ISLA 303 Cal Poly SLO Black Mirror Episodes Theme Analysis Discussion

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ISLA 303

Cal Poly SLO



This paper will be a theme analysis based upon these 5 Black Mirror episodes, "Arkangel", "The Entire History of You", "Nosedive" "Smithereens" and "Fifteen Million Merits". You will connect these episodes to three major themes which will be posted in the photos below. The paper will need to be at least 3 pages and single spaced. Below will be 5 photos that will explain all the directions. I also have my midterm paper that referenced these same episodes that can be used for some ideas.

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Final Paper: Black Mirror Theme Analysis Final paper: This paper is comprehensive of the whole course. It is a way of putting everything together by using the Black Mirror episodes to explore our course themes and course content. You will do this in the form of a "theme analysis". Theme analysis: "Theme analysis" is a method in the Humanities that looks at patterns of meaning in a work. Your "work” to look at is the set of five episodes of Black Mirror that you watched for this course, and the "themes" to analyze are our three course themes. Basically, you should answer this question: How do the episodes depict the course themes? And as you answer that question, you should make connections to relevant details and ideas from our course content. What your theme analysis should include: Meaning & Themes: Interpret the meaning of the episodes and explain how they depict the three course themes. Some meaning may be obvious and explicit, and other meaning may be subtle and implicit. Refer to course materials from Weeks 1 and 2 for definitions of the course themes. Course content: When analyzing the themes, mention specific details and ideas from our course content from Weeks 2-10 (readings, videos, lecture slides, and class conversations). There are no correct or incorrect connections here. Just mention course content you think is relevant to understand the meaning of the episodes. Evidence: Use specific evidence from each episode and contextualize it to interpret meaning. Don't just summarize the plots. Evidence should include story elements, such as: plot points, character descriptions, and/or dialogue quotations. Evidence could also include storytelling devices, such as: allusion, symbolism, foreshadowing, irony, etc. Cohesive: Analyze the episodes together in an integrated way. Organize your arguments according to your thesis and the themes, rather than by the episode plots. 2.2. Theme 3 - Technique Theme 3 - Technique "Technique" is the name of a social force identified by French philosopher Jacques Ellul. The force comes about because of the effects of technology on our society. I think Technique is a phenomenon that we don't have to really understand but that we can still use to explain why the world seems the way it does sometimes. The reading here is an excerpt from a long article about the influence of Jacques Ellul in the United States. This excerpt is the best short piece I could find that quickly defines Technique, but it isn't complete. My lecture slides give you a bit more background on this philosophical theory. ARTICLE: S Matlack (2014) "Nothing at All Escapes Technique" excerpt from: Confronting the Technological Society, The New Atlantis. (PDF) @ LECTURE SLIDES: 2.2. Theme 3 - Technique (PDF) Q&A ASSIGNMENT: Submit your answers (Due: Sep. 27, 11:59 pm) 1.2. Theme 1: Values Tradeoffs Theme 1 - Values Tradeoffs Your "values" are your motivations to act in a certain way. When you're faced with a challenge, you tend to tradeoff some of your values for the sake of others. We can actually visualize those tradeoffs in a graphical "map" that was developed by a researcher of Psychology. This lecture will show you the values map and how to use it to begin to think about values tradeoffs that are typical when we use technology. The article to read for this lecture does not directly mention values tradeoffs, but it does provide some useful ways to think about how values can vary between different populations and how that might depend on how technology is designed. ARTICLE: P Aronson and J Duportail (2018) The quantified heart, Aeon (link) LECTURE SLIDES: 1.2. Theme 1: Values Tradeoffs a (PDF) Q&A ASSIGNMENT: Submit your answers (Due: Sep. 20, 11:59 pm) Grading Rubric: Review the grading rubric on Canvas for more guidance and specific requirements. Due Date: • Sunday, November 29, 2020: by 11:59 p.m. Submit: • PDF or Word document via the link on Canvas. Email is OK as a backup option. . . Other Requirements: Formatting: Single-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. (One page with this formatting is about 750 words.) Page count: 3.0-4.5 pages, not including title, headers, or spacing between paragraphs. Citing course content: You can informally reference Black Mirror episodes, lecture slides, videos, and the course readings. Just use titles or other simple references. You don't need formal citations for episodes or course content. Other references: You are free to reference sources from outside the course materials if you think they help your arguments, but this is not required. If you do reference outside sources, please cite them. You cause any citation style you like. .
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Seaberry 1
Benjamin Seaberry
Professor Preston Moon
30 November 2020

The Black Mirror Series
The Black Mirror is a television series with its central theme being technology. The
advanced technology demonstrates how it can harm our community and alter our behavior. Every
episode illustrates how current technology can transform soon for benefits or particularly for
worse. Frequently, disturbing scenes are rampant due to technology hostility, especially on
apocalyptic, psychopathic, alienating, spying, aggressive, and addictive. Sexuality and some
romance elements frequently appear in those episodes, although pornography and premarital
dominates sexuality themes. Chapters are standalone, and they are only linked with a clue.
Characters are obsessed with celebrities, Reality TV, video games, pornography, and Reality TV.
We observe a complex fictional society or state where there is excellent injustice or suffering in
individuals' relationship from technology comprising personal relationship, therefore providing us
with the thoughtful sight of the challenge.
The "Fifteen Million Merits," for example, present its content to the public via a channel
based on mass culture as a substitute for the gallery. It displays experimental design with depriving
of 'art' elite context. Bing Madsen traded off his values to help Abi Khan by using 15 million merits
to buy a Hot Shot performance ticket. He became agitated upon realizing that Abi got involved
pornographic role instead of becoming a celebrity. Shockingly, Bing bought another ticket and
threatened to cut his neck on the stage, but instead angrily outburst on the cruel artificial system
under them. Irony reveals itself when Bing threatened to slice his neck but instead secure a job in
the company. Unfortunately, Abi's bright future and luxurious life desires turn to be exploitive and
shameful in her new place in a pornographic company. Bing is determined to change his character
and maintain morals. He refuses to watch an adult advert, but the system pauses, and he is forced
to resume from the last memory.
The "Arkangel" utilizes implants as biologic surveillance where the protective mother,
Marie, uses them to monitor her daughter Sara. The brain implant censors violence, sexual
harassment, and keeps the daughter from a harsh environment. Marie record and observe through
the plant all her daughter's activities, assess her pulse, and censor unwanted sights from the
daughter's vision. She sacrifices her time and is dedicated to watching over her daughter to ensure
she has a reasonable life fee from sexual predators. Marie thought of the Arkangel implant when
her daughter went missing in the playground. We can relate enough that parents might require the
technology to locate and track their children. We have essential smartphones, and a...

Really useful study material!


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