Evidence hierarchy relating to your clinical topic, health and medicine homework help

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Health Medical



  1. Using the Levels listed below, create your own evidence hierarchy relating to your clinical topic and proposed clinical change. You may also refer to page 24 in your textbook for another schematic of the hierarchy.
  2. For each level provide an example of this type of evidence and describe how that particular example and level of evidence supports your clinical topic that you chose in Unit 1 and also how it supports your clinical change.
  3. Craft an APA scholarly paper with cover page and reference list. You may simply use the template as a guide to incorporate it as a graph into your paper, but you must discuss each level with your examples in paragraph form.
  4. Your paper should be 7-9 pages in length including cover and reference page.
  5. You should have 6-8 scholarly references to support each level and your examples of each level of evidence. You may also use your textbook as a reference.
  6. You may use articles that you have been compiling all term for Unit 3 Assignment and for your Discussion questions as well as new literature that you find in the Kaplan library.

Level 1: Systematic review of Randomized Trials/RCTs
Level 2: Single Randomized Trial/RCT
Level 3: Systematic review correlations/observational studies
Level 4: Single correlational/observational study
Level 5: Systematic review of descriptive/qualitative/physiologic studies
Level 6: Single descriptive/qualitative/physiologic study
Level 7: Opinions of authorities, expert committees

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello friend below is the completed solution to the assignment. Kindly go through it and make your comments. I will be glad to make any corrections, if any. Thank you.



Clinical Research
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Clinical Research

This is an article that highlights the steps in evidence based medicine. There is a set
protocol for this and it stars with the systematic review of the Randomized Control trials. This is
the analysis of previous test results to give the right randomized control trial to be used in the
next level. This first level contains systematic analysis of the various trials done in order to come
up with the best option for use in this particular case. It entails a thorough research on previous
documentations. It is applicable where several randomized control trials have been conducted
and each is deeply scrutinized to get the best fit for the current study (In Steel, 2013). This is
done by comparing the randomness of the samples and the distinctiveness of the results
collected. It is possible for some tests to provide no significant results and so such test will be
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of therapy focused on changing troublesome
thoughts and emotions to normalcy especially in children. A lot of RCTs have been conducted
hence the goal of the systematic review would be to select the most effective of those test to be
further examined. RCTs have been conducted in varied settings with a varied population and
protocol. A review of this has found the CBT therapy effective in more than 60% of the patients
treated. This evidence provides a curious possibility for CBT as a treatment of anxiety disorder
in children (Berkman et al, 2013). Further tests are necessary to advance CBT treatment to give
more effectiveness that the current realized rates.
The term randomized control trial refers to the medical experiments that are often
conducted in order to avoid being biased with the existing treatments in relation to the
experimental treatment. Patients receiving these treatments are randomly placed in the test group
as well as the standardized tr...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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