HRM 302 Franklin Wk 3 Training Objectives for The CSS Training Program Questions

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HRM 302

Franklin University




To assess your ability to describe the types of learning objectives for which each method is most suited.


You are assigned the challenge of designing the training program for the temporary CSS employees who must complete training before they become permanent CSS employees.

Action Items

  1. Read the Case Analysis at the end of Chapter 6 on pages 248 - 249 in Effective Training.
  2. Write a 2- to 3-page paper responding to the following questions. Format the paper according to the Academic Paper Guidelines.
    1. What are the training objectives for the CSS training program? Indicate how these are tied to the KSA requirements. Assume that all trainees have college degrees but need KSAs in all other areas listed in the Qualifications section.
    2. Based on the training objectives provide a training agenda, indicating the time allocated and order of modules in your program.
    3. For each module, describe the goals of the module and the training methods you will use to accomplish it. Provide your rationale.
    4. How will you evaluate whether each person in your training program has mastered the knowledge and skill levels needed to perform as a CSS? Describe the types of questions you would ask of those supervising the CSS employees graduating from your training program.

Submission Instructions

Upload your paper using the Submit tool.

Grading Criteria

Points Earned
At the college level, the emphasis in grading is on the content of assignments and the effectiveness of communication.

Expected Points
Assignment Meets All Requirements

Maximum Points
Assignment Significantly Exceeds Requirements

Content (Is the right information there?) (~38%)
Accuracy, breadth, and depth are appropriate.

17 - 18


Analysis/Synthesis (Is the information understood and integrated well?)(~38%)
Analyze the facts to develop valid insights.

17 - 18


Effectiveness (Is the information presented well?) (25%)
Tone and flow are appropriate for the purpose and audience.

10 - 11


Subtotal (points earned before any applicable deductions)



Points Deducted
Error-free mechanics and meeting stated format criteria are the baseline expectations for assignments. Points will be deducted for failing to meet these requirements.

Mechanics ( -10%)
Correct grammar, sentence structure, and word choice was used. The paper was free of typographical and spelling errors.

up to -6

Format ( -10%)
The assignment followed the correct formatting guidelines.

up to -6

Total (points earned minus any applicable deductions)

0 - 60

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Running head: CASE 3 WEEK 3


Effective Training
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation



What are the training objectives for the CSS training program? Indicate how these are
tied to the KSA requirements. Assume that all trainees have college degrees but need
KSAs in all other areas listed in the Qualifications section.
Objectives are set to provide a direction for effective training (McLean, 2016). For the
CSS case, the objectives would ensure competency and proficiency apart from creating
professionals whose skills and abilities are in line with the KSA requirements. The objectives
of the training will be based on three main categories. First, it will help eliminate the issues
related to fines such as late fees, parking and library fees, all of which had previously been a
problem. This objective is related to KSA in that it will promote pleasant and effective
communication between the trainees and the customers. The second objective is to ensure
that the CSS trainees accumulate the skills and abilities to provide mediation and resolution
to customer complaints and requests within the delegated authority limits and consistent with
departmental policies. The related KSA is the capacity to mo...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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