; however, its financial performance
gradually declined. The company’s most loyal clients raised complaints concerning the timely
delivery of services and poor communication system. The company's project manager concluded
that its department had poor project deliveries and planning, risk management strategies,
unqualified procurement team, ineffective communication channel, and non-functioning
mitigation policies.
A proper communication system is a key to timely delivery of services and supplies,
collection and storage of project critical information. Effective information channel ensures proper
association between ideas, people, and communication resulting in the project's success (Burke,
2013). Every project management team member must be able to send and receive information and
be able to analyze and interpret how the available communication plan affects the success of the
project. According to Walker (2015), project success requires understanding the stakeholders' and
consumers' communication and information needs, and availing the required information on time
helps satisfy the stakeholders' needs. Adequate information ensures project completion. General
communication skills are, therefore, necessary in every organization. Improper communication
results in delays when passing messages and when delivering critical information. Passing vital
information to the wrong audience may expose the company’s useful data making it vulnerable.
Effective communication channel means that the available information is right and delivered at the



right time and the right people. Proper communication analysis, technology, models, and methods
are linked to project success.
An elaborate risk management system entails performing correct risk management,
analysis, identification, monitoring, and response and control plan. Project risk management goals
in any organization are to maximize on likelihoods and outcomes of complementary activities,
reducing negative situations (Meredith, Shafer & Mantel, 2017). Plan analysis, identification,
response, and control are essential to project success. These processes associate with each other to
attain the objectives formulated. Team interaction and involvement is necessary for the
achievement of the development goals. Project risk management is always a future investment
plan since it involves activities that are likely to happen. Risk occurrences may affect the progress
of the project either positively or negatively.
Project risk may occur if the project team takes a longer period to design a working plan.
The risk management team should be in a position to take advantage of any emerging business

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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