What ethical principle(s) would you need to support, health and medicine homework help

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Discussion #7 Question Select one of the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)-related documents from the website of the Washington State Department of Health. http://www.doh.wa.gov/ForPublicHealthandHealthcareProviders/PublicHealthSystemResourcesa ndServices/Immunization/ChildhoodVaccineProgram/EconomicOrderQuantity Explain the focus of the document in relation to EOQ and summarize the information contained within it:  How does this real-world example compare with what you have read in the material for this module?  How does it compare to what you have seen in healthcare settings?  Did you see any information in contrast to or in addition to what was covered in the textbook?  What is another application (beyond vaccine ordering) for the EOQ model in a healthcare setting? Please follow all instructions and answer each question. APA format is required. Each reference must be cited at least once in the paper. Use headings to organize the content in your work. Please no plagiarism and sources should be 5 years or less
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Economic Order Quantity



There have been significant progress in the provision of drugs and vaccines in recent times
as a result of public outcry on the inefficiencies in the current system. It has been common for
patients to be advised to buy vaccines from private pharmaceuticals due to delays in ordering and
distribution. The EOQ model has therefore been devised to try and eliminate some of these
inefficiencies in efforts towards improved healthcare (Washington State Department of Health,
Comparison of the Real-world Example to Provided Module Information
Distribution of vaccines remains an important function in the healthcare sector for a
number of reasons. A good distribution channel would mean that vaccines and other drugs are
readily available to patients in various healthcare facilities (West-Strum, 2016). There are also
projections of reduced operational costs when clients order drugs at designated time durations
compared to random ordering.
Comparison of the Real-world Example to Personal Experience of Healthcare Settings
The advocacy for reduced use of antigens in the healthcare sector is clearly evident in this
paper as the Washington health administration sought a more rational vaccine distribution
framework (Washington State Department of Health, 2016). Healthcare settings in recent times
have required for improved communication between health practitioners and the patient to create
a more personalized culture in the provision of healthcare (Washington State Department of
Health, 2016).
Implementation of the EOQ model is one of the ways that healthcare experts view to be
most effective in monitoring the impact of a particular drug to a patient (West-Strum, 2016). The
Vaccine Management Business Improvement Project has integrated the requirements and needs of



various healthcare settings to not only enhance accountability but also improve communication
networks at all levels of the healthcare industry (Washington State Department of Health, 2016).
Additional Information Presented in the Paper
There are several additions to the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) information provided
particularly with respect to the kind of vaccines covered by the project (West-Strum, 2016). It is
important to note that vaccines whose availability is limited in the state have been omitted from
the program and consequently can only be ordered through other personalized vaccine
management a...

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