BUS 402 Strayer Why Should Students Take Professional Communications Course Letter

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Business Finance

Bus 402

Strayer University



part one:

Assignment 3: Promotion and Pricing Strategies

Due Week 8 and worth 135 points

"Entrepreneurs must determine what to sell, to whom and how often, on what terms and at what price, and how to get the product or service to the customer. In short, a marketing plan identifies a company's target customers and describes how it will attract and keep them. The process does not have to be complex." (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 274).

With this assignment, you will address some of the basic areas within a marketing plan and help to refine your strategies for creating a successful business.

Using the business from Assignment 2, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

1 Identify its primary target market.

2 Specify three (3) methods you will use to research customer needs and wants.

3 Describe the marketing mix: a) product, b) pricing strategy, c) promotion, and d) placement/distribution.

4 Create a one-year advertising budget and plan that incorporates the use of various advertising media and publicity.

5 Include at least two (2) references outside the textbook.

Part two: on a separate word document

"Location and Quality Control" Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three (3) factors you would recommend be used to select a location for a business in order to provide it with a competitive advantage. Next, select a location, and state the reasons that support your site selection. (If you envision this business being online only, then identify a temporary, pop-up site that will help this business enter a new market.)
  • You want to adopt a program to improve quality and efficiency within a company. Analyze four (4) quality control tools (Lean Principles, 5S Principles, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management). Next, discuss which tool you would select to implement into a business. Justify your response.

part three on a separate word document

"Professional Networking"

Select ONE of the following:

  1. Discuss three (3) reasons for utilizing professional networking during the job-hunting process. Note: Some potential points to consider include: developing a professional network, experiences you had presenting your resume at a job fair, or interaction on professional networking websites such as Linkedin.
  2. If you do not have experience with professional networking, you should do some light research into your intended career field and discuss three (3) relevant professional organizations that may be a benefit to you when looking for a job following graduation.

  3. part 4 on a separate word document
    Professional Experience #5Due at the end of Week 9 and worth 22 points (Not eligible for late policy unless an approved, documented exception provided) For Professional Experience #5, you will develop a promotional message. This can be an email, letter, info graphic, image, or any other relevant material that answers the following question:
    • Why should students take a Professional Communications course?
    Instructions:Step One: Choose the type of file you want to use to develop your promotional message (Word document, PowerPoint, etc.) and open a new file in that type and save to your desktop, using the following file name format:
    • Your_Name_Wk9_Promotion
    • Example: Ed_Buchanan_Wk9_Promotion
    Step Two: Develop a promotional message that is no more than one page to explain why students should take a professional communications course.Step Three: Submit your completed promotional message file for your instructor’s review using the Professional Experience #5 assignment link the Week 9 in Blackboard. Check that you have saved all changes and that your file name is follows this naming convention: Your_Name_Wk9_Promotion.In order to receive credit for completing this task, you must:
    • Ensure your message is no more than one page.
    • Provide an effective answer to the question of why students should take a professional communication’s class.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi buddy,Attached please find the final job.

Patrick Drury
London, United Kingdom
December 3, 2020
To my brother,
Peter Drury.
Cambridge University,

Dear Peter,

I know you have any questions regarding our last meeting, but as an academic counselor and
elder brother, I am writing this email to check on you and respond to the question you asked me.
As a student, you should do more research and get into a program, which will fit your ambitions.
Through research, you will learn what you want to achieve and become after college. Most
importantly, to know the path you will choose.
As I indicated last time, there are many reasons why students should take a professional
communication course. For instance, when I was going through your dissertation, I noted many
different mistakes. These mistakes are easily corrected through understanding your audience and
developing good communication skills. When writing, a good writer must understand the
audience and use the right language, tone, and emphasis to communicate with his/her audience.
Therefore, this is where a professional communication course comes in handy. Through a
professional communication course, it sharpens your writing skills. Peter, if you consider my
advice and take the course, you have good writing skills.

Apart from developing good writing skills, it is essential for developing good communication
skills. Communication skills can be verbal and nonverbal. A good professional speaker needs to
understand how to engage his/her audience. These can be through the use of different tones,
audience needs, and delivering the best message. I saw you have the basic skills through the
report, but if you take the course, you will acquire more skills.
I do not want to sound like a poet, but I would love to see you improve your writing and
communication skills. These can only be improved by taking a professional communication
course. Keep safe until we meet again.
Yours Faithfully,


Location and Quality Control
Student Name
Institutional Affiliations




Identify three factors you would recommend selecting a business location to provide it with
a competitive advantage. Next, select a location, and state the reasons that support your site
According to Scarborough (2015), the competition for a business will determine the
location and strategy a company will use to grow its business. Competition is good, and it helps a
business grow and reflect on the rising conditions, such as innovation, expansion, growth-based
strategizing, and operations changes. Therefore, for an entrepreneur, it is vital to choose a
location where one understands competition. An entrepreneur should consider if the competition
will hinder success or a platform for growth and innovation? It is vital to determine the nature of
competition and whether it is good or bad.
On the other hand, a good factor to consider is accessibility. Based on Scarborough
(2015), the customer needs accessibility, and a location with good access to consumers, raw
materials, communicati...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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