CMSC 418 ACC Information Technology Anticipatory Ethics Ethical Problem Presentation

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Computer Science

CMSC 418

Aims Community College



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What needs to be in your PowerPoint Your Presentation should be 12-15 slides. Your PP needs to cover the same material as your Ethical Case Analysis 1. Give an introduction to your overall PP. 2.. Review the case. You need a case recap slide that gives the details of the case at the beginning of your PP. 3. Identify the central stakeholders in the case. Identify 6 stakeholders then narrow your analysis down to 3. 4. Identify the technical/professional problem in the case. 5. Identify the Ethical problem or problems in the case. 6. This should be the major part of your PP. Resolve the technical and ethical problems using both technical and Ethical standards. Analyze the case from 3 perspectives, 1st use standard ethical principles and use 1 ethical principle for each perspective. 2nd, you must now also apply 3 principles from the ACM/IEEE codes list of principles (p. 92) in your analysis. 1 principle should be applied for each of the 3 stakeholder perspectives you analyze. 3rd you need to apply 3 of the 5 rules for computing artifacts. This should be an Anticipatory Ethical analysis. 1 rule should be applied for each of the 3 stakeholder perspectives you picked in step 2. The 5 rules are located in a file in Blackboard. 7. Will your solution to the problem withstand criticism from the perspectives of both a variety of Ethical principles and Professionals in your field? 8. Based upon the analysis using the 5 rules what problems can you anticipate that might occur in the future related to the technology artifacts related to your case. 9. What recommendations can you make about the problems in the case based upon your ethical analysis?
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hey buddy, check that out let me know in case of anything


Issues at R&D.

Case Study Summary

Ethical Principles/Rules

Central Ethical Problem

Application via Stakeholder POV

Central Technical Problem

Anticipatory Ethics




We look at the ethical studies of emerging technology
ethics or ATE (anticipatory ethics). This involves
studying ethical issues at the R&D and introducing
technology by anticipating future possibilities in
terms of social consequences. The main challenge in
this developmental analysis can anticipate future
uncertainties. As such, it is challenging to predict the
ethical issues that will emerge in the future. As a
result, the paper can only speculate about future
applications and uses. If recent developments and
trends are anything to go, predicting and speculating
about future technologies are often result in wrong
predictions, which may result in irrelevant or
misguided sets of ethical issues. Therefore, emerging
technologies' main challenge is to deal with
epistemological problems concerning future devices,
applications, social consequences, and uses.


How can we effectively predict future applications and
uses. How can we come up with the best method to
predict the future.
Applications are developed with an aim of making life
better and we should therefore be able to predict
how these applications should look like in future.


Should an organization be allowed to choose the best
applications to give them the best results.

Individual relativism - the view that
what is ethically right is relative to the
individual or to one’s culture

Utilitarianism - to choose the action
that will produce the maximum amount
of happiness for the maximum number
of people

Categorical imperative II - to treat
humanity always at the same time as an
end, never simply as a means


Nonmaleficence - to do no harm


Justice - that one is able to claim
that to which they are entitled
and are treated fairly and
Respect for autonomy - the
right to participate in and decide
on a course of action without

Rule 2 - the responsibility of an individual is
not reduced simply because more people
become involved in designing, developing,
and deploying or using the artifact

Rule 3 - people who knowingly use a
particular computing artifact are morally
responsible for that use

Rule 5 - people who participate in a
computing artifact should not deceive others
about the artifact or its foreseeable effects


Many stakeholders in anticipatory ethics like James Moor, Deborah Johnson, Philip
Brey, and Verbeck have varied approaches to anticipating future ethical issues. For
instance, in his model "Dynamic Ethics" model, James Moor combines the practical
and ethical deontological problems and acknowledges the policy vacuum in
anticipatory ethics. He, therefore, proposes a three-staged approach,

i. Introduction stage
Under this stage, he ...

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