CMU The Staff of Taj Mahal Palace Hotel Powerpoint Case Study Presentation

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Business Finance

California Miramar University


Terrorists attacked the luxurious Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai, India, on November 26, 2008. For hours the terrorists took hostages and killed indiscriminately. As much as the attacks were a surprise, the hotel employees' responses were also a surprise. The incredible lengths that the employees went to protect customers and themselves have been analyzed and examined. The goal was to understand the why behind their actions. In fact, the siege became a Harvard Case Study as well as a movie.

In our Case Study power point, we will analyze the "whys" of the employee actions while also examining the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel's leadership and management role in the employees' actions. In the case study, provide at least three reasons as to why the employee acted so heroically. Research these reasons by using your book as well as outside resources. You must cite at least four sources outside of the textbook. It is crucial to relate your answers to management and leadership. For example, did communication, quality, empowerment, and/or communication skills play a role? These are all chapters in the textbook. To thoroughly understand the actions of the employees, you should thoroughly understand what happened in the attack.

The case will be presented in Week 6 in a 10 – 12-minute PowerPoint presentation. The outline of the case study should be:

1) Title page

2) Table of contents

3) Background/Overview of case – what happened

4) Evaluation – at least 3 reasons why employees acted the way they did

5) Analysis - What can hospitality companies learn?

6) Conclusion

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PowerPoint Case Study
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Table of contents

Background/overview of case.







Background of the case

According to trip advisor, Taj Mahal Palace Hotel is a five-star,
luxury hotel in the Colaba region of Mumbai.

On November 26, 2008 terrorists attacked the hotel, took hostages
and at least 167 people were killed indiscriminately (CNN, 2020).

The attackers in this case were well-armed and very confrontational
who used automatic weapons and grenades to fire.

The hotel was hosting more than 465 people...

Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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