CPP Assignment Data structures.

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Computer Science


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1. Getting Setup For Lab 5 1.1 Get the Lab 5 Download • • • Click here Lab5.zip to download this lab's zip file. Save Lab5.zip to your C:\CppDev14 folder Once downloaded, double click the Lab5.zip, and copy the L5 folder from inside the zip to the C:\CppDev14 folder. 1.2 Lab 5 Project Setup • • • Copy the file sequence0.hpp from: CppDev14\L5\SupplementalFiles to: CppDev14\components\include\Sequence Create the Lab 5 Project in Visual Studio the same way you did for Lab 1 o You must name the project L5, not Lab1 o You must use the driver.cpp found in the L5 folder Note: the folder CppDev14\L5\SupplementalFiles also contains: o L5solD.exe - solution .exe compiled in Debug configuration o L5SolR.exe - solution .exe compiled in Release configuration o numbers.dat - a data file that can be loaded by the command interpreter 2. Lab 5 Statement of Work 2.1 Primary Objectives The primary objectives of this lab are to provide experience working with: 1. Implementing a software component; 2. Working with raw C++ nodes & pointers. 3. Deeper understanding of pass-by-value and copy constructor. 2.2 Specifics Finish the unfinished operations found in Sequence0.hpp: • Use the web page "Implementing a Component Using Nodes & Pointers" (http://homepages.ius.edu/JHOLLY/c343/notes/QueImpRaw.htm (Links to an external site.)) as a guide. Use "Design by Contract", do not use "Defensive Programming" • • • • Defensive Programming is not allowed. Design by Contract is required. For example: implementing your add operation so that it checks to make sure the value supplied in the position parameter meets the precondition: 0
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