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Running head: LANDER PROJECT
Lander Project
Science Aims and Strategy
The purpose of this group research proposal is to carry out and analyze the Titan
ability to support life. Types of the data to be collected involve the size of the Titan, Titan
Composition such as the atmosphere, chemical composition, and the morphological
characteristics. Also, the surface features data will be collected that include lake bed,
palaeosea, and the palaeo-hydrothermal deposit. The actual research will be conducted at the
Titan's surface where a Lander will be used to reach the Titan surface. During the research
different instruments will be used to collect data such as various cameras, laser ranging retroreflector and lunar geology among others. The data collected will then be analyzed and will
be used to determine the ability of the Titan moon to support life as different scientists have
been reporting evidences of this moon ability to support life at different times.
Titan Moon
According to Dick (2013), Titan is the largest moon of the Saturn planet the found in
the solar system. Titan is popularly known due to its ability to contain a dense or substantial
atmosphere. Titan is only the object other than the planet earth which has been identified to
have evidence of stable bodies of the surface liquid. In its organic chemistry, the Titan is said
to resemble that of the primitive earth atmosphere. The Titan's atmosphere is composed of
nitrogen but mixed with the other gases such as hydrogen and methane gases. This moon
undergoes through weather and varying seasons. It has mountains, dunes, rivers, lakes and
valleys too. According to the scientific research, all these characteristics found in Titan moon
have resulted to the conclusion that Titan is potential to support life. Even today, Titan has
been a focal point that has resulted in a great deal of curiosity for many scientists trying to
find out the truth behind the ability for this moon to support life. Therefore, the scientific
report has left room for further research that is intended to answer the question that; could
there be life in the Titan's moon?
Other Previous Titan Exploration
Previously, several explorations about the Titan ability to support life have been
carried out. First, during the month of March in the year 1655, an astronomer known as
Dutch Huygens disc...