Tele health project, business and finance homework help

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Computer Science


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Oo vodafone AU 1:01 am 43% Non-functional requirements Value: 30% Due date: 07-Oct-2016 Return date: 31-Oct-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task This is the final part of the Tele-Health project. You need to answer these questions within the context of that project. Mobile and cloud based solutions should be investigated. Furthermore, data security also needs to be further investigated, which includes data ownership, data security in the cloud and who has access permission, and to what level of access, etc. . Non-Functional Requirements This sets out the critical system qualities, system interfaces, user interface requirements, and system constraints. • Use to 'FURPS+' acronym as reference, and ensure you at cover the non-functional aspects of the acronym, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Security. Review of cloud based solutions A review of strengths and weaknesses of cloud based solutions. Taking into consideration the environment in which the solution would be deployed. SDLC Approach Write brief description of the Pros and Cons to approaching the project using the ‘Predictive' SDLC, then the Pros and Cons to approach the project as ‘Adaptive' SDLC. Then recommend either Predictive or Adaptive to the SDLC for the project and briefly describe why. Rationale This assignment is intended to develop and test your ability to research information systems relevant issues, as well as develop requirement information. Also to consider the appropriate approach depending on the criteria of the information system solution. Marking criteria STANDARDS CRITERIA 1. Non-Functional Requirements Maximum 10 Marks 2. Review of cloud based solution High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Specifies the Specifies the qualities/non- Specifies the main Specifies some of the Poorly specifies the qualities/non-behavioural behavioural requirements qualities/non-behavioural qualities/non-behavioural qualities/non-behavioural requirements that can be that can be used to judge requirements that can be requirements that can be used to requirements that can be used to judge the the operation of the used to judge the judge the operation of the system. used to judge the operation operation of the system. system. Demonstrates operation of the system. Demonstrates evidence of having of the system. Demonstrates Demonstrates breadth breadth and depth of Demonstrates thorough read material presented in core very little evidence of having and depth of understanding and has understanding of material texts and readings. However read material presented in understanding and has insights and awareness of presented in core texts literature is presented uncritically core texts and readings. insights and awareness deeper more subtle and readings. in a purely descriptive manner. Inaccurate or inconsistent of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic. Content acknowledged but not acknowledgment of sources. aspects of the topic Evidence of having read really taken into account. Limited knowledge of key content. Evidence of beyond the core materials. principles and concepts. having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. Clearly identified Clearly identified strengths Strengths and Strengths and weaknesses are strengths and and weaknesses of cloud weaknesses are identified. identified. Demonstrates evidence weaknesses of cloud solutions Demonstrates Demonstrates thorough of having read material presented solutions. As well as breadth and depth of understanding of material in core texts and readings. apply indepth understanding and has presented in core texts However literature is presented Strengths and weaknesses understanding of the insights and awareness of and readings. uncritically in a purely descriptive are poorly expressed. environment that the deeper more subtle manner. Content acknowledged Demonstrates very little solution would be used aspects of the topic. but not really taken into account. evidence of having read in. Demonstrates Evidence of having read material presented in core breadth and depth of beyond the core materials. texts and readings. understanding and has Inaccurate or inconsistent insights and awareness acknowledgment of sources. of deeper more subtle Limited knowledge of key aspects of the topic. principles and concepts. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials. Demonstrates breadth Demonstrates breadth and Demonstrates clear Discusses the SDLC approach. and depth of depth of understanding in understanding in relation Demonstrates evidence of having Poor discussion of SDLC understanding in relation relation to SDLC to SDLC approach. read material presented in core approach. Demonstrates to SDLC approach. Has approach. Has insights Demonstrates thorough texts and readings. However very little evidence of having insights and awareness and awareness of deeper understanding of material literature is presented uncritically read material presented in of deeper more subtle more subtle aspects of the presented in core texts in a purely descriptive manner. core texts and readings. aspects of the topic topic. Evidence of having and readings. Content acknowledged but not Inaccurate or inconsistent content. Evidence of read beyond the core really taken into account. acknowledgment of sources having researched/read materials. Limited knowledge of key more widely beyond the principles and concepts. core materials Well-developed skills in Good skills in expression Some skills in expression and Rudimentary skills in Highly develoned skills eynression and land clear presentation of Inresentation of resnonse lexpression and presentation Maximum 8 Marks 3. SDLC Approach Maximum 8 marks
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Non-utilitarian necessities put confinements on the item being created, the advancement
procedure, and determine outer requirements that the item should meet. Cases of NFR

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