Relative to the child’s performance, develop a 5 page follow-up plan (choose literacy or math) involving one instructional session.Include in the plan: objectives, materials, procedure(s), and space for evaluation.

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South Carolina State University


Relative to the child’s performance, develop a 5 page follow-up plan (choose literacy or math) involving one instructional session.Include in the plan: objectives, materials, procedure(s), and space for evaluation.

1.Make or obtain needed materials

2.Carry out the instruction.

3.Write up an evaluation report continuing on the bottom of your lesson plan sheet. Include:

a.Child’s responses

b.Interpretation of responses

c.Strengths and weaknesses of the lesson

d.What would you do next if you had the opportunity?

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Strategic Alliances

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor’s Name

Strategic Alliances
Question 1
The chosen firms for this assessment include Barnes and Noble and Starbucks. Barnes
and Noble retail company is an American bookseller with the largest number of retail outlets in
the United States. This is a popular company which also has multiple stores and chains in many
countries in the world. Starbucks, on the other hand, is one of the largest American coffee
multichain stores across the globe (Mouri et al., 2015). Starbucks boasts one of the best quality
coffee that is very popular among its consumers, making it have one of the most outstanding
customer loyalty in the world.
Question 2
Starbucks and Barnes and Noble have a strategic alliance of sharing space costs between
them. they exhibit a non-equity partnership. In this kind of arrangement, Starbucks is the partner
since the two companies came together and realized they have a similar vision of doing business.
Therefore, Starbucks is the brewing partner, while Barnes and Noble is the book partner.
Question 3
Yes, this alliance is very successful. New Barnes and Noble cafes began collecting
consumer’s interests, which resulted in an increased number of people who love coffee and tea
visit the premises. The similarity in their vision has made this a successful partnership and
alliance since they have a common goal and vision (Mouri et al., 2015). As such, they both get
along together easily, making it a successful alliance.
Question 4

There was no need to align the two cultures for these companies since they operated in a
single business unit. As such, Starbucks continued to provide its quality coffee while Barnes and
Noble provided space to allow books to be read. The significance of this model is that it allowed
two different activities to be conducted concurrently. However, this kind of arrangement can
attract many differences, especially when the two have different visions.
Non-equity partnerships are advantageous as they make it easy for things to work in case
a recruit is not strong enough. Moreover, firms are able to retain people tat are very key to the
company since they cannot qualify to become equity partners. Besides, non-equity alliances have
excellent governance since the younger voices of non-equity partners make a significant
contribution in decision-making.
Despite these significance, non-equity alliances exhibited by Starbucks and Barnes and
Noble does not allow decision making to come from other people apart from the partners. It also
creates confusion, in case the firm wants to attain equity, whether they have first to be in that
status before attaining equity status. Besides, purchasing the firm should be done at market
value, which most people overestimate. In some cases, the equity acquisition process of the firm
might result in the partner taking a pay cut of the net buy in. however, they may not realize the
return on investment in the long run.

Mouri, N., Bindroo, V., & Ganesh, J. (2015). Do retail alliances enhance customer experience?
Examining the relationship between alliance value and customer satisfaction with the
alliance. Journal of Marketing Management, 31(11-12), 1231-1254.


Paper Title
Due Date


Paper Title

23rd November, 2020

Content Area

English Language Arts


English Language Acquisition (ELA)

Instructional Session

o Reading charts (classroom anchor charts), graphic organizer, manuals and class
textbook, sketching materials, models (Talk Aloud), digital journals (iPad), and


Reading objectives

Listening and Speaking Objectives

Language Objectives

Essential questions

Performance Expectations



Child’s responses

Assessing spelling, phonics, and vocabulary

Student Name: Mona Adriane


Interpretation of responses

Strengths and weaknesses of the lesson?

What would you do next if you had the opportunity?


Paper Title
Due Date

Paper Title
23rd November, 2020
8:20 AM- 9:00 AM
9:02 AM- 9:42 AM

Morning Meeting/Functions
Reading/ Shared Reading/ word detectives use
everything the...

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