University of Central Missouri Concert Review Paper

User Generated



University of Central Missouri


You are expected to demonstrate an increasing sophistication in describing, analyzing, critiquing, and placing music in context performances of music for which you may have no prior knowledge or experience – by applying the listening skills, analytical skills and knowledge you have acquired in class up to the point when you listen to that particular concert. Your observations and what you encounter at the concert can include (as appropriate):

1. The makeup and demeanor of the performer(s). How many? How did they present their performance? Formal? Informal? How were they dressed? How did they move? What was interesting about their physical movement.

2. A discussion/observation of the scope of the repertoire. Is it from one historical period? Is it one genre or a variety of genres? What kind of works of music? Have you heard music and instruments like this in the past?

3. Where any works presented (by genre and/or historical period) which conformed to or deviated from the standard, particularly in formal structures (movement schemes, sonata form, etc.)?

4. Your opinion, based on your acquired knowledge and experience, of the quality of the performance. Did you like it? Hate it? Some? All?

6. Any other relevant observations about the concert/performance.

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Concert Review
Dr. John's makeup (violin performer) and Cathy (piano performer) are good and
impervious to sweat. The demeanor in the performance is good, having polite and appropriate
etiquette towards respecting music being performed. Throughout the whole performance,
distractions are avoided, and silence is maintained (Good Concert Etiquette). The presentation is
professional, and performers are focused and maintain silence. The presentation is formal, with
casually dressed performers displaying confidence on stage. They avoid distra...

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