Marymount University Theft Identity Discussion

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Marymount University



Project report: see attached module 4.

5 pages


Powerpoint slides about the whole project.


A short two-page of analysis of how you did or did not meet the timeline for the plan, what was harder/easier than expected, what “gaps” you felt there were in your undergraduate program which may have impacted your performance on the project, and what you learned from the project. If you changed the project in any way from your initial proposal please describe the change and the reasons for it.

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1 Online Identity Theft Project Project Muhannad Almasad Marymount University IT 489 Micheline Al Harrack Septemeber 20, 2020 Honor Pledge “On my honour, I have neither given nor recived aid on this assignement” 2 Online Identity Theft Project Proposal Introduction The issues of online identity theft have been a significant challenge affecting different groups of people. In the 21st century, there has been a rapid increase in the reported cases of online identity theft. The recent developments had a significant impact on the way people conduct their daily activities. Following the many advancements in technology, there has been a rapid increase in the use of the internet in performing different operations (Jordan et al., 2018). Based on the technological developments, there has been a sharp increase in the reported incidences involving the cases of online identity theft. A majority of the attackers’ primary aim is based on the need to gain access to confidential information, which is later used for illegal activities (Avila, 2007). For instance, some attackers use personal identification information, which is later used for different purposes, such as demanding tax refunds based on social security numbers. Therefore based on these developments, there is a need for extensive research on online identity theft. With this understanding, it is crucial to examine different issues associated with the incidents of personal identity theft and some mechanisms that can be used in overcoming the challenges posed by crimes. Objective The key aim of the project will be based on the need to develop an in-depth understanding of different mechanisms involved in the cases of personal identity theft. The study will also look to examine different mechanisms that can be utilized by governments in addressing the issues associated with personal identity theft (Avila, 2007). The research will also assess the techniques used by the offenders in performing the crimes of identity theft. Through 3 the study, it will be possible to develop an understanding of different mechanisms that can be utilized by the FBI in addressing the reported cases of identity theft (Jordan et al., 2018). The research will mostly focus on the cases of personal identity theft in the Middle East and their impact on the victims. Project Plan The project will be broken down into different sections. The breakdown of the project will play a crucial role in developing effective mechanisms that can be used in meeting the needs and requirements of the project (Bell & Waters, 2014). The estimated duration of the project will be two months. Within the period, the project will be required to meet the key objectives. Initially, the project will look to gather sufficient data on the challenge of identity theft. The collected data will play a crucial role in ensuring the project team can identify the relevant materials and resources that provide information and data on identity theft (Jordan et al., 2018). The main tasks will be based on the need to develop elaborate research questions. The research questions will play a crucial role in determining the direction of the research. The other set of tasks involved in the project will require the collection of literature highlighting past research on the issues of identity theft. The literature review section will be performed within four weeks. The duration will be sufficient to ensure adequate data on the issues of identity is collected (Bell & Waters, 2014). Through the evaluation of existing literature, the research will create a better understanding of the research problem. Through the evaluations, it will be easier to determine the direction of the research. On completing the evaluation of the relevant resources, there will be a creation of a draft of the literature review, highlighting the key findings from the existing research. Finally, the project will outline different 4 research methodology techniques that will be used in the collection of the necessary data. There will also be a highlight of different techniques utilized in the analysis of the collected data on online identity theft. Resources The key resources required for the project will include the collections of relevant materials on the research problem. Therefore, access to the library will be an essential resource in completing the project. Other resources that might be needed for the project will include data analytics tools, such as SPSS and Excel (Bell & Waters, 2014). Financial resources will also be needed to facilitate the purchase of the relevant resources, such as research articles needed to complete the project. The resources will be obtained with close collaboration with the instructors and fellow students. Closing Materials On completion, the project will be expected to produce outcomes that are closely linked with the defined objectives. The main aim of the project will be based on the need to provide an in-depth understanding of the issues of online identity theft (Avila, 2007). The project will outline different mechanisms used by the fraudsters in undertaking the incidents of online identity theft. In the course of the project, research skills will facilitate the collection of crucial data and information related to the research problem. The project will also provide insights into different mechanisms that can be applied to reducing the incidence of identity theft. There will be a highlight of different guidelines that need to be followed to facilitate the reduction of incidents involving online identity theft (Jordan et al., 2018). In the course of the project, there will be different risk factors, such as delays and lack of adequate resources that are likely to 5 impact the success of the project. Mentors, such as former students who have undertakensimillar projects will be crucial in facilitating the success of the ptoject. Finally, the project’s success will be dependent on collaboration with other stakeholders, such as the supervisors. 6 References Avila, A. (2007). Identity Theft in Developing Countries Online Banking Industry, Real Threat or Artificial Technological Need? SSRN Electronic Journal. Bell, J., & Waters, S. (2014). Doing Your Research Project. McGraw-Hill Education. Jordan, G., Leskovar, R., & Marič, M. (2018). Impact of Fear of Identity Theft and Perceived Risk on Online Purchase Intention. Organizacija, 51(2), 146-155. IT489 – IT Capstone Project Fall 2020 Progress Report Project Report Format 12/9/2020 1 Status of Project Proposal Project Proposal Draft Comments Final Literature Review Draft Comments Final 12/9/2020 2 Project Report Format • Front matter – Cover Page – Table of Contents • • • • • • • • Objective of the Project (½ page) Actual timeline of the project (½ page) Literature Review (2 to 3 pages) Body – the methodology, results, analysis (majority of report) Bibliography (of sources used in the body of the text) List of associated documents (provided with the report to document the work that you performed) Documentation of work done by yourself and others Attachments: evidence of projects to show work done 12/9/2020 3 Front-Matter • NOT included in page count • Cover Page – Title of document • Your topic title • Document • Draft/Final – Your full name and affiliation – Date of document – Honor Pledge • Table of Content – Autogenerated – Text must start on page 1 12/9/2020 4 Objective of Project • Half a page • Provides context to what your report is about • Already written this – Topic approval – Project Plan • Can modify if scope has changed during project 12/9/2020 5 Timeline of Project • Update the table in your project plan, to indicate when: – Things actually happened – Level of effort required • Purpose is for you to think about the plan and actuals • Can be differences, but be honest about your start and completion dates 12/9/2020 6 Literature Review • Final version of your literature review • Only include documents that you are using in the project – If you do not talk about it in the main section, it should not be included – Not what you read but what is discussed in the section and why • Full bibliographic citation is given in a later section • Same format as used in the draft literature review, following my comments 12/9/2020 7 Body • This is the main part of your report and includes the following sections – Methodology – Results – Analysis or Conclusion • Will vary if you are doing research or a project – If research, should be at least 5 pages of discussion – If project, should be at least 2 pages with evidence of project in attachment • Must include at least one figure • See sample 12/9/2020 8 Bibliography • Everything in your project report must be included in the bibliography • Must be APA format • If you obtained it from Google or Google Scholar must include the URL • If found through library databases, include full APA reference but no need to provide URL • I must be able to review the full-text of each of your documents 12/9/2020 9 List of Associated Documents • Largely included for those that are doing a project • List refers to evidence of the work you have done on the project and included in attachment • Examples: – – – – 12/9/2020 Screenshot of the application Code listing showing code written Screenshot of sample Web pages URL link to Web page 10 Who Did What? • Documentation of work done by yourself and others • Indicate: – Interaction with your faculty mentor (who, what, when) – Material provided by client (e.g. content for the Web site) – Use of any editors to review your report before submission • THE MAJORITY OF THE WORK MUST BE YOURS 12/9/2020 11 Attachments • If you did a project, you must provide evidence of the work that you have done • Each piece must be listed in the List section, this is where you provide: – Code – Images – Video – Other documentation 12/9/2020 12 Sample • Canvas includes pieces of one project – Research on the problem of hardware data leaks • Includes text for – Literature review – Methodology – Results – Conclusion – Bibliography 12/9/2020 13 Questions? • I will be available by email to answer any of your questions over the next few weeks • If you are unable to meet the draft deadline, please write me a memo describing the circumstances for being late and if justified I will give you an extension 12/9/2020 14 1 Literature Review and Evaluation of Sources Muhannad Almasad Capstone Project Professor Al Harrack 10 – 31 – 2020 2 Literature Review on Online Identity Theft Globally, there has been an increase in the use of technology in performing different tasks. The advancements in technology have facilitated the generation of vast amounts of data daily. The use of technology has been linked with many benefits for the users. However, despite the benefit, there are many shortcomings associated with the advancements in technology. For instance, many people are fighting against issues related to online identity theft (Goth, 2005). Therefore, the increase in cases of identity theft calls for extensive research to develop a better understanding of the causes, impacts, and prevention strategies. The increase in the reported case of online identity theft has facilitated the development of effective strategies to address the menace. There has been extensive research examining different measures that can help in reducing the prevalence of online identity theft (Goth, 2005). The criminals hack databases to ensure they can access confidential information used to facilitate online identity theft. Following online identity theft incidences, there are massive financial losses and destruction of reputation (Goth, 2005). It is, therefore, crucial to develop effective strategies to address the challenge of identity theft. With the increase in online identity theft cases, many people have become more conscious of engaging in online transactions. As a result of the developments, many people fear sharing their confidential information online (Hinde, 2005). There have been cases of misplacement of sensitive data, which increases vulnerability to different identity theft forms. Therefore, there have been calls on the need to exercise caution when sharing confidential information online (Hinde, 2005). 3 As a result of the increasing cases of online identity theft, online business have been significantly impacted. In most cases, the fear of falling victim to online identity theft has driven many people to consider different measures in an attempt to reduce their vulnerability to the attacks (Jordan et al., 2018). Therefore, the purchase intention has been significantly impacted based on the increase in the cases of online identity theft (Jordan et al., 2018). Therefore, it is vital to understand the impact of the fear of online transactions due to the increase in online identity theft cases. Researchers have conducted a different experiment in an attempt to understand the impacts of online identity theft. Through the experiments, it has been possible to establish personal identity (Menčik, 2020). The research has also examined the implications of the cases of online identity theft. Therefore, it is vital to understand the implications of duplication of an individual's identity (Menčik, 2020). The cases of online identity theft mostly target individuals with higher incomes. The hackers consider individuals' resources before committing online identity theft crimes (Reynolds, 2020). However, most online identity theft victims manage to recover the losses by working with various institutions. In other cases, it becomes challenging to overcome the challenges posed by the cases of online identity theft (Reynolds, 2020). Therefore, it is vital to take care to minimize the exposure to incidences of online identity theft. The lower-income groups are less susceptible to online identity theft. Recent research has highlighted that online identity theft cases are common in many financial institutions, such as banks. Many hackers have developed different approaches that are 4 designed to lure banks customers into their traps. For instance, with the increased use of mobile banking, many people are bound to fall into online identity theft (Granova & Eloff, 2004). The use of public Wi-Fi networks has been found to increase the individual's vulnerability to different forms of identity theft. Therefore, care must be taken to minimize exposure to different forms of online identity theft (Granova & Eloff, 2004). The perpetrators of online identity theft use different mechanisms to execute their heinous activities. In most cases, the hackers target the unsuspecting individuals as they find it easier to execute their attacks without raising any alarms (Hallberg, 2011). With the advancements in technology, there has been a sharp increase in the reported cases of identity theft. For instance, hackers may even use information from databases in private institutions and create fake identities (Hallberg, 2011). With the information, the groups may create fake credit cards that are used to make purchases online. Through online trading, it becomes easier for customers to compare the prices of different goods and services from a variety of sellers. Businesses also benefit from a large customer base by trading their goods through online platforms (Smith, 2011). However, the recent increase in online identity theft cases has significantly impacted the buyer's willingness to purchase goods and services online. Therefore, online identity theft has significantly impacted people's attitudes towards online trade (Smith, 2011). Recent research on Canadian consumers of different goods and services has indicated that online identity theft cases have impacted people's online trading perceptions. Based on the research, over 20% of the consumers have reduced or stopped engaging in online purchases with the fear of identity theft (Sproule & Archer, 2010). The developments have impacted many businesses negatively. The government and leading corporations are concerned by the trends; 5 this is likely to prompt an increase in the laws and regulations to manage online identity theft (Sproule & Archer, 2010). Many businesses in the modern world are interconnected through the internet. In the past, cases of online identity theft were only common in developed countries. However, with the advancements in technology, online identity theft cases have become common in developing nations, such as India (Vijaya Geeta, 2011). Therefore, there is a need to develop countermeasures to mitigate the increasing cases of online identity theft. Evaluation of Sources Goth, G. (2005). Identity theft solutions disagree on the problem. IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 6(8), 2. Based on the sharp increase in identity theft cases, there have been numerous efforts to develop an effective strategy to address key issues associated with online identity theft. The article highlights key issues associated with online identity theft and highlights different measures that could be utilized in addressing the challenges. The research's key focus has been based on the sharp increase in the number of reported hacks into different databases; this has resulted in massive losses of confidential information, as a result of the developments. There are attempts to introduce tough legislation in an attempt to reduce the reported cases of online identity theft. Therefore, the research article provides a strong basis for further research into different online identity theft issues in the 21st century. 6 Granova, A., & Eloff, J. (2004). Online banking and identity theft: who carries the risk? Computer Fraud & Security, 2004(11), 7-11. (04)00134-4 Based on the article, there is an evaluation of different risks posed by the increase in technology use in banking. For instance, the sharp increase in mobile banking use has increased the bankers' exposure to different forms of online identity theft. The research outlines the devastating effects associated with online identity theft. Many innocent citizens have lost millions of dollars as a result of online identity theft. Therefore, there is an emphasis on the need to ensure regulatory institutions oversee the contracts between the banks and customers to reduce the exposure to different forms of online identity theft. Through the research article, it will be easier to understand the impact of online identity theft on developing countries. The research will also provide a strong basis for further research into the challenge. Hallberg, C. (2011). Identity Theft: A Brief Overview. SSRN Electronic Journal. Based on the article, there are insights into different forms of identity theft and its impact on the population. There is a clear definition of online identity theft and an overview of how criminals execute online identity theft crimes. From the article, the readers develop insights into different aspects and developments related to online identity theft. There is also an outline of different legislations that have been designed in an attempt to reduce the rampant cases of online identity theft. The research also examines different approaches that have been designed in an attempt to address the menace of identity theft. Finally, based on the overview, the readers understand the obstacles impacting the fight against online identity theft. Therefore, the research article provides a strong basis and overview of different issues associated with online identity theft. 7 Hinde, S. (2005). Identity theft: theft, loss, and giveaways. Computer Fraud & Security, 2005(5), 18-20. (05)70215-3 The article highlights a sharp increase in the reported cases of online identity theft. There is an extensive evaluation of some of the most popular online identity theft cases, such as the Bank of America back up tape losses. The research also provides insights into the ease with which people can access confidential information of others. The increase in the reported cases of identity theft in some of the leading corporations, therefore, serves as an indicator of key issues impacting personal information confidentiality. Therefore, based on the article's highlights, there are insights into past cases of identity theft. Therefore, based on the research insights, we develop a strong basis for further research into the challenge of online identity theft. Jordan, G., Leskovar, R., & Marič, M. (2018). Impact of Fear of Identity Theft and Perceived Risk on Online Purchase Intention. Organizacija, 51(2), 146-155. Following the increase in the prevalence of online identity theft cases, there has been an increase in fear by different shoppers. Many people have become increasingly cautious when making online transactions. The increase in consciousness has been driven by the fear of falling victim to online identity theft cases. Many people fear losing their hard-earned money to scammers. Therefore, there is a tendency to exercise caution when undertaking different online transactions. The article shows that the fear of becoming victims of online identity theft has significantly impacted various goods and services. Therefore, the article's findings provide a strong basis for further research into different issues created by the rampant cases of online identity theft. 8 Menčik, D. (2020). Identity Theft: A Thought Experiment on the Fragility of Identity. Conatus, 5(1), 71. The research article used ideas from different experiments to develop an in-depth understanding of key issues associated with online identity theft. The researchers simulate different scenarios highlighting different forms of online identity theft. There are insights into the fragility of online identity theft and the chances of becoming a victim of online identity theft. Therefore, based on the research article's developments, there is an overview of different strategies that could be utilized in conducting effective research on online identity theft. Therefore, the findings highlighted in the article provide a strong basis for further research into the problem of identity theft. Reynolds, D. (2020). The differential effects of identity theft victimization: how demographics predict suffering out-of-pocket losses. Security Journal. The research article's findings indicate that individuals earning high incomes are more prone to incidences of identity theft. In most cases, most of the victims of identity theft find it easier to recuperate the losses associated with identity theft. Despite the efforts to mitigate the effects associated with different forms of identity theft, many victims end up incurring out of pocket losses. Therefore, due to the developments, the article has managed to identify the implications of different forms of identity theft. The research article's findings highlight key gaps in areas that need extensive research in an attempt to understand the implications of online identity theft. From the findings, it is possible to understand different approaches that could help address key issues associated with identity theft. 9 Smith, A. (2011). Linking the Popularity of Online Trading with Consumers' Concerns for Reputation and Identity Theft. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 7(1), 1-35. The research article attempts to establish the relationship between the concerns raised by customers on their reputation due to the increased cases of online identity theft. The article first outlines the benefits associated with online trading and the challenges posed by the same. From the article, the most significant challenge has been based on the increase in the reported cases of online identity theft. Many customers are keen on protecting their confidentiality and reputation. Thus, vulnerability to online identity theft is likely to affect the customer's attitude towards online shopping. Therefore, the research outcomes open doors for further research into the issues and difficulties associated with online identity theft. Sproule, S., & Archer, N. (2010). Measuring identity theft and identity fraud. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 5(1/2), 51. Based on the increase in technology use, there have been numerous concerns about the issues associated with online identity theft. The research article reports on different identity theft issues affecting other consumers. The researchers utilize a process-oriented model to understand key aspects and issues associated with online identity fraud. The article highlights the effects of the increasing cases of online identity theft on customers. For instance, the paper reports a decrease in online shopping based on the fear of online identity theft exposure. The findings of the research raise significant concern for many businesses. Therefore, based on the study outcomes, it is possible to conduct further research on the issues of online identity theft. 10 Vijaya Geeta, D. (2011). Online identity theft – an Indian perspective. Journal of Financial Crime, 18(3), 235-246. The article focuses on the challenge of online identity theft based on the Indian perspective. Following the increase in identity theft cases in the Western world, the adverse effects of the menace were felt in developing countries, such as India. The article, therefore, points out the issue of online identity theft is a global challenge. The research focuses on phishing attacks and different measures taken to overcome the attacks. The gradual increase in cases of online identity theft calls for proactive steps in addressing the menace. Based on the findings, the research article opens doors for further research into the challenge of online identity theft and the need to develop appropriate measures to overcome the menace. 11 References Goth, G. (2005). Identity theft solutions disagree on the problem. IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 6(8), 2. Granova, A., & Eloff, J. (2004). Online banking and identity theft: who carries the risk?. Computer Fraud & Security, 2004(11), 7-11. Hallberg, C. (2011). Identity Theft: A Brief Overview. SSRN Electronic Journal. Hinde, S. (2005). Identity theft: theft, loss, and giveaways. Computer Fraud & Security, 2005(5), 18-20. Jordan, G., Leskovar, R., & Marič, M. (2018). Impact of Fear of Identity Theft and Perceived Risk on Online Purchase Intention. Organizacija, 51(2), 146-155. Menčik, D. (2020). Identity Theft: A Thought Experiment on the Fragility of Identity. Conatus, 5(1), 71. Reynolds, D. (2020). The differential effects of identity theft victimization: how demographics predict suffering out-of-pocket losses. Security Journal. Smith, A. (2011). Linking the Popularity of Online Trading with Consumers' Concerns for Reputation and Identity Theft. International Journal Of Business Data Communications And Networking, 7(1), 1-35. 12 Sproule, S., & Archer, N. (2010). Measuring identity theft and identity fraud. International Journal Of Business Governance And Ethics, 5(1/2), 51. Vijaya Geeta, D. (2011). Online identity theft – an Indian perspective. Journal Of Financial Crime, 18(3), 235-246. Muhannad Almasad Professor Al harrack Capstone project May 29, 2020 Online Identity Theft The new topic that I want to choose is “Online Identity Theft”. I chose it for many reasons. One reason is that I personally was a victim of Online Identity Theft back when I was in Saudi Arabia. Secondly, Cyber-attacks are a serious thing now and people would go to jail if they get caught; with that being said, I can learn more about how governments can arrest those who steal people's identity and get to my dream of working with the FBI back in my country. I would like to do my research paper about it and focus in the middle east and how it affects people and hurt them. Also, I will focus on how criminals do it, how do they make people fall for it, and what should people do to prevent it. I will try to find a solution for it that is easy for people to do to prevent it from happening to them.
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Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.


Objective of the Project (½ page)

Actual timeline of the project (½ page)

Literature Review (2 to 3 pages)

Body – the methodology, results, analysis (majority of report)

Bibliography (of sources used in the body of the text)


Muhannad Almasad
Capstone Project
Professor Al Harrack
12 – 12 – 2020


Table of Contents
Objective ..........................................................................................................................................3
Topic Approval ................................................................................................................................3
Project Plan ......................................................................................................................................3
Timeline of Project ..........................................................................................................................3
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................4
Research Design...............................................................................................................................6
Methodology ....................................................................................................................................6
Data analysis and findings ...............................................................................................................8
Annotated Bibliography ...................................................................................................................9


The project's key objective will be to establish an in-depth understanding of the various
mechanisms involved in cases of theft of personal identity. The research would also explore
numerous methods that policymakers may use to resolve the challenges associated with personal
identity fraud (Avila, 2007). The research will also assess the techniques used by the offenders
in performing the crimes of identity theft. Through the study, it will be possible to develop an
understanding of different mechanisms that can be utilized by the FBI in addressing the reported
cases of identity theft (Jordan et al., 2018). The research will mostly focus on personal identity
theft cases in the Middle East and their impact on the victims.
Topic approval: Online Identity Theft Project topic has been approved.
Project Plan: The project will be broken down into different sections. The breakdown of the
project will play a crucial role in developing effective mechanisms that can be used to meet the
project's needs and requirements (Bell & Waters, 2014). The estimated duration of the project
will be two months. Within the period, the project will be required to meet the key objectives.
➔ No modifications were made in scope of topic during project work.
Timeline of Project:



Data collection, Identify the

1-7-2020 to 1-8-2020

four weeks

relevant materials and
resources+ research questions


Collection of literature

1-8-2020 to 1-9-2020

four weeks

1-9-2020 to 1-10-2020

four weeks

1-10-2020 to 15-10-2020

Two weeks

highlighting past research on
the issues of identity theft
methodology techniques and
data analysis
Results + bibliography

Literature review
Globally, there has been an increase in the use of technology in performing different
tasks. The advancements in technology have facilitated the generation of vast amounts of data
daily. The use of technology has been linked with many benefits for the users. However, despite
the benefit, there are many shortcomings associated with the advancements in technology. For
instance, many people are fighting against online identity theft (Goth, 2005). Therefore, the
increase in identity theft cases calls for extensive research to develop a better understanding of
the causes, impacts, and prevention strategies.
The increase in the reported case of online identity theft has facilitated the development
of effective strategies to address the menace. There has been extensive research examining
different measures that can reduce the prevalence of online identity theft (Goth, 2005). The
criminals hack databases to ensure they can access confidential information used to facilitate
online identity theft. Following online identity theft incidences, there are massive financial
losses and destruction of reputation (Goth, 2005). It is, therefore, crucial to develop effective
strategies to address the challenge of identity theft.


With the increase in online identity theft cases, many people have become more
conscious of engaging in online transactions. As a result of the developments, many people fear
sharing their confidential information online (Hinde, 2005). There have been cases of
misplacement of sensitive data, which increases vulnerability to different identity theft forms.
Therefore, there have been calls on the need to exercise caution when sharing confidential
information online (Hinde, 2005).
As a result of the increasing cases of online identity theft, online business has been
significantly impacted. In most cases, the fear of falling victim to online identity theft has driven
many people to consider different measures to reduce their vulnerability to the attacks (Jordan et
al., 2018). Therefore, the purchase intention has been significantly impacted based on the
increase in online identity theft (Jordan et al., 2018). Therefore, it is vital to understand the
impact of online transactions' fear due to the increase in online identity theft cases.
Researchers have conducted a different experiment in an attempt to understand the
impacts of online identity theft. Through the experiments, it has been possible to establish
personal identity (Menčik, 2020). The research has also examined the implications of the cases
of online identity theft. Therefore, it is vital to understand the implications of duplicating an
individual's identity (Menčik, 2020).
The cases of online identity theft mostly target individuals with higher incomes. The
hackers consider individuals' resources before committing online identity theft crimes (Reynolds,
2020). However, most online identity theft victims manage to recover the losses by working with
various institutions. In other cases, it becomes challenging to overcome the challenges posed by
the cases of online identity theft (Reynolds, 2020). Therefore, it is vital to take care to minimize


the exposure to incidences of online identity theft. The lower-income groups are less susceptible
to online identity theft.
Recent research has highlighted that online identity theft cases are common in many
financial institutions, such as banks. Many hackers have developed different approaches that are
designed to lure banks customers into their traps. For instance, with the increased use of mobile
banking, many people are bound to fall into online identity theft (Granova & Eloff, 2004). The
use of public Wi-Fi networks has increased the individual's vulnerability to different forms of
identity theft. Therefore, care must be taken to minimize exposure to different forms of online
identity theft (Granova & Eloff, 2004).
The perpetrators of online identity theft use different mechanisms to execute their
heinous activities. In most cases, the hackers target the unsuspecting individuals as they find it
easier to execute their attacks without raising any alarms (Hallberg, 2011). With the
advancements in technology, there has been a sharp increase in the reported cases of identity
theft. For instance, hackers may use information from databases in private institutions and create
fake identities (Hallberg, 2011). With the information, the groups may create fake credit cards
that are used to make purchases online.
Through online trading, it becomes easier for customers to compare the prices of different
goods and services from various sellers. Businesses also benefit from a large customer base by
trading their goods through online platforms (Smith, 2011). However, the recent increase in
online identity theft cases has significantly impacted the buyer's willingness to purchase goods
and services online. Therefore, online identity theft has significantly impacted people's attitudes
towards online trade (Smith, 2011).


Recent research on Canadian consumers of different goods and services has indicated that
online identity theft cases have impacted people's online trading perceptions. Based on the
research, over 20% of the consumers have reduced or stopped engaging in online purchases with
the fear of identity theft (Sproule & Archer, 2010). The developments have impacted many
businesses negatively. The government and leading corporations are concerned by the trends;
this is likely to prompt an increase in the laws and regulations to manage online identity theft
(Sproule & Archer, 2010).
Many businesses in the modern world are interconnected through the internet. In the
past, cases of online identity theft were only common in developed countries. However, with the
advancements in technology, online identity theft cases have become common in developing
nations, such as India (Vijaya Geeta, 2011). Therefore, there is a need to develop
countermeasures to mitigate the increasing cases of online identity theft.
Research design:
A research design is a conceptual outline describing the context of the study been conducted. A
descriptive research design was adopted to collect relevant, credible, and reliable information.
Besides, the descriptive research approach helped to save on expenses and time during data
According to Saunders et al. (2009), there are three methods of carrying out an
exploratory study: use of focused group interviews, secondary sources, especially existing
literature, and interviewing people with substantial knowledge on a given field. This study used


the second method (use of secondary sources) of data collection and analysis. Whereas
secondary analysis is systematic and can be applied in several aspects, it seems to be an
explanatory study and a specific process regarding the process, just like in gathering and
analyzing primary data Johnston, M. P. (2017).
1. Source of data
The data and information of this research is collected from secondary data. Secondary
data is collected from the previous researches and journals. Secondary data may be:s (a)
different publications of federal, state and federal officials; (b) different publications of foreign
nations or various organizations and their subsidiaries; (c) scientific and economic journal
articles; (d) textbooks, newspapers and magazines; (e) studies and journals of numerous trade
and ...

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