Concordia University Irvine The Idea of Freedom Analytical Review

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Concordia University Irvine


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For this assignment, you will be writing a literary analysis paper that allows you A.) to develop your own definition of freedom (this definition can be reflected through one or more of the texts, and it does not need to be final philosophical word on “freedom”) and B.) to apply that definition to two of the texts studied this semester, one of which will be a title from the required texts below.

This will be a comparison paper using your definition of freedom and a common theme between the two texts. You will support your thesis with quotations from both the texts you select. You are encouraged to utilize the Writing Center or tutoring center in the drafting stages. Your professor will provide one-on-one tutorials in which you will review the use of literary sources, thesis and draft development, and the elements of literary argumentation.

Required Text : The Underground Railroad (Whitehead): and , Between the World and Me (Coates)attached as PDF

Length: 900-1000 words

Format: MLA

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Explanation & Answer

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The Idea of Freedom
Freedom is the ability of a person to communicate, move and use different public
facilities without any restrictions. It is a state of being at liberty rather than being confined or
under physical strain. The texts, “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates describes
freedom as the ability of the African American to be included in the social context of the United
States (US) in terms of being able to participate and engage in different economic, political and
social activities in the society. On the other, the idea of freedom in the text, “The Underground
Railroad” by Colson Whitehead describes freedom as the ability of the slaves to escape from the
confinement and mistreatment by the white people on the plantations. The books highlight the
journey of slaves as they attempt to escape from the torturous treatment on the white-owned
farm, especially in the Southern States. Therefore, the texts examine freedom in terms of the
mistreatment and discrimination of the black people in the US.
The text by Coates presents bl...

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