LED 560 Trident International Module 2 The Sociopolitical Compass Case Study

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Business Finance

LED 560

Trident University International



Module 2 - Case


Assignment Overview

In the Module 2 Case, we will examine the innumerable ways in which the external environment affects the choice of strategy (creation of threats and opportunities), and how the external environment affects an organization’s chosen strategic direction.

Let’s begin here by reading the following case concerning McCain Foods (note that there are several pages of text):

Hrelements.com. (2015). How McCain responds to changes in the external environment. Retrieved from http://www.hrelements.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/168-MC-cain-foods-How-McCain-responds-to-changes-in-the-external-environment1.pdf

Case Assignment

Using the Times 100 article above, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you address the following:

After performing some current research on McKain Foods, use SLEPT analysis to critically assess the external environment of McCain Foods, and determine the extent to which the company’s strategies should be adjusted pursuant to the opportunities and/or threats presenting themselves in the external environment.

Keys to the Assignment

In a 6- to 7-page paper, do the following:

  • Describe the strategy (or strategies) followed by McCain Foods.
  • Using the SLEPT analysis tool, assess the external environment of McCain Foods. What are the major opportunities and threats presented by the external environment? Be sure that you include the most current information about the company.
  • Based on your research and informed analysis, should McCain Foods consider making any adjustments to the strategy or strategies you described above? Why or why not? Provide clear, rational support for your answer.
  • How effectively do you believe McCain Foods has been in responding to changes in the external environment? Discuss.
  • Be sure to use a minimum of three library sources in support of your answers!

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated based on the Rubric.

Module 2

Required Resources

Hrelements.com. (2015). How McCain responds to changes in the external environment. Retrieved from http://www.hrelements.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/168-MC-cain-foods-How-McCain-responds-to-changes-in-the-external-environment1.pdf
Kukalis, S. (2009). Survey of recent developments in strategic management: Implications for practitioners. International Journal of Management, 26(1), 99–106. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Makos, J. (2016). What is environmental analysis? PESTLE Analysis. Retrieved from http://pestleanalysis.com/what-is-environmental-analysis/

Slept analysis. (2014). The Times 100. Retrieved on April 29, 2014, from
What is PESTLE Analysis? (2014). PESTLE Analysis. Retrieved on April 29, 2014, from http://pestleanalysis.com/

Module 2 - Background


There are many different tools that may be used to assist in the assessment of the remote and operating external environments. These include Porter’s Five Forces and PEST. In Module 4, we will give our attention to one such conceptual tool, SLEPT Analysis, which is a variation – and an extension – of PEST. Similar to PEST, the SLEPT Analysis is utilized by leadership to scan and monitor the remote environment. SLEPT is an acronym that stands for the:

Social, Legal, Economic, Political, and Technological remote environmental forces that may affect the organization.

Please review the theory of SLEPT analysis at the following page:

Next, let’s review the following article related to analysis of the external environment:

Makos, J. (2016). What is environmental analysis? PESTLE Analysis. Retrieved from http://pestleanalysis.com/what-is-environmental-analysis/

The journal article written by Kukalis serves as a quite excellent discussion of the turbulence and change that are occurring in today’s remote environment:

Kukalis, S. (2009). Survey of recent developments in strategic management: Implications for practitioners. International Journal of Management, 26(1), 99-106. Retrieved from ProQuest.

A version of SLEPT analysis – known as “PESTLE” analysis – adds the environmental dimension to the process of analysis. The PESTLE Analysis website is an excellent overview of PESTLE (and, by reference, of SLEPT as well):

What is PESTLE Analysis? (2014). PESTLE Analysis. Retrieved on April 29, 2014 from http://pestleanalysis.com/

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

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McCain Foods.
Each business has objectives that it strives to achieve. Objectives may include; gaining a
larger market share, attaining high customer satisfaction levels, making a profit for shareholders,
and increasing sales (Hrelements.com, 2015). For a business to achieve its objectives, it should
not only consider the internal aspects but also the external ones, as they both have a significant
influence on the success or failure of a business venture.
It is widely known that the external environment is fast-changing, and businesses that are
keen on getting a sizeable market share have to stay alert to make adjustments to their strategy
when the need arises. The external environment comprises of various factors, such as the social
trends, state of the economy, level of technology, as well as the aspect of culture. This paper
analyzes the business strategy followed by McCain Foods to determine how the organization
responds to changes in the external environment. Based on the findings, recommendations can be
made on how McCain foods can take advantage of opportunities that may arise in the external
Strategies followed by McCain Foods.
McCain Foods is a privately-owned organization that is currently the largest producer of
chips in the world. It adopts a strong market focus that involves researching prevailing customer
trends to predict what customers want (Hrelements.com, 2015). The information gained from this
research helps the company develop products that will attract customers.
McCain food has deployed different approaches in dealing with the external forces that
affect it. Firstly, social trends is a major aspect of the external environment as it holds significant

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influence over consumer buying trends (Steffi, 2018). Social trends have resulted in constantly
changing eating habits, and this is a factor that McCain Foods monitors carefully. For instance,
recent campaigns that call for the adoption of healthy eating habits pose a threat to eating
establishments, and McCain had to implement changes to meet the growing demand for healthy
foods (Hrelements.com, 2015). The changes included lowering the salt and oil quantities while
campaigning that their chips are healthy.
Offering healthier foods not only addresses the social trends, but also political and foodlabeling requirements that influence purchase decisions as...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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