HLTH 1000 Walden University Wk 1 Health Goals Discussion

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Health Medical

HLTH 1000

Walden University



Assignment 2: My Health Journal

Social determinants and their influence on health are often related to entire populations. However, they can also be looked at on a more personal level. This week, for your Health Journal, you will consider how the social determinants impact your achievement of your health goals. In addition, you will describe your progress thus far on your health goal.

By Day 7

Write a half page entry in your Health Journal that answers the following questions:

  • How might achieving your goal (stated in the Week 1 My Journal) be impacted by one or more social determinants of health discussed this week? How can this determinant be addressed in order to help improve health behavior of an individual?
  • What progress have you made toward achieving your health behavior goal?
  • What, if any, challenges have you faced? How have you addressed those challenges?

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Explanation & Answer

Attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need revisions.

Social determinants

Annet Castillo
Walden University
December 6, 2020

Social determinants have a significant impact on the achievement of healthcare goals.
Environmental and social cohesion will affect the achievement of my goa...

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