The Acropolis of Athens and Attica in Greece Discussion

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1-Read the attached document which is my report about "The Acropolis of Athens"

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Surname 1 Student Name Prof. --HI---Part# 3 – Draft I The Acropolis of Athens Historical information The Acropolis of Athens is located in Athens city, specifically in the region known as Attica in Greece. The word Acropolis, ακρόπολη in Greek, can be broken into two parts, άκρος (akros), which means highest, or top, and πόλις (polis), which means city, the entire word becomes translated as "a high city" (, par.2). The Acropolis in Athens, Attica, Greece, is one of the most famous ancient archaeological sites in the world. It is located on a limestone hill above the city of Athens, Greece, and it has been inhabited since ancient times. Over the years, the Acropolis was a citadel, a home to kings, a religious center, a mythical home of the gods, and a tourist attraction (, par.1). The city has withstood many civilizations, massive earthquakes, bombardment, and vandalism, yet it still stands and serves as a reminder of Greece's rich history.  language is too close to the source’s language. Revise in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Today, the site has been recognized as a UNESCO world cultural heritage and home to many temples such as the Parthenon. The Acropolis is located specifically on the Attica plateau of Greece, which is comprised of four hills; Hill of the Nymphs, Likavitos Hills, the Pynx Hill, and Philapappos Hill (, par.2).  language is too close to the source’s language. Revise in your own words to avoid plagiarism. The city construction was started by Pisistratus in 448 BCE  who is Pisistratus? (Mark, par. 2), during the limestone period and was completed at the end of the Surname 1 cretaceous period. According to J.J. Mark, there is no record whether of what the Acropolis was extant before the Mycenaeans, who claimed that the city construction started during the late Bronze Age, and it was built as a home of the king, his family, and servants. The wall was to serve as a protection to the Acropolis and the buildings inside (par.2).  the last 2 sentences are a bit confusing. Revise and clarify. Important structures and dates The main buildings located in the archaeological site include the Parthenon (Fig.1), the Erechtheion, the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, and the Theater of Dionysus. But the first temple on the site of the Acropolis was called the Doric style Hekatompedon Temple or Bluebeard Temple, that was dedicated to the goddess Athena, located on the northeastern side of the flat top hill where the current Parthenon now stands, which was constructed in the sixth century BCE (UNESCO, par.3). Later, two more temples were built on-site during the sixth century BCE, the first was another temple dedicated to Athena, and the second was an altar or shrine dedicated to the goddess Artemis Brauronia, who was considered the goddess of fertility or expectant mothers (UNESCO, par.5). The Parthenon (Fig.1)  no need to reference the pictures, although they’re great, since we will be posting the pictures separate in the final website we construct --- is a symbol of Athenian culture and western democracy. According to D. Silverman (par. 1-2  cite at the end of sentence not in middle), the building was used as the Delian League's treasury, which was Poleis (Greek ancient city-state) collection that was headed by Athens. The Propylaea, which is the entrance of the Acropolis of Athens, was constructed in 437BCE. Another entrance of the Athenian Acropolis was the Erechtheion, whose construction was completed 406BCE. It served Surname 1 as a temple to both the Athena and Poseidon Gods. cite the information in these last couple of sentences! On the other hand, the Theater of Dionysus, which was completed in the 6th century BCE, is a temple/theater and was constructed in honor of Dionysus (god of fertility and wine) (Silverman, par.2). The theater was used as a place of comedies and tragedies and was also a focal point of religious functions. Lastly, the temple of Athena Nike, built-in 420BCE, is a temple that was used to honor and worship the goddess Athena in her form that resembles the victory form of her (UNESCO). The Acropolis had survived many historical events and calamities and had remained unbroken throughout the Greek Dark Ages (800 to 840 BCE). The religious festivals, ceremonies, celebrations, along with the antiquity of the time ???  what does “antiquity of time” mean?, show the charisma and splendor of the Athenians. A common architectural theme used in the Acropolis is the use of columns either of the Ionic order of Doric (Ferrari, p.13). This can be seen in the Parthenon (Doric) (Fig.1), the Erechtheion (Ionic), the Temple of Athena Nike (Ionic), and the Propylaea (Ionic) (Silverman, par. 3). These columns and styles are from the Archaic period (750-500 BCE), but this style was used to construct the Acropolis' main components. Since many of these buildings were constructed in honor or as a dedication to the goddess Athena, much of the art and sculptures contain elements of the goddess or elements of her personality from mythology. cite this info! In the center of the Acropolis is originally stood a statue of Athena made of bronze that has been lost since its creation (Ferrari, p.16). This statue is one of the three grand statues of Athena located on the Acropolis, the other two being made of ivory and gold located in the Parthenon. The Parthenon (Fig.1) has many artistic aspects components , including in the Surname 1 building itself. The metopes of the images that top the columns of the Parthenon are varied in the depictions. explain what a “metope” is. They range from the mythological battles with the Amazons and centaurs to scenes displaying the Trojan War (Silverman, par 5-6). The pedimental statues in the Parthenon stick??? revise showing the competition between Athens gods, Athena and Poseidon, to see who will watch over the city of Athens. These themes go back to the foundation of Athens and part of its mythological inception (Ferrari, p.12). Another major piece in the Parthenon is the frieze, which lines many ionic buildings, especially treasuries. Unlike many mythological scenes and acts showed in the rest of the building's artwork, the frieze depicts a single topic, the Panathenaic Procession. This was a religious festival that took place every four years, and it was a massive ceremony in the city. Though the frieze was virtually unseen by the people looking at it from the ground, it was highly intricate and detailed (Ferrari, 20). The Parthenon pulls its architectural themes from the Archaic Period, and the artwork techniques used depicted a wide variety of subjects focusing on Athena that showed her common traits of war and wisdom (Mark, par.2). The themes were attached to past events, and it is evident in the frieze and the motepes. Historical significance According to the UNESCO, the Acropolis of Athens and its monuments are universal symbols that depict classical civilization and spirit and form the greatest artistic complex and architectural grandeur bequeathed to the world by Greek Antiquity.  language is too close to the source’s language. Revise in your own words to avoid plagiarism or use “ ”. The artistic styles of the decor of the Acropolis set the tune for art history in Ancient Greece. When the Acropolis underwent its reconstruction during Periclean times, more and more art was incorporated into the architecture. Thus we see a shift from artisans to the artist in Greek Surname 1 profession culture  Revise. It’s unclear what you mean here.. Art is present in forms such as the walls of the temples, sculptures, and friezes. Pieces depict gods and goddesses, battle scenes, and common aspects of Greek culture and life. Therefore, the Acropolis of Athens is a significant historical site since it shows the history of the oldest world civilization and the different cultural aspects of the ancient people of Greek people. Overall, this is a very good archaeological report with a lot of important historical context information. The archaeological information is, however, missing from some sections. For this you can do further research at: Make sure to mention in a paragraph or within the text you already have some of the archaeological efforts that have taken place. There are also some problematic sections that contain language that is too close to the original sources, and could be considered plagiarism. Make sure to turn these sections into your own words to avoid losing credit. There are also some sections of historical information that are missing parenthetical citations. In all, it is quite a good start. Missing citations: - 0.5 Some plagiarized/close language: -0.5 14/15 Surname 1 Works cited Ferrari, Gloria. "The Ancient Temple on the Acropolis at Athens." American Journal of Archaeology, 2002, 11. "Acropolis." The, (Accessed September 12, 2020). Mark, J.J. "Acropolis." Ancient History Encyclopedia, September 02, 2009. Available on Silverman, D. "The Parthenon." Parthenon, August 26, 1997. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO). "Acropolis, Athens." Available on Surname 1 Appendix Figure 1: Acropolis of Athens Please see the professor feedback on my report in red color. Please write each change you make in a deferent color, so that I could compare and check them. You have 5 days.
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Surname 1
Student Name
Prof. --HI---Part# 3 – Draft I
The Acropolis of Athens
Historical information
The Acropolis of Athens is located in Athens city, specifically in the region known as
Attica in Greece. The word Acropolis, ακρόπολη in Greek, can be broken into two parts, άκρος
(akros), which means highest, or top, and πόλις (polis), which means city, the entire word
becomes translated as "a high city" (, par.2). The Acropolis in Athens, Attica,
Greece, is one of the most famous ancient archaeological sites in the world. Located on a
limestone hill, the city of Athens dates back in ancient times. The Acropolis had various
forms in time. Started as a fortification, it has also been a residence for kings and an
important place for legendary and religious decisions. Nowadays, The Acropolis of Athens
is an attraction which brings people worldwide together in search of history and spiritual
experience. The city is a proof of endurance, resisting to massive natural phenomena, but
also people's hostility, becoming a symbol of Greece's rich history.
Today, the site is considered a UNESCO world cultural heritage and home to many
temples such as the Parthenon.
Situated on the Attica plateau, The Acropolis is best known for its imperial
architecture(, par.2). Historians believe that The Acropolis' construction started
back in the Bronze Age. The purpose was to protect the local ruler and this family, by
creating a colossal compound on top of the plateau (, par.3) Furthermore,

Surname 1
conducted by the initiative to create an everlasting masterpiece, Pericles of Athens has
started the construction of the city in 447 BCE (Mark, par. 2).

Important structures and dates
The main buildings located in the archae...

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