Ashford University Mania and Depression Mood Disorders Discussion

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11:48 1 LTE S For this assignment, you have a topic assigned. To successfully complete this assignment do the following: u A. Research your topic, once you have thoroughly researched it, then B. Describe the mental disorder by: a. origins b. characteristics c. What is the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM- V? d. How does the DSM-IV-TR describe the mental illness? What famous person deals with the disorder you researched? f. References e. RUBRIC: Questions 1 - 2 25 points each = 50 points Questions 3 - 5 20 points each = 40 points Question 6, 10 points Total value........ 100 8:57 9 Search 2 of 4 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Nicardar characterized by a rapid heart rate and feelings of anxiety and helplessness caused by xperience such as threat, assault, destruction of one's community, or witnessing occur months or years after witnessing an event. The traumatic event is revisited intrusive memories, recurrent dreams, and flashbacks; the sudden feeling that ..- ecurring. Dissociative Disorders Disorders characterized by separation of mental processes such as thoughts, emotions, identity, memory, or consciousness. Dissociative Amnesia Disorder in which a person is suddenly unable to recall important personal information. The loss of memory cannot be attributed to organic problems, such as a blow to the head or alcoholic intoxication. Dissociative Fugue Disorder wherein a person abruptly leaves his or her home or place of work and travels to another place, having lost all memory of his or her past life. While at the new location, the person either does not think about the past or reports a past filled with invented memories. Dissociative Identity Disorder Disorder wherein an individual has two or more identities or personalities, each with distinct traits and memories that "occupy" the person. Each identity may or may not be aware of the others. Depersonalization Disorder Disorder characterized by persistent or recurrent feelings that one is detached from one's own body as if one is observing his or her thought process from the outside. Somatoform Disorders Sufferers complain of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or a persistent belief that they have a serious disease Conversion Disorder Disorder characterized by a major change in, or loss of physical functioning although no medical findings can explain the loss of the functioning. The individual is not faking. The person "converts" the source of stress into a physical disability. Hypochadriasis Disorder in which sufferers insist they have a serious physical illness even though no medical evidence can be found. They become preoccupied with minor physical sensations and continue to believe that they are ill despite the reassurance of physicians that they are healthy Mood Disorders Disorders characterized by disturbance in expressed emotions. The disruption generally involves sadness or elation Major Depression Disorder characterized by extreme feelings of sadness. Symptoms may include poor appetite, serious weight loss, agitation, or great lethargy. Sufferers may be unable to concentrate and make decisions. There may also be delusions or hallucinations. Suicidal thoughts may also be present. Bipo Disorder The person undergoes wide mood swings, from ecstatic elation to deep depression. These cycles seem unrelated to external events. In the manic phase, the person may show excessive excitement or silliness, carrying jokes too far, argumentativeness, poor judgment, destroying property, making huge contributions to charity, or giving away an expensive possession. When the person is in the depressive stage, he or she sleeps more, is lethargic. The person may also exhibit social withdrawal and irritability. Schizophrenia A severe psychological disorder characterized by disturbances in thought and language, perceptions and attention materactivity mood and withdrawaland absorption in daydreams or fantasy. Many times, schizophrenics suffer from delusions, hallucinations, and
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Short Health Assignment


a) Origin
Mood disorders are a condition where a person's emotions are disoriented and do not go along
with their daily state, leading to impaired judgment or behaviors mostly attributed to depression
and sadness. This condition was brought into the limelight by "Jean-Pierre Falret" through his
conceptualized work of mania and depression, which was later published in 1851. Kr...

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