DEFM 200 APUS Knowledge Acquisition Strategy for Contract Manufacturers Research

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Business Finance

DEFM 200

American Public University System



Write your final research topic paper.

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This final paper should be between 8 to 10 pages for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page.

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than 8 pages.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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Running Head: CONTRACTING AND ACQUISITION Contracting and Acquisition Introduction 2 CONTRACTING AND ACQUISITION Contracting and acquisition have remained to be gratified with a larger population in the country. The process of compliance is made up of different and distinct parts to ensure every nitty-gritty is addressed throughout the acquisition process. The primary and undisputed factor that the contract managers need to do is to stick to codes of ethics to do their job successfully. However, contract managers are sometimes tempted to make poor ethical and moral decisions during the process. Complying with the ethical standards in the field of acquisition is very important as it determines the success or the failure of the contract. Moral norms and integrity in the acquisition process should be applied from pre-award and post-award of the contract together with having the right and available tools. Definition Ethics bares different meanings. However, the conventional meaning of ethics is moral principles and standards that govern a particular process, individuals, or groups. Rumbaugh & Wilkinson (2013), defines ethics as philosophical principles that consist of definition, defending, and recommending ideas that are considered either right or wrong. Ethical consideration in the process of contract and acquisition has remained a common issue in the dispensation of the federal government's services. Different contract managers have also defined ethics according to their line of duty. Their definition suits their daily process of contract and acquisition. According to the managers, ethics are moral standards that shape the whole process of contract and acquisition, which should be followed later. Explanation The code of ethics needs to be applied by all contract managers in the process of acquiring contracts. The principle of ethics creates public trust and promotes integrity in the 3 CONTRACTING AND ACQUISITION whole process. The code of ethics should be able to bring sanity in the management and in acquiring contracts. It also fosters personal obligations towards a particular course. It promotes the professional commitment to ensure the process is not marred with any inconsistencies and faults. The ethical considerations that contract managers adhere to are professionalism, confidentiality, integrity, accountability, trust, respecting the law, and respect. According to the National Contract Management Association (NCMA), managers need to stick to all the stringent ethics and respect to law to avoid conflict of interest and bring credit and honor to the profession. Defense Ethics should be at the center of all the activities irrespective of the situation at hand. Those who have acted professionally and ethically in their activities have brought respect to the company and promoted their leadership styles. Their impact to the company has been felt with a larger population as they award the contract to the most qualified people; hence, the public enjoys the best of it. They have also promoted diligence and accountability in the work station. Besides all these, they have won the public trust, and they have job security at their work station. However, those who have often acted unethically have faced the wrath of the law in different circumstances. They have also been considered incompetent leaders with no moral values in the community. Many of them have been fired from their job positions. Conclusion In conclusion, contract management is a mature profession but is still growing. The managers need to ensure that stringent rules and laws are passed to ensure that every manager is complaisant with the ethical standards. To ensure that this is achieved, they first need to understand the definition of ethics, the role that ethics plays in the contract, the explanation of 4 CONTRACTING AND ACQUISITION ethics, and the effects of being unethical in the profession. The contract and acquisition process needs to follow all the prescribed steps to ensure that the best of all comes from those who have been awarded the contracts. Reference 5 CONTRACTING AND ACQUISITION National Contract Management Association, N. C. M. A. (2017) Code of ethics. Retrieved October 23, 2020 from Rumbaugh, M. G., & Wilkinson, J. (2013). Contract management body of knowledge (CMBOK) (4th ed.). Contracting and Acquisition – outline Introduction Contracting and acquisition have remained to be gratified with a larger population in the country. The process of compliance is made up of different and distinct parts to ensure every nitty-gritty is addressed throughout the acquisition process. Definition Ethics bares different meanings. However, the conventional meaning of ethics is moral principles and standards that govern a particular process, individuals, or groups. Explanation The code of ethics needs to be applied by all contract managers in the process of acquiring contracts. The principle of ethics creates public trust and promotes integrity in the whole process. Defense Ethics should be at the center of all the activities irrespective of the situation at hand. Those who have acted professionally and ethically in their activities have brought respect to the company and promoted their leadership styles. Conclusion In conclusion, contract management is a mature profession but is still growing. The managers need to ensure that stringent rules and laws are passed to ensure that every manager is complaisant with the ethical standards.
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Contracting and Acquisition
Institutional affiliation



For several years, the contract acquisition has been recommended by the more extensive section
of the country's people. The compliance process in the contract acquis ion is composed of
various areas used to ensure that all the small details are well addressed. Though the process of
acquisition. The foundation issues that have to be managed by the managers are sticking to the
given code of ethics in carrying out their duties well. However, in some cases, the contract
managers make poor moral and ethical decisions in the process Generally, other companies that
do not place good ethical standards among their employees always make gross losses since they
have a lower customer base. The person who is having good ethics is still respected in the
business, and any unethical decision always destroys the buyer's professional reputation
permanently. It is crucial to comply with the ethical standards since it determines the failure or
the success of any given contract. The moral integrity and norms in the acquisition process have
to be used in post and rewarding of the agreement and having the required tools (Nguyen et al.
The contract managers always control the various business elements depending on the given
industry. The contract manager has to be knowledgeable and be an expert in the given field; they
must know about acquiring contracts. Several companies have realized that the contract
managers' acquisition is more important than having the contract managers from within the

business. Several businesses are currently outsourcing for the contract managers to ensure that
their operations are streamlined.

All business requires good ethics since the case for any poor ethics can lead to a fall in business,
and consequently, losses may occur. Delicate situations in the contracts and acquisition process
must be handled with a lot of care.
For the organizations that deal in procurement, ethics is considered to be the priority when it
involves interactions with the suppliers. The professionals who deal with the supply are always
controlled by the rules and regulations put in place with their companies; they are also bound by
the regulations established by the industry standards and the government's regulations. Ethics is
the basis of all the contract and acquisition processes. The ethical behaviors assist in the
establishment of goodwill and long-term relations with the associated suppliers. The person who
is having good ethics is always respected in the business, and any unethical decision always
destroys the buyer's professional reputation permanently. This paper will define, explain, and
defend the processes of contract and acquisition while evaluating the importance of ensuring the
managers' ethical standards (Wang, H. M. 2018).

The term acquisition implies acquiring a contract with the supplies' adequate funds through the
means of lease or purcha...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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