Project Mngt PDM Network Diagram Tool

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Business Finance


Must be at least one page

Using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) , create a logical precedence diagramming method (PDM) network diagram. The specifications for the network diagram are as follows:

  • Uses boxes, arrows, and task numbers from your WBS.
  • Illustrates at least one series PDM relationship.
  • Illustrates at least one parallel PDM relationship.
  • Illustrates at least one start-to-start and one finish-to-finish PDM relationships

  • WBSStudypool.docx

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WORK BREAK DOWN STRUCTURE FOR APPLE APPINTEGRATION APPLE APPINTEGRATION Initiation Planning Execution Evaluation& Recommendation Primary Statement Develop Project Charter Project & team plan Approval Signed and approval of Control Initial Meeting Verify validate & Testing training and charter Table representing the task completion date and preceding task. Task Starting Date Finishing Resource Date Evaluation 03-11-2014 09-11-2014 Project manager Closeout Management Audit Risk Management Document Update Achieve Project 9-11-2014 11-11-2014 Project manager 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 Project manager 13-11-2014 17-11-2014 Project sponsor/PMP Project Plan 18-11-2014 22-11-2014 PMP & directors Approval 23-11-2014 23-11-2014 Project sponsor Meeting 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 Board RM Validating 25-11-2014 1-12-2014 PMP Testing 1-12-2014 3-12-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Management 3-14-2014 6-01-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Risk 3-14-2014 7-01-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Update 7-02-2014 7-30-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Audit 8-01-2014 8-15-2014 IT & END USERS Document 8-16-2014 9-01-2014 IT & END USERS charter Signed approval Primary statement Management Achieve IT & END USERS WORK BREAK DOWN STRUCTURE FOR APPLE APPINTEGRATION APPLE APPINTEGRATION Initiation Planning Execution Evaluation& Recommendation Primary Statement Develop Project Charter Project & team plan Approval Signed and approval of Control Initial Meeting Verify validate & Testing training and charter Table representing the task completion date and preceding task. Task Starting Date Finishing Resource Date Evaluation 03-11-2014 09-11-2014 Project manager Closeout Management Audit Risk Management Document Update Achieve Project 9-11-2014 11-11-2014 Project manager 12-11-2014 12-11-2014 Project manager 13-11-2014 17-11-2014 Project sponsor/PMP Project Plan 18-11-2014 22-11-2014 PMP & directors Approval 23-11-2014 23-11-2014 Project sponsor Meeting 24-11-2014 24-11-2014 Board RM Validating 25-11-2014 1-12-2014 PMP Testing 1-12-2014 3-12-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Management 3-14-2014 6-01-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Risk 3-14-2014 7-01-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Update 7-02-2014 7-30-2014 IT INSTALL TEAM Audit 8-01-2014 8-15-2014 IT & END USERS Document 8-16-2014 9-01-2014 IT & END USERS charter Signed approval Primary statement Management Achieve IT & END USERS
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