New Oriental Evaluation of Research Studies in The Field of Mindfulness Discussion

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New Oriental



Each evaluation should be at least one typewritten/printed page long (double-spaced) and no more than three pages. Remember, it is not how much you write, but what you write that counts. 1. You should reference a newspaper or magazine article published within the last year. This article should concern a topic of interest to psychologists (and to you!). It is acceptable to get the article from the internet. You need to cite this article in your paper. If you use an article from the internet, please also include a link to the article in your paper. 2. In your paper, clearly cite the statement you intend to evaluate on the basis of research evidence. 3. In your paper, introduce the topic by discussing the cited statement in terms of the context of the article and in terms of the interest to psychologists. 4. Describe at least one specific research study from your text or one that was discussed in lecture which directly relates to the statement you are evaluating. Make specific reference to the text page number or lecture date and identify the study. 5. Discuss the implications of the study results, including your evaluation of: a. Existence and/or appropriateness of controls; b. Generalizability from the subjects in the study; c. Relationship between the variables studied and the variables in the statement you are evaluating. 6. Specify the independent and dependent variables (where applicable) and indicate what specific inference can be made from the evidence (e.g., can you infer that one variable causes another to change?). 7. Evaluate the original statement on the basis of the research you have discussed.

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Explanation & Answer

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Article Analysis 6: Athletes and Brain Damage
There have been many consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which has
been the cancellation of organized sports, particularly in schools. While there are many
reported benefits to participating in organized sport, many researchers focus on the brain
damage caused by participating in contact sports. Specifically, accidental trauma leading to
head injuries account for 25% of all sport-related injuries in high school students (King, 2019).
Many doctors and psychologists are using this temporary pause on organized sports to discuss
what is referred to as the silent epidemic, or this high prevalence of head injuries within
organized sports. Dr. Zender’s Psychology Today article specifically discusses brain injury and
football. He cites the long term effects of head trauma, including depression and other mental
health issues, along with physical health changes (Zender, 2020).
This idea is corroborated by a lot of research in the field. As explored in Experience
Psychology, there are many studies that demonstrate the negative long term effects of head
trauma in athletes (King, 2019, pp74). One study in particular found that between 2005 and
2014, 28 high school and college football players died due to traumatic brain and spinal cord
injuries. Additionally, 18% of all high school brain injury deaths during that time were preceded
by a concussion leading to second impact syndrome (Kucera, 2017). Results from this study are
highly generalizable as it uses census level data to detect all cases during that time period. The
researchers were able to draw a relationship between activity in sports and increased risk for
death due to brain and spinal cord trauma (Kucera, 2017).

Dr. Zender suggests taking this time off from organized sports to consider how these
high impact sports can be made safer to ensure the wellbeing of students who choose to
participate. Specifically, he notes that there is a lot of confusion about head injuries due to the
wide range of terminology used to discuss these injuries. Additionally, he suggests research into
the range of injuries that trauma can cause. Low levels of injury can often go unrecognized, but
still can lead to significant long term negative effects (Zender, 2020). Ultimately, research and
regulation must be done to improve safety in these sports.


King, L. A. (2019). Experience psychology (Fourth edition). McGraw-Hill Education.
Kucera, K. L. (2017). Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Fatalities Among High School and College
Football Players—United States, 2005–2014. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, 65.
Zender, J. (2020, September 8). The Silent Epidemic. Psychology Today.

Article Analysis 7: Behavioral Change
Many people want to change their behavior, for example adopting healthier habits,
quitting smoking, studying more, or going to bed earlier. However, it can be very difficult to
enact these changes in a way that is effective and long term. This idea is explored in Experience
Psychology and many papers are referenced that seek to explain how behavior change occurs
(King, 2019, pp 521). Specifically, one paper by Norcross et al. outlines five steps to behavioral
change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance (Norcross et
al., 2011). This model has been adopted by many psychologists and therpists ot help their
patients create the change they wish to see in their lives.
One article that explores this five step model further was published in 2019 in
Psychology Today. The article is a discussion with prof...

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