Cybersecurity Protects Information Loss or Attack from Unauthorized People Discussion

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Computer Science


One of the greatest risks to information security within an organization is its employees. The importance of user education, training, and awareness surrounding information security is becoming more prevalent. Organizations of all sizes are enacting and updating their training programs for employees and staff concerning personal accountability in maintaining security posture. Depending on the industry, legal or regulatory compliance may require annual information security training sessions. This is the case for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). They have to ensure that 100% of their internal employees and contractors receive annual cybersecurity awareness training. Some organizations break down their training materials by role, whereas others do not. The HHS has included both role-based training and general cybersecurity training meant for all employees, despite their assigned roles.

For this week’s discussion, first select one of the following lessons found within the HHS Cybersecurity Awareness Training program. To access this resource, click on Cybersecurity Awareness Training under Training Courses. This will not open a new tab in your browser. On the fifth slide, you will find the various lessons to choose from:

  • Lesson 1: Cybersecurity
  • Lesson 2: Securing Information
  • Lesson 3: Social Engineering
  • Lesson 4: Breaches and Reporting

Next, complete the lesson. In your initial post, address the following:

  • Name and briefly summarize the lesson you completed.
  • Recommend an additional deliverable to reinforce this training program and explain why you chose it.
    • For example, monthly newsletter, incentive program, etc.
    • You do not need to create this deliverable; only make a recommendation. THIS IS THE LINK TO THE LESSON.

In response to two of your peers, answer the following:

  • Would your peers’ recommended deliverable appeal to you as an employee? Why or why not?
  • Do you think any elements were missing from the lesson your peer reviewed? Explain.


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Rubric Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value 40 Comprehension Develops an initial post with Develops an initial post an organized, clear point of with a point of view or view or idea using rich and idea using adequate significant detail (100%) organization and detail (85%) Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea but with some gaps in organization and detail (55%) Does not develop an initial post with an organized point of view or idea (0%) Timeliness N/A 10 Submits initial post on time (100%) Submits initial post one day late (55%) Submits initial post two or more days late (0%) Engagement 30 Provides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detail (100%) Provides relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (85%) Provides somewhat relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (55%) Provides response posts that are generic with little explanation or detail (0%) 20 Writing (Mechanics) Writes posts that are easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations (100%) Writes posts that are Writes posts that are easily understood using understandable using proper citation methods proper citation methods where applicable with where applicable with a few errors in citations number of errors in (85%) citations (55%) Writes posts that others are not able to understand and does not use proper citation methods where applicable (0%) Total 100%
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Name and briefly summarize the lesson you completed.
The lesson that I completed was on cybersecurity. In the lesson, cybersecurity has been
depicted as a major problem that affects the Department of Health and Human Services.
Cybersecurity is a critical component that helps to protect information loss or attack from
unauthorized people. The lesson depicts that employees are the most important assets of an
organization which defines the direction of an organization. In the Department of Health and
Human Services, cybersecurity is depicted as an empathetic aspect in protecting the information
that is available about a person (, 2020). The lesson explains the information that needs
to be protected by the employees that are working in the department. The information

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