Components of an Information System, assignment help

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Components of an Information System

In this one- to two-page (250-500 word) paper, you will discuss each of the different components of an information system, and then explain how you can use the five-component model to guide your learning and thinking about information systems. You may use the Unit Lesson, Chapter Readings, Suggested Readings, Learning Activities, and outside resources to aid in your research.

Include the following in your paper:

 Define each component of an information system.

 Define how you can use the five-component model to guide your learning and thinking about information systems.

 Include at least one outside research item in your paper.

 Use APA format and cite your sources.

APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

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Explanation & Answer




Information Systems
Institution Affiliation

An information system [IS] refers to an arrangement of interrelated parts that gather,
control, store, and give out information and data as well as providing feedback system in order to
meet a specific objective. (Gupta 2011).
There exist five components of an information system which includes hardware,
software, data, procedures and people (Kroenke, 2008). In such manner, hardware is
characterized as the physical segments inside a PC and they incorporate; input gadgets,
stockpiling gadge...

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