HCIS/140: Fundamentals Of Electronic Health Records Wk 1 Discussion - Purpose of Electronic Health Records
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Information Systems Worksheet
Using complete sentences, define, describe, and provide an example of each term in the
following table. Use your textbooks or an outside source as references.
Cite any outside sources to support your assignment.
Information system
Memory and storage
Input and output
Operating systems
It is an integrated set of
components that collect,
store and process data
into information and
These are the physicals
parts of a computer.
It processes raw data
into information that
can be used to make
Database management
They form the structure
Key board, mouse and
of the computer
the CPU.
allowing it function.
This is the central
It performs the basic
processing unit. It is the
arithmetic, logic and
main memory of the
control options.
Memory is the location
of short term data while To store data and
storage is the component information in the
Flash disk
in the computer that
computer for easy
allows one to store and access.
access long term data.
An input device is
something which when
connected to the
computer sends
information into the
It helps in sharing
Input device: keyboard
computer. An output
Output device: printer
device is something that
is connected to a
computer and information
is sent to it.
These are programs used It provides instructions
to collect data and tell the used to carry out tasks Microsoft office
computer what to do.
in the computer.
This is an interface
It manages the
between the computer the
computer hardware and Apple's macOS
computer user and the
software resources and
computer hardware.
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