Grossmont College ATM Deposit and Withdraw Programming Project

User Generated


Computer Science

Grossmont College


I expect at least 90. Please follow the directions.

NOTE: Minimum requirement to qualify for grading: 1) Code must be properly indented, modularized and follows the best practices.

Account Project (A bank account has methods to deposit, withdraw, and check the balance.) (50 points)
1. The program contains 3 main variables called accountBalance, accountName and accountNum. Choose appropriate data types for these variables
2. initializes the accountName with the parameter specified. The member variables accountBalance and accountNum are assigned some random value (No need to use rand function).
3. The program will contain member functions named menu, withdraw, and deposit
The withdraw function checks to see if balance is sufficient for withdrawal. If so, decrements balance by amount; if not, prints an appropriate message indicating insufficient funds and displays the current balance.
The deposit function adds deposit amount to balance and displays new balance
The menu function will contain the following menu options: 1. Check Balance, 2. Deposit Amount, 3. Withdraw Amount, 4. Exit. Use appropriate messages for each option selected and then call the correct function to perform the task.


Welcome to the Bank Account program
Here is your Initial Account Information:
Account for: Helen
Account #: 123456
Balance: $187.5

1. Check Balance
2. Deposit Amount
3. Withdraw Amount
4. Exit

Please make a selection: 8

ERROR: Invalid choice. Please try again !!!


1. Check Balance
2. Deposit Amount
3. Withdraw Amount
4. Exit

Please make a selection: 1

Here is the account Information:
Account for: Helen
Account #: 123456
Balance: $187.5

1. Check Balance
2. Deposit Amount
3. Withdraw Amount
4. Exit

Please make a selection: 2
Enter the amount you want to deposit: 50
Depositing $50 to Acc# 123456

Your new balance is now $237.5

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