PSY 101 UI Social Biological Emotional & Cognitive Forces that Affect Behavior Essay

User Generated



PSY 101

University of Idaho



Write about what you learned about this psychological topic and how it applies to your actual life. The topic is motivation.

Use standard APA format and I will be grading it according to the substance of your content, grammar and editing, and your ability to apply psychological concepts to help understand something relevant in your life.

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Explanation & Answer

Your work is complete. Please look at it and let me know if you need any corrections or revisions before you submit it. I also attached a plagiarism report and an outline on the same, but you can choose to ignore them.

Running head: MOTIVATION


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Motivation is a process that initiates, guides, and maintains behavior and also causes one
to act. It involves social, biological, emotional, and cognitive forces that affect behavior.
Motivation can either be extrinsic or intrinsic. Regarding this topic, I learnt that extrinsic
motivation arises from outside the person and more likely to involve rewards such as; money,
trophies, social recognition, or praise. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation comes from within
the individual (Geen, 2010). They help people in solving day to day problems. Different factors
motivate human beings, like the theory of the instincts that states that behaviors are inborn and
inspired by biological instincts. Drive theory suggests that many behaviors like drinking, eating,
and sleeping are motivated by psychology, and they need to be fulfilled to end the drive. Arous...

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