Discuss the TWO major questions posed in the landmark case McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819

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1)  Discuss the TWO major questions posed in the landmark case McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819.  Next, what were the TWO constitutional provisions used by the Supreme Court’s majority in the McCulloch v. Maryland decision to justify its opinion.  Lastly, explain how the McCulloch case expanded the power of the federal government in relation to the states.

2)  The text discusses several reasons for political participation and gives reasons for the decline in voter turnout in the United States.  With this information, formulate a strategy to increase voter participation.  In your response, discuss ONE target group, ONE electoral procedure, and ONE legal requirement to increase voting in the United States.

3)  What were THREE issue discussed during the presidential debate Sunday evening?  What were the responses by Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton on EACH of those three issues you mentioned?  Which candidate did you most agree with on EACH issue?  Explain.  Lastly, list and explain TWO reasons which candidate you felt won the debate.

4)  Interest groups attempt to influence the policy-making process in a number of ways and through multiple access points.  For EACH of the following, explain how interest groups advance their causes, and give a specific example (real-life or hypothetical) for each:  1) litigation, 2) donating money through PACs, 3) grassroots lobbying

5)  The text discusses THREE major roles that the media plays in the political process.

a. Explain each role and cite an example on how the media played that role in the political arena.

b. Lastly, which role do you think is the most powerful the media possess?  Explain.

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Explanation & Answer



American Politics
Institutional Affiliation
History Questions
Question 1

The main issue evident in the McCulloch v. Maryland case was the constitutionality of the
Congress chartering a bank. The second issues emerged when Maryland decided to impose a
heavy tax on the Second Bank of the United States (BUS) that has been chartered by Congress.
The court ruled in support of Congress using two constitutional provisions. It recognized the
implied powers of Congress and also upheld that a state cannot undermine these powers
(McBride, 2007). By upholding the “implied powers” of Congress, the case struck a balance
between federal and state powers, illustrating that states’ powers came in second place.
Question 2
According to this article the key word is political participation which refers to the activities
where by residences of the society involves themselves voluntary in selection of their rulers
either using direct method or indirect method. There also activities which are typically such as
discussion, voting, information seeking, meeting attending and also communication to the
representatives of the society. Many of the social scientists like studying this topic of political
participation. Since is an integrated in the law of each polity to start with participation. No
matter how the society is, it is taken as must that someone from the society must politically make
those decisions. Even though there are those who fail to participate but there are effects they
face, they enjoy less power than those who participated. But even if not all those who

participated have high power but it is illegal for those who never participated to share power. So,
if you are willing to share and enjoy this power it is...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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