MGT 101 Saudi Electronic University Changes Needed At Chipotle Discussion

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Business Finance

MGT 101

Saudi electronic university



Assignment Workload:

  • This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
  • Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the

LO 2. Recognize the functions of planning, organizing and controlling and how they interrelate (Lo2.1)

LO 4. Apply knowledge and techniques of strategic planning and decision making. (Lo2.1)


  • Please read the case“Chipotle needs to change” on Page number 406, Chapter 10 “Organizational change and innovation” available in your textbook/e-textbook“Management: A Practical Approach”9th edition by Kinicki, A., & Williams, B., and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):(

What is the underlying problem in this case from CEO Brian Niccol’s perspective?

  • What type of change Niccol need to inspire- reactive or proactive? Explain
  • Using Fig 10.1 on page 380, describe what forces for change exist both inside and outside Chipotle.
  • Utilize Lewin’s change model (Fig 10.2 on page 384) as a blueprint and describe how Niccol can inspire change at Chipotle?(1 mark)

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Explanation & Answer

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Changes Needed At Chipotle
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Changes Needed At Chipotle
1. What type of change Niccol need to inspire- reactive or proactive? Explain
Although Niccol will face numerous resistances from the senior people in Chipotle like the
existing executive chair Ells, he will have to inspire changes for the wellbeing of the restaurant.
Most importantly proactive changes will be the best option according to the current situation
being witnessed. First, the inspiration for changes is in Chipotle’s menu. Adjustment of the menu
will involve consideration of additional items for the customers to have plenty of choices of their
interest (Kinicki & Williams, 2019, pp. 374–408). Niccol has the potential of enforcing positive
changes in Chipotle’s menu after his previous experience at Taco Bell where he inspired a
positive move of offering Doritos Locos tacos and breakfast. The addition of items in the
Chipotle menu will not only provide the customer with a variety of food choices but also will
settle the constantly increasing competition from Panera. Further, Niccol will have to encourage
changes such as additive-free ingredients to the customers for Chipotle to compete favorably
with other nearby restaurants. Lastly, Niccole will have to address the issue of protecting people
from getting illnesses as a result of consuming contaminated food. The best method Niccol can
use to settle this risk issue will involve focusing on a more appropriate and safer operation such
as ensuring each specific location at Chipotle perform its own food preparations.
2. Utilize Lewin’s change model (Fig 10.2 on page 384) as a blueprint and describe how
Niccol can inspire change at Chipotle?(1 mark)
Chipotle is experiencing many forces both from outside and inside the restaurant that are
calling for suitable changes. Some of the external forces include domestic competition and
changes in customer preferences. Chipotle is facing endless competition threats from Panera
restaurant that is located nearby. The tactics of operation at Panera are completely diverse from



chipotle’s since it provides customers with fresh and free-additive ingredients (Kinicki &
Williams, 2019, pp. 374–408). Secondly, Panera has a comprehensive menu that alternates
seasonally to serve customers to satisfaction, unlike chipotle’s menu that has a fixed menu with
only four big options. These unique features forces Chipotle customers to change their
preference to the nearby Panera for better services. Job dissatisfaction and leadership are some of
the internally generated forces that pushing Chipotle to opt for change. Job at chipotle seems to
be dissatisfying since customers have been getting illnesses resulting from poorly prepared food.
Chipotle tends to operate from one central point which is a risky practice of food preparation.
Tomatoes chopping and washing of lettuce are all done at some point. Further, leadership at
Chipotle is deteriorating. Ells who is the executive chair at Chipotle seem to possess poor
leadership virtues. He refuses to consider the issue of quality as a vital change required at
chipotle. This is noticed when he says “We’re going to buy cheap commodity meat now and turn
this thing around’’ (Kinicki & Williams, 2019, pp. 374–408).
3. Utilize Lewin’s change model (Fig 10.2 on page 384) as a blueprint and describe how
Niccol can inspire change at Chipotle?(1 mark)
According to Lewin’s model of change, the first stage of change is unfreezing. At this stage,
the manager is required to enco...

Very useful material for studying!


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