Lifestyle Medicine Movement Video Summary

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Explanation & Answer

Hi! I am pleased to inform you that I have completed the video summary. Please find the Word document attached to this comment, as well as a separate document which serves as an outline of the main sections of the summary. If you require any further revisions, please just let me know. Thanks😀

Outline of answer

o How health is essential to the Lifestyle Medicine Movement (LMM)

o Clarifies the definition of the LMM

American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)
o Details the opinion of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) concerning 6
main health areas and a brief timeline of events related to the LMM.

What’s the difference between lifestyle medicine and other types of medicine?
o The differences between LMM and other types of medical treatments

What is the evidence behind the movement?
o Various studies have proven the effectiveness of LMM

Practicing lifestyle medicine?
o Details how assessment is implemented with LMM

o The purposes, types, and locations of certification

The Ultimate Goal
o Mainstream society and institutions should also be involved in the implementation of

Lifestyle Medicine Movement: Video Summary
Lifestyle Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges

The definition of health has changed. Nowadays, the term ‘health’ relates not only to the
absence of disease, but also physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Eighty percent of chronic
disease can be attributed to lifestyle choices.
The six dimensions of health that should be respected are: physical; spiritual; intellectual;
social; environmental; psychological.


The practice of lifestyle medicine can be summarized as follows: an evidence-based practice
that helps individuals and communities change elements of their lifestyles (such as nutrition,
physical activity, stress management, social support, etc.) in order prevent, treat, or reverse
chronic diseases by addressing their underlying causes.
The focus of lifestyle medicine is to educate and motivate patients to change personal habits
and behaviors.

American College of ...

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